
corporate social responsibility

We Shall Overcome: Addressing a History of Inaction on DEI in Tech Startups & Venture Capital

Tech and VC firms may finally be getting serious about Diversity, Equality & ...

Mike Grandinetti  

Four by Four: Unintended Risks of People Analytics

It's important to understand the risks of collecting and applying data in peo...

Emmanuel Senior Tenakwah  

Your Company Needs a Social Media Ethics Code

A company ethics code can mitigate increasing risks of social media.

Dan Prud'homme et al.  

Sustainability is no Longer Enough: How Corporations are Becoming the New Climate Activists

Companies need to join the forefront of the environmental movement.

Debbie Haski-Leventhal et al.  

The Great Recalibration: Ways Companies Reconfigure to Find Digital Success

Firms must prepare to adjust to the next technological revolution.

J. Mark Munoz  

Managing the Barriers to Startup Scalability

Inability to scale up is what often prevents firms from reaching full potential.

Helen Yu et al.  

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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