
Entrepreneurial Management

Embracing Solutions-Driven Innovation to Address Institutional Voids: The Case of Uber and the Middle of the Pyramid

This article explores solutions-driven innovation within an emerging market c...

Entrepreneurial Management

How Social Entrepreneurs Zig-Zag Their Way to Achieve Scale

This article provides guidance to social entrepreneurs and their funders as t...


Why Do Experts Solve Complex Problems Using Open Innovation? Evidence from the U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry

This article investigates how project expertise and complexity jointly impact...

Corporate Governance

Why Giants Stumble

Why do large, successful public companies and their CEOs suddenly weaken? To ...


Designing Governance Mechanisms in Platform Ecosystems: Addressing the Paradox of Openness through Blockchain Technolog

The paradox of openness is inherent to all platform ecosystems—the tension in...


Managing Knowledge Sharing-Protecting Tensions in Coupled Innovation Projects among Several Competitors

While collaborating with several competitors on coupled innovation projects r...


Strategic Management of Open Innovation: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective

Open innovation has become well established as a new imperative for organizin...


Letting the Computers Take Over: Using AI to Solve Marketing Problems

Artificial intelligence (AI) has proven to be useful in many applications fro...


Understanding the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Personalized Engagement Marketing

This article explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in aiding pers...


Demystifying AI: What Digital Transformation Leaders Can Teach You about Realistic Artificial Intelligence

Recent years have seen a reemergence of interest in artificial intelligence (...


Organizational Decision-Making Structures in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

How does organizational decision-making change with the advent of artificial ...


The Feeling Economy: Managing in the Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The capability of AI is currently expanding beyond mechanical and repetitive ...


Artificial Intelligence in Human Resources Management: Challenges and a Path Forward

There is a substantial gap between the promise and reality of artificial inte...


A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence: On the Past, Present, and Future of Artificial Intelligence

This introduction to this special issue discusses artificial intelligence (AI...


Keeping Humans in the Loop: Pooling Knowledge through Artificial Swarm Intelligence to Improve Business Decision Making

This article explores how a collaboration technology called Artificial Swarm ...


Governing Multilateral Alliances

The governance of multilateral alliances is an increasingly important strateg...


The Prospects for Enlightened Corporate Leadership

In his recent book, The Enlightened Capitalists, James O’Toole explores the c...


The Three Stages of Disruptive Innovation: Idea Generation, Incubation, and Scaling

Facing imminent disruption, many large, established firms have embraced innov...

Risk Management

Fretting about Modest Risks Is a Mistake

Managers often engage in risk-averse behavior, and economists, decision analy...


Affirmative Action and Its Persistent Effects: A New Perspective

This article examines how firms respond to federal affirmative action regulat...

Human Resource Management

Are You Ready for Gen Z in the Workplace

Gen Z (1997-2013) is just now entering the labor market and employers need to...

Supply Chain

Configuring the Last-Mile in Business-to-Consumer E-Retailing

Fulfillment strategies that offer consumers a consistent shopping experience ...

Business Models

Sharing Economy Services: Business Model Generation

The emerging growth of the sharing economy demonstrates the need to understan...

Business Models

Artificial Intelligence as a Growth Engine for Health Care Startups: Emerging Business Models

The future of health care may change dramatically as entrepreneurs offer solu...

Business Models

Business Model Responses to Digital Piracy

Digital piracy challenges firms by reducing revenues and shifting consumption...

Business Models

Circular Business Model Transformation: A Roadmap for Incumbent Firms

To achieve positive economic, environmental, and social benefits, many incumb...

Business Models

Simple Rules for a Network Efficiency Business Model: The Case of vizio

Business models that unlock efficiency across entire networks are becoming in...

Time Management

How Managers Perceive Real-Time Management: Thinking Fast & Flow

A new era of disruptive technologies and changing business practices is movin...


Innovation, Dynamic Capabilities, and Leadership

The world in which today’s businesses operate has become not only riskier but...

Business Models

A Compass for Navigating Sharing Economy Business Models

The sharing economy has emerged in recent years as a disruptive approach to t...


Building and Maintaining Strategic Agility: An Agenda and Framework for Executive IT leaders

While much literature on strategic agility has focused on strategic flexibili...


Management Innovation in a VUCA World: Challenges and Recommendations

Our Call for Papers focused on breaking established patterns and models and s...


Management Innovation Made in China: Haier’s Rendanheyi

Emerging market companies create new management practices for an environment ...


Design Roadmapping in an Uncertain World: Implementing a Customer-Experience-Focused Strategy

Technology is rapidly changing, and customers are seeking not just products a...


Responding to a Potentially Disruptive Technology: How Big Pharma Embraced Biotechnology

How do incumbent firms respond over time to a potentially disruptive technolo...

Organizational Culture

ESOP Plus Benefit Corporation: Ownership Culture with Benefit Accountability

Stakeholder capitalism seeks to benefit multiple stakeholders, rather than pr...

Social Issues

Engaging Employees as Social Innovators

This article explores a variety of ways employees are being engaged as social...


CSR Needs CPR: Corporate Sustainability and Politics

Corporate sustainability has gone mainstream, and many companies have taken m...


New-Technology Startups Seeking Pilot Customers: Crafting a Pair of Value Propositions

A corporation that employs an "outside-in" startup program needs to screen a ...


Orchestrating Circularity within Industrial Ecosystems: Lessons from Iconic Cases in Three Different Countries

This article explores how to get companies engaged in value-creating cooperat...


Disruptive Technology as an Enabler of the Circular Economy: What Potential Does 3D Printing Hold?

Three-dimensional (3D) printing has been widely identified as an emerging dis...


Circular Economy, 3D Printing, and the Biosphere Rules

This article applies the Biosphere Rules--a biomimicry-inspired management fr...


Managing a Complex Global Circular Economy Business Model: Opportunities and Challenges

This article presents an in-depth case study detailing the history, experienc...


Stakeholder Views on Extended Producer Responsibility and the Circular Economy

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulations require that producers org...


How Do Intelligent Goods Shape Closed-Loop Systems?

Disruptive technologies can increase the intelligence of goods and revitalize...


Introducing a Circular Economy: New Thinking with New Managerial and Policy Implications

Since the industrial revolution, we have been living in a linear economy. Our...


Moving to a Circular Economy in China: Transforming Industrial Parks into Eco-industrial Parks

China’s moves to introduce a Circular Economy have attracted wide attention a...


Searching for Partners in Open Innovation Settings: How to Overcome the Constraints of Local Search

The search for partners in open innovation settings often consumes substantia...

Customer Service

Returning Customers: The Hidden Strategic Opportunity of Returns Management

Product returns are both a challenge and an opportunity for most retailers, s...


Internet-Based Entrepreneurial Finance: Lessons from Germany

The Internet-based crowdinvesting market in Europe has developed significantl...

Information Technology

How to Manage Crowdsourcing Platforms Effectively?

To profit from crowdsourcing, organizations can engage in four different appr...


Burying the Hatchet for Catch-Up: Open Innovation among Industry Laggards in the Automotive Industry

What happens when firms in an oligopolistic industry find themselves lagging ...


Open Innovation: Research, Practices, and Policies

Open innovation is now a widely used concept in academia, business, and polic...

Information Technology

How to Scale Crowdsourcing Platforms

Innovative companies are building their business upon the participation of cr...


Crowd Equity Investors: An Underutilized Asset for Open Innovation in Startups

Collaborating with investor networks generated in the course of equity-based ...


Patagonia: Driving Sustainable Innovation by Embracing Tensions

This article examines the tensions that arise when Patagonia simultaneously p...

Personnel Policies

Who’s Really Doing the Work? The Impact of Group Size on Over-Claiming of Responsibility

People often believe that they do more than their fair share of work. This te...


Changing the Narrative: Women as Negotiators--and Leaders

The reasons for women’s relatively slow ascension in the workplace have been ...

Organizational Culture

Language as a Window into Culture

Culture is assumed to play a pivotal role in organizational success and failu...


Creating Incentives for Innovation

In an era of fast-paced technological change, innovation has become a busines...


How to Improve the Accuracy and Reduce the Cost of Personnel Selection

One of the clearest lessons to emerge from decades of research on personnel s...


Haas Research on Leadership: An Introduction

Once each decade, California Management Review (CMR) publishes a special issu...

Career Planning

The Multisector Career Arc: The Importance of Cross-Sector Affiliations

This article examines the extent to which current leaders from each of the th...

Organizational Structure

Managing Co-opetition for Shared Stakeholder Utility in Dynamic Environments

The U.S. health care industry, like many industries, continues to face the ne...

Product Development

In Pursuit of Product Modularity: Impediments and Stimulants

This article develops a framework, including a 2 × 2 matrix, to help guide fi...

Disruptive Innovation

Value Propositions for Disruptive Technologies: Reconfiguration Tactics in the Case of Electric Vehicles

Disruptive technologies tend to underperform on attributes that are considere...


Strategies for Higher Education in the Digital Age

This article analyzes online technology strategically from the perspective of...


Economics of the Ed Tech Revolution

Rapid changes in technology—including advances in augmented and artificial in...


Entering Conscious Consumer Markets: Toward a New Generation of Sustainability Strategies

More than 40% of U.S. consumers participate in the $300 billion conscious con...


Neuromarketing: Inside the Mind of the Consumer

Managers today are under tremendous pressure to uncover factors driving custo...


Strategy as Diligence: Putting Behavioral Strategy into Practice

Researchers in behavioral strategy are producing new insights on strategic de...


Strategizing with Biases: Making Better Decisions Using the Mindspace Approach

This article introduces strategists to the Mindspace framework and explores i...

Emotional Intelligence

Making Strategy Hot

It is often said that being a good strategist requires keeping a cool head. H...

Mergers & Acquisitions

Toehold Acquisitions as Behavioral Real Options

Dealmakers tend to neglect uncertainty when making acquisition decisions, rus...


Dismissing a Tarnished CEO? Psychological Mechanisms and Unconscious Biases in the Board’s Evaluation

In today’s world, CEOs are frequently dismissed following corporate misconduc...

Strategic Thinking

Behavioral Strategy and the Strategic Decision Architecture of the Firm

This special issue explores the impacts of behavioral strategy on management ...


Sleepwalking into Catastrophe: Cognitive Biases and Corporate Climate Change Inertia

Despite the consensus that climate change will have huge consequences not jus...


Beyond the "Win-Win": Creating Shared Value Requires Ethical Frameworks

While Porter and Kramer’s Creating Shared Value (CSV) works well as a managem...


WalMart's Emergent Low-Cost Sustainable Product Strategy

This article traces the strategic initiatives that Walmart undertook over the...

Customer Service

A Better Way to Manage Customer Experience: Lessons from the Royal Bank of Scotland

Customer experience is heralded as the competitive battleground; however, it ...

Disruptive Innovation

Decentralization and Localization of Production: The Organizational and Economic Consequences of Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)

The future organizational landscape may change drastically by mid-century as ...


Seeding, Referral, and Recommendation: Creating Profitable Word-of-Mouth Programs

In recent years, word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing has been the subject of consid...

Project Management

Supervising Projects You Don't (Fully) Understand: Lessons for Effective Project Governance by Steering Committees

Strategically important projects involve high stakes, uncertainty, and stakeh...

Research & Development

How to Avoid Innovation Competence Loss in R&D Outsourcing

Companies developing complex products face a crucial dilemma: the benefits of...

Growth Strategy

Smart Cities at the Crossroads: New Tensions in City Transformation

The Smart Cities movement has produced a large number of projects and experim...


Governing the City: Unleashing Value from the Business Ecosystem

Governing a city is arguably one of the most complex management tasks facing ...


A Smart City is a Collaborative Community: Lessons from Smart Aarhus

Initiatives to redesign cities so that they are smarter and more sustainable ...


The Making of the Urban Entrepreneur

Pressures on infrastructure- due to growing urban populations, the ubiquity o...


The Open Kimono: Toward a General Framework for Open Data Initiatives in Cities

The article presents a framework for exploring the drivers, structure, and dy...


The City as a Lab: Open Innovation Meets the Collaborative Economy

This article introduces the special issue on the increasing role of cities as...

Venture Capital

Rise of the Startup City: The Changing Geography of the Venture Capital Financed Innovation

The prevailing geographic model for high-technology industrial organization h...

Generative Sensing: A Design Perspective on the Microfoundations of Sensing Capabilities

The ability to sense valuable strategic options and then to organize effectiv...

Designing Organizations for Dynamic Capabilities

How can organizations put dynamic capabilities into practice? This article fo...

Adapting to Fast-Changing Markets and Technologies

The dynamic capabilities framework identifies three components as critical fo...

How Do Firms Adapt to Discontinuous Change? Bridging the Dynamic Capabilities and Ambidexterity Perspectives

This article develops a conceptual integration of the dynamic capabilities an...

Dynamic Capabilities and Organizational Agility: Risk, Uncertainty, and Strategy in the Innovation Economy

"Organizational agility" is often treated as an immutable quality, implying t...

Uncertainty, Innovation, and Dynamic Capabilities: An Introduction

This special issue draws on a range of intellectual roots- ranging from finan...

Dynamic Capabilities and Healthcare: A Framework for Enhancing the Competitive Advantage of Hospitals

This article describes how hospitals can use the dynamic capabilities framewo...

Dynamic Capabilities at Samsung: Optimizing Internal Co-opetition

This article presents a clinical study, based on a decade of ongoing research...

Information Technology

How to Use Big Data to Drive Your Supply Chain

Big data analytics has become an imperative for business leaders across every...

Information Technology

Digital Data Streams: Creating Value from Real-Time Flow of Big Data

There is no escaping the Big Data hype. Vendors are peddling Big Data solutio...

Social Enterprise

Revolution Foods: Expansion into the CPG Market

Revolution Foods (RevFoods) is a fast-growing, $100 million for-profit organi...


Addressing Competitive Responses to Acquisitions

Competitive retaliation is a significant constraint to merger and acquisition...

Service Management

Open Business Models and Closed-Loop Value Chains: Redefining the Firm-Consumer Relationship

Driven by recent socio-economic developments, manufacturing firms increasingl...

Business & Government Relations

Frame or Get Framed: The Critical Role of Issue Framing in Nonmarket Management

How a social or political issue is framed shapes the "nonmarket" context that...


What Are Your Signature Stories?

A signature story is an intriguing, authentic, involving narrative with a str...


The Present and Future of Crowdfunding

A group of experts discuss their thoughts about the current state of crowdfun...


What Goes Around Comes Around? Rewards as Strategic Assets in Crowdfunding

In crowdfunding, rewards can make or break success. Yet reward design, choice...


Democratizing Innovation and Capital Access: The Role of Crowdfunding

This article focuses on how crowdfunding might democratize the commercializat...


Crowdfunding in Europe: Determinants of Platform Creation Across Countries

While the crowdfunding phenomenon has attracted considerable practitioner and...


What Problems Does Crowdfunding Solve?

The expansion of crowdfunding raises two related questions: what type of plat...


Financing by and for the Masses: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Crowdfunding

This introduction to the special issue on crowdfunding begins by providing so...


Are Syndicates the Killer App of Equity Crowdfunding?

Information asymmetry presents a challenge to equity crowdfunding just as in ...

Diagnosing Innovation Readiness in Family Firms

Innovation is essential for family firms to remain competitive. One means to ...

Family Assets and Liabilities in the Innovation Process

Innovation in family firms is often driven by family assets, valuable resourc...

Managing Turbulence: Business Model Development in a Family-Owned Airline

How can a family business reduce environmental uncertainty and dependence by ...

Resources and Innovation in Family Businesses: The Janus-Face of Socioemotional Preferences

Family business socio-emotional preferences are often Janus-faced. Some striv...

Family-Driven Innovation: Resolving the Paradox in Family Firms

This article presents an integrated, contingency perspective on family firm i...

Fair Trade USA: Scaling for Impact

This case study focuses on Fair Trade USA (the leading third-party certifier ...

The Three Faces of Bounded Reliability: Alfred Chandler and the Micro-Foundations of Management Theory

Alfred Chandler, the celebrated business historian, provided detailed descrip...

Balanced Workplace Flexibility: Avoiding the Traps

This article identifies three types of traps that can emerge when implementin...

Consumer Markets for Remanufactured and Refurbished Products

Consumer product returns in the United States are approaching three-hundred b...

Castlight Health: Disrupting the Health Care Industry

This case study focuses on Castlight Health, a company that offered web-based...

Overcoming Barriers to Entry in an Established Industry: Tesla Motors

The automobile industry’s high costs of entry, economies of scale, and networ...

Crowdsourcing-Based Business Models: How to Create and Capture Value

Technology has transformed individuals from mere consumers of products to emp...

CGIP: Managing Consumer Generated Intellectual Property

Two related trends characterize the recent past: value propositions are migra...

Strategic Responses to Hybrid Social Ventures

How do established companies respond to the entry of hybrid social ventures i...

Identifying, Mapping, and Monitoring the Impact of Hybrid Firms

There is growing recognition that hybrid organizations can play a critical ro...

How Hybrid Organizations Turn Antagonistic Assets into Complementarities

This article focuses on people excluded from traditional markets as employees...

Hybrid Organizations as Shape-Shifters: Altering Legal Structure for Strategic Gain

Social entrepreneurs navigate a complex landscape of legal structures in whic...

Making Hybrids Work: Aligning Business Models and Organizational Design for Social Enterprises

Hybrid organizations pursuing a social mission while relying on a commercial ...

Benefit Corporation Legislation and the Emergence of a Social Hybrid Category

Previous research highlights tensions that social hybrids face by spanning ca...

Hybrid Organizations: Origins, Strategies, Impacts, and Implications

This introduction to the special issue on hybrid organizations defines hybrid...

How a One-Time Incentive Can Induce Long-Term Commitment to Training

This paper asks whether a one-time incentive can induce workers to commit to ...

3D Robotics: Disrupting the Drone Market

This case focuses on 3D Robotics, a drone company with UAV platforms. It exam...

Engaging with Startups to Enhance Corporate Innovation

When it comes to agility, startups have an edge over large corporations -- wh...

Global Clusters of Innovation: Lessons from Silicon Valley

Can innovation and entrepreneurship stimulate economic growth in diverse comm...

Improving Private Sector Impact on Poverty Alleviation

The past few decades have seen an increasing role for the private sector in p...

Thin Political Markets: The Soft Underbelly of Capitalism

"Thin Political Markets" are the processes through which some of the most com...

Fish Friendly Farming

This case study focuses on Fish Friendly Farming, part of a nonprofit organiz...

Green Innovation Games: Value-Creation Strategies for Corporate Sustainability

This study builds on insights from 49 sustainability leaders in the U.S. by e...

Opportunity Creation in Innovation Networks: Interactive Revealing Practices

Innovating in networks with partners that have diverse knowledge is challengi...

The Japanese Software Industry: What Went Wrong and What Can We Learn from It?

Recent findings indicate that the Japanese IT sector increasingly lags the U....

A Better Way to Forecast

Every business decision depends on making a forecast of the consequences of t...

A Service Lens on Value Creation: Marketing's Role in Achieving Strategic Advantage

Marketing needs a new mindset to fulfill its proper role in creating and sust...

Leanwashing: A Hidden Factor in the Obesity Crisis

Medical research consensus is that a poor diet is a much greater determinant ...

Social Media: A Tool for Open Innovation

Despite the exponential rise of social media use in external stakeholder enga...

Winning in Rural Emerging Markets: General Electric's Research Study on MNCs

In 2010, General Electric launched an investigation into how multinational co...

Is Revenue Sharing Right for Your Supply Chain?

Many firms have enjoyed remarkable success using revenue-sharing contracts to...

Managing Crowds in Innovation Challenges

Crowdsourcing for innovation is typically conducted as an "innovation challen...

Chez Panisse: Building an Open Innovation Ecosystem

The case study provides a history of Chez Panisse and Alice Waters. Throughou...

Managing Ambiguity in Strategic Alliances

Alliances have become a core component of many firms' strategy, but they are ...

Maersk Line: B2B Social Media - "It's Communication, Not Marketing"

The case describes the launch of a social media platform by the largest conta...

What Impact? A Framework for Measuring the Scale and Scope of Social Performance

Organizations with social missions, such as nonprofits and social enterprises...

Developing and Diffusing New Technologies: Strategies for Legitimization

This article investigates legitimization processes and organizations' strateg...

How to Tell which Decisions are Strategic

How can one tell which decisions are strategic? This article proposes a frame...

Paradoxical Leadership to Enable Strategic Agility

Strategic agility evokes contradictions, such as stability-flexibility, commi...

Strategic Agility in MNEs: Managing Tensions to Capture Opportunities Across Emerging and Established Markets

Traditional sources of sustainable competitive advantage are very rare in tod...

Strategic Agility: A State of the Art Introduction to the Special Section on Strategic Agility

An introduction to the special issue on Strategic Agility.

How Do Different Types of Mergers and Acquisitions Facilitate Strategic Agility?

Firms struggle to create an agile organizational system since it requires the...

Employee Contributions to Brand Equity

Viewing employees as elements of a brand or as "brand ambassadors" means that...

Coping with Open Innovation: Responding to the Challenges of External Engagement in R&D

Open innovation often requires wholesale changes to the nature of R&D. Howeve...

Retail Inventory: Managing the Canary in the Coal Mine

Retail inventory is a statistic that is closely watched by retailers as well ...

Managing Value in Supply Chains: Case Studies on the Sourcing Hub Concept

A firm’s raw material sourcing knowledge can be a strategic resource. This ar...

Social Capital, Sensemaking, and Recovery: Japanese Companies and the 2011 Earthquake

The earthquake that hit East Japan in March 2011 caused massive damage. While...

Contesting the Value of "Creating Shared Value"

This article critiques Porter and Kramer’s concept of creating shared value. ...

Culture Change at Genentech: Accelerating Strategic and Financial Accomplishments

This case study describes the culture change process and positive outcomes at...

The New Perspective on Organizational Wrongdoing

Wrongdoing in and by organizations offends public sensibilities, is costly to...

The Agenda-Setting Power of Stakeholder Media

Media controlled by stakeholder communities and groups, or "stakeholder media...

Steering Manufacturing Firms Towards Service Business Model Innovation

Increasingly, manufacturing firms are turning to services as a new way of cre...

Coach McKeever: Unorthodox Leadership Lessons from the Pool

The case explores the remarkable rise of Coach Teri McKeever to the top of a ...

People Operations at Mozilla Corporation: Scaling a Peer-to-Peer Global Community

This case study describes Vice President and Chief of People Debbie Cohen’s k...

Where Has the Time Gone? Addressing Collaboration Overload in a Networked Economy

As a result of the spread of social media and collaboration technologies in t...

Managing the Intellectual Property Disassembly Problem

This article deals with the intellectual property (IP) disassembly problem, w...

Strategic Management of Intellectual Property: An Integrated Approach

In many organizations, the R&D, strategy, and legal functions are poorly inte...

Operational Challenges and ST’ s Proposed Solutions to Improve Collaboration between IP and R&D in Innovation Processes

The implementation of a change in IP strategy represents a challenging task f...

Protecting Growth Options in Dynamic Markets: The Role of Strategic Disclosure in Integrated Intellectual Property Strategies

Given recent developments in information technology and intellectual property...

Value Articulation: A Framework for the Strategic Management of Intellectual Property

This article introduces a framework that helps to assimilate intellectual pro...

Recovering Abandoned Compounds Through Expanded External IP Licensing

Pharmaceutical drug development costs have risen rapidly over the past twenty...

IP Models to Orchestrate Innovation Ecosystems: IMEC, a Public Research Institute in Nano-Electronics

Companies increasingly organize innovation activities within innovation ecosy...

Managing Intellectual property Using Patent Pools: Lessons from Three Generations of Pools in the Optical Disc Industry

For modern technologies, access to intellectual property rights (IPR) is comp...

Towards the (Strategic) Management of Intellectual Property: Retrospective and Prospective

The systematic integrated management of intellectual property (IP) is a recen...

Building Appropriation Advantage: An Introduction to the Special Issue on Intellectual Property Managemen

An introduction to the special issue on Intellectual Property Management

IP Modularity: Profiting from Innovation by Aligning Product Architecture with Intellectual Property

Firms seeking to take advantage of distributed innovation and outsourcing can...

On the Scientific Status of the Conscious Capitalism Theory

This note is a response to Rajendra Sisodia’s commentary on my article on the...

Understanding the Performance Drivers of Conscious Firms

This note responds to Chong Wang’s article, "Conscious Capitalism Firms: Do T...

Conscious Capitalism Firms: Do They Behave as Their Proponents Say?

Proponents of the Conscious Capitalism (CC) movement claim that CC firms shou...

Customer-Centric Leadership: How to Manage Strategic Customers as Assets in B2B Markets

In this age of tough, global competition, companies in business-to-business m...

Building Brands Together: Emergence and Outcomes of Co-Creation

Co-creation is a rapidly emerging area of research. However, there is a lack ...

Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria

The Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria case study presents the history of Amici’s Ea...

When It Takes a Network: Creating Strategy and Agility through Wargaming

Rational, analytical, directed approaches for strategy creation and execution...

What Drives Exponential Improvements?

This article illuminates the drivers of exponential improvements in performan...

When It Takes a Network: Creating Strategy and Agility through Wargaming

Rational, analytical, directed approaches for strategy creation and execution...

Self-Inflicted Industry Wounds: Early Warning Signals and Pelican Gambits

Systemic risks arising from underlying interdependencies can create havoc at ...

Simple Rules for Designing Business Models

Innovation in business model design is attracting increasing attention from c...

Go Configure: The Mix of Purchasing Practices to Choose for Your Supply Base

Purchasing and supply management professionals recognize the value of aggress...

Doing Business Without Exchanging Money: The Scale and Creativity of Modern Barter

Although money plays a key role in modern economies, an increasing amount of ...

Proteolix: A "Me-Too" Success

In an industry rife with failures, Proteolix, a biotechnology company, was a ...

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Overconfidence while Benefiting from the Advantages of Confidence

Successful leadership depends on the confidence to rally support, win allies,...

Alphabet Energy: Thermoelectrics and Market Entry

Alphabet Energy was founded in 2009 with a new thermoelectric technology that...

Environmental Regulation and Innovation Dynamics in the Oil Tanker Industry

The maritime industry is widely seen as less permeable to innovation than oth...

Enhanced Market Practices: Poverty Alleviation for Poor Producers in Developing Countries

Interest in market-based solutions to reduce poverty has grown substantially ...

Sustainability: How Stakeholder Perceptions Differ from Corporate Reality

A strong reputation is widely acknowledged to be the most valuable asset of a...

A Fat Debate on Big Food? Unraveling Blogosphere Reactions

Confronted with public concerns about health and obesity, food companies are ...

Ecosystem Advantage: How to Successfully Harness the Power of Partners

Changes in the global environment are generating opportunities for companies ...

The Flattened Firm: Not as Advertised

For decades, management consultants and the popular business press have urged...

SpeedSim: Made to Exit!

The SpeedSim case study focuses on how mergers and acquisitions work in start...

Managing in Different Growth Contexts

Existing frameworks on growth do not distinguish between the managerial chall...

Employee Engagement and CSR: Transactional, Relational, and Developmental Approaches

This article looks at the relevance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) ...

A Strategic Framework for Spare Parts Logistics

Strategically aligned and efficiently implemented spare parts logistics can d...

Democratizing Strategy: How Crowdsourcing Can Be Used for Strategy Dialogues

Crowdsourcing is typically associated with the incorporation of company-exter...

From Preliminary Ideas to Corroborated Product Definitions: Managing the Front End of New Product Development

Front-end activities largely influence the outcomes of new product developmen...

Can Innovation be Lean?

Every executive has heard about the importance of Lean as a means of eliminat...

GE’s ecomagination Challenge: An Experiment in Open Innovation

This GE ecomagination Challenge case study takes place in 2010 when Beth Coms...

Managing Unsolicited Ideas for R&D

Existing academic and popular literature suggests that unsolicited ideas, the...

Outsourcing Complex Business Processes: Lessons from an Enterprise Partnership

Outsourcing initiatives are key to firm efforts to focus on core competencies...

Building a Strong Corporate Ethical Identity: Key Findings from Suppliers

The building of Corporate Ethical Identity, a process referred to as "ethical...

Strategically Leveraging Corporate Social Responsibility: A Corporate Branding Perspective

While corporate social responsibility (CSR) is changing the rules of branding...

Corporate Brand Management Imperatives: Custodianship, Credibility, and Calibration

Strategic corporate brand management requires commitment to three critically ...

Corporate Languages and Strategic Agility: Trapped in Your Jargon or Lost in Translation?

While all of us recognize that languagematters in the obvious case of differe...

Corporate Reputations: Built In or Bolted On?

While there is widespread support for the notion that organizations with bett...

Misguided Policy? Following Venture Capital into Clean Technology

In a search for Schumpeterian solutions, the Obama Administration has made ve...

Flexible Footprints: Reconfiguring MNCs for New Value Opportunities

Powerful technological, regulatory, and economic forces compel the senior exe...

The Renaissance CIO Project: The Invisible Factors of Extraordinary Success

As the role of the CIO continues to evolve, the determinants of CIO success r...

Taboo Scenarios: How To Think about the Unthinkable

Taboos are a universal feature of social systems. Even the most avowedly open...

B2B Brand Architecture

This article, based on work with dozens of Business-to-Business firms, extrac...

Win the Brand Relevance Battle and then Build Competitor Barriers

The only way to achieve real growth is to develop offerings so innovative tha...

B2B Brand Architecture

This article, based on work with dozens of Business-to-Business firms, extrac...

Firms, Regulatory Uncertainty, and the Natural Environment

This introduction presents a framework managers can use to deal with regulato...

Profiting from Environmental Regulatory Uncertainty: Integrated Strategies for Competitive Advantage

This article offers two integrated strategies managers can use in the face of...

Strategies to Cope with Regulatory Uncertainty in the Auto Industry

Automotive assemblers and suppliers have employed a number of different strat...

Airlines' Flexibility in Facing Regulatory Uncertainty: To Anticipate or Adapt?

Coping with uncertainty is a fundamental challenge for firms. One way they ca...

Regulatory Uncertainty and Opportunity Seeking: The Case of Clean Development

Regulatory uncertainty has been inherent in climate change policy due to the ...

Regulatory Uncertainty and Corporate Responses to Environmental Protection in China

This article analyzes the closing gap between regulation and enforcement of e...

Government Policy and Firm Strategy in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry

The solar photovoltaics (PV) industry would not exist without government poli...

The Drivers of Greenwashing

More and more firms are engaging in greenwashing, misleading consumers about ...

It's Not About Winning, It's About Getting Better

This article describes the leadership style of Coach Jack Clark, under whose ...

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine: Leveraging Networks to Reduce the Costs of Turnover

Increased workforce mobility imposes a significant cost on many organizations...

How to Foster and Sustain Engagement in Virtual Communities

Getting customers engaged is one of the most significant challenges for firm-...

Innovation in Multi-Invention Contexts: Mapping Solutions to Technological and Intellectual Property Complexity

More than ever, commercializing new patent-based products requires drawing on...

Integrating Environmental and International Strategies in a World of Regulatory Turbulence

Companies operating in multiple countries face different and often changing r...

Organizational Ambidexterity in Action: How Managers Explore and Exploit

Dynamic capabilities have been proposed as a useful way to understand how org...

Can We Find Another Half a Cheer?

Response to "Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism" Peter L. Thig...

What Are the Limits to Conscious Capitalism?

Response to "Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism" Michael Stron...

Conscious Capitalism: A Better Way to Win

Response to "Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism" Rajendra S. S...

Conscious Capitalism: A Better Road Map

Response to "Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism" Doug Rauch is...

What Conscious Capitalism Really Is

Response to "Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism" John Mackey i...

The Long History of Conscious Capitalism

Response to "Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism" Kirk O. Hanso...

Two and a Half Cheers for Conscious Capitalism

In recent years, the idea of conscious capitalism has emerged as an important...

The Case for Open Services Innovation: The Commodity Trap

Service innovations represent an important way for firms to retain their comp...

CSR as Reputation Insurance: Primum Non Nocere

An overlooked but important benefit of CSR is to insure a firm against a decl...

Super-Flexibility for Real-Time Adaptation: Perspectives from Silicon Valley

Real-time adaptation is crucial in today’s unpredictable world. A plethora of...

Agile Innovation: A Footprint Balancing Distance and Immersion

To meet the demands of globalization, companies need to continually and rapid...

The Grand Misapprehension

Karnani’s article makes a number of misleading assumptions. First, it assumes...

CSR Stuck in Logical Trap

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) discussions often fall prey to a logica...

"First They Ignore You . . . ": The Time-Context Dynamic and Corporate Responsibility

One of the reasons it has been so challenging to define corporate responsibil...

"Doing Well by Doing Good": The Grand Illusion

The idea that companies can "do well by doing good" has caught the attention ...

Global Clusters of Innovation: The Case of Israel and Silicon Valley

Clusters of Innovation (COI) do not exist in isolation. The most successful a...

Marketing Technological Innovation to LDCs: Lessons from One Laptop Per Child

A technological innovation designed for a cause that is popular worldwide, th...

Lost Roots: How Project Management Came to Emphasize Control Over Flexibility and Novelty

The current discipline of project management is based on the model of the pro...

Internationalization Strategies of Emerging Markets Firms

Although firms from emerging markets are becoming significant global players,...

Technology Transfer across Organizational Boundaries: Absorptive Capacity and Desorptive Capacity

In light of the trend towards open innovation, interorganizational technology...

Is Your Project Turning into a Black Hole?

Any seasoned executive knows that information technology (IT) projects have a...

Inside Ericsson: A Framework for the Practice of Leading Global IT-Enabled Change

This article explores what it is that managers actually do to successfully le...

Managing Disputes with Nonmarket Stakeholders

How do managers respond when confronted with the demands of activist stakehol...

Playing at Serial Acquisitions

Behavioral biases can result in suboptimal acquisition decisions - with the p...

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

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