

The 4 Types of Leadership

How you communicate determines how you lead.

Carsten Lund Pedersen et al.  

Preparing for a New Era of Work

COVID-19 is redefining the nature of employee autonomy.

Carsten Lund Pedersen et al.  

Harness Natural Language Processing to Manage Supply Chain Risk

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize supply chain management.

T S Krishnan et al.  

IoT Platform Wars and the Battle of the Sexes

Standards wars in the burgeoning IoT space have slowed adoption.

Ram Shivakumar  

Four Steps to Preserving Privacy and Debiasing Data-Informed Policy

Machine learning can be a force for good, or a tool of surveillance and oppre...

Brian R. Spisak et al.  

The Uncertainty of Middle Management Jobs - And How to Stay Relevant

As AI and automation advances rapidly, the role and relevance of the middle m...

Vijay Govindarajan et al.  

California Management Review

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