

Facebook, User Privacy, and Data Responsibility

With great power comes great responsibility. Despite public outrage and Congr...

David Salisbury  

Targeted Ads: The Good, the Bad, the Unavoidable

Targeted ads are meant to provide a better, more relevant experience for the ...

Kimberly Rotter  

Jawbone: From Innovative to Insolvent

Conventional wisdom says a startup lives or dies by its access to funding. By...

Jeff Voss  

Healthcare at a Price: Brand Name Vs. Generic Drugs

The United States spends more on healthcare than any other developed countrie...

Kelsey Chong  

Collaborative R&D: the University-Industry Approach

Most companies recognize that external collaboration can be very beneficial t...

Kelsey Chong  
corporate social responsibility

Burning Man: Social Responsibility in a Changing World

In a climate where demand for Corporate Social Responsibility continues to gr...

Priscila Aoki  

A Tale of Two Cities: Ticket Pricing and Diversity at Burning Man

Despite lofty aims for inclusivity, Burning Man has done little to curb the s...

Jeff Voss  

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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