
The Study of Social Issues in Management: A Critical Appraisal

This article offers a two-part criticism of the current state of research and...

BOOK REVIEW: Megamergers: Corporate America's Billion Dollar Takeovers

Book Review: MEGAMERGERS by Kenneth M Davidson

Issues in Understanding and Changing Corporate Culture

The current popularity of corporate culture has raised some important issues....

Changing Patterns of International Competition

What does international competition mean for competitive strategy? While ther...

A Debate on the Future of Research in Business and Society

At the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Social Issues Division of the Academy of Ma...

Toward CSR3: Why Ethical Analysis Is Indispensable and Unavoidable in Corporate Affairs

Corporate managers and business-and-society scholars cannot escape the normat...

Political Risk Analysis and Direct Foreign Investment: Some Problems of Definition and Measurement

Research and analysis of political risk assessment in overseas areas is encum...

The Breakup of the Bell System: A Case Study in Cultural Transformation

From an insider's viewpoint, the author describes the major steps in the Amer...

Political Risk in the Gulf: The Impact of the Iran-Iraq War on Governments and Multinational Corporations

This article examines the impact of the Iran-Iraq War on the neighboring coun...

Accounting Lag: The Obsolescence of Cost Accounting Systems

Contemporary changes in the organization and technology of manufacturing oper...

Worker Adjustment: The Missing Ingredient in Trade Policy

Since free trade benefits the economy as a whole, it ought to be feasible for...

Managing Culture: The Invisible Barrier to Strategic Change

The core beliefs of top managers can inhibit strategic change by producing "s...

Countertrade, Offsets, Barter, and Buybacks

Countertrade, offsets, barter, and buybacks have existed since before money w...

Creating Political Advantage: The Rise of the Corporate Political Entrepreneurs

Corporate political activity has been on the rise for the past 15 years. Whil...

The Impact of the Regulatory Life Cycle on Corporate Political Activity

This article examines the impact of the regulatory process on corporate polit...

BOOK REVIEW: Michael Porter’s Competitive Advantage

Book Review: Michael Porter's Competitive Advantage by Frederick E. Balderston.

High-Technology Location and Development: The Case of Orange County

This article analyzes the question of local high-technology location and deve...

Tax Reform and Real Estate

The recent tax reforms proposed by the Administration have occasioned bitter ...

MWBA (Managing By Walking Around)

In an excerpt from their new book, A Passion for Excellence, the authors show...

Organizational Demography: Implications for Management

The composition of organizations in terms of the length of service and age di...

Adjusting to a Strong $: Lessons from the European Experience

As a result of the rise in the value of the dollar against most other currenc...

Employee Practices at the Best-Managed Companies

A defining characteristic of the best-managed companies is the high value the...

Counter Evidence on Managements' Investment Myopia

Contentions that American managers are too myopic are, in a word, wrong. Whil...

Corporate Grassroots Programs in the 1980s

Record numbers of executives are enrolling in political education seminars as...

The Management Practices of Japanese Subsidiaries Overseas

The main purpose of this article is to identify and discuss the Japanese mana...

American and Chinese Managers in U.S. Companies in Taiwan: A Comparison

Trade between Taiwan and the U.S. has grown dramatically in recent years. By ...

East Asian Financial Systems as a Challenge to Economics: Lessons from Taiwan

Taiwan, Japan, and Korea have financial systems far from the liberal type, wi...

Labor Relations in China

This article focuses on the permanent workers in the 400,000 industrial enter...

Commercial Aircraft: Cooperation and Competition Between the U.S. and Japan

The article highlights the competition existing between the U.S. and Japan in...

U.S. Joint Ventures in China: Motivation and Management of Political Risk

Since the People's Republic of China approved the Law on Joint Ventures Using...

Lessons from the Chrysler Bailout

The Chrysler rescue marked a startling departure from political convention. A...

Marketing and the Modernization of China

Late in 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the ...

BOOK REVIEW: A Reader’s Guide to the Industrial Policy Debate

Reviews the book "A Reader's Guide to the Industrial Debate."

Creating Jobs Through Pension Fund Investments in Real Estate: Innovations from California

There are two important features that make real estate an attractive investme...

The American Semiconductor Industry and the Ascendancy of East Asia

Since the invention of the point contact transistor at Bell Laboratories in 1...

The Institutional Foundations of Japanese Industrial Policy

In Japan, macro industrial policy has been of much greater importance than in...

Global Competition: The New Reality

The article presents several issues related to global competition. Since mid-...

Are the Expectations of Women Managers Being Met?

Despite legal sanctions and political pressure from women's organizations to ...

Restoring the Competitive Edge in U.S. Manufacturing

The article discusses several issues related to manufacturing industries in t...

BOOK REVIEW: Silicon Valley Fever

Reviews the book "Silicon Valley Fever," by Everett M. Rogers and Judith K. L...

Reconciling Management Research and Practice

It is a truism that a professional school represents a marriage between theor...

The Future of Business Education

By virtually any measure, the business of business education appears to be bo...

The Limits of Business Self-Regulation

In a liberal democracy, there are limits to the extent to which socially resp...

Business Schools and Their Critics

In the hunt for causes of the competitive problems challenging American indus...

Evaluating Merger Performance

According to authors' their work with several large diversified manufacturers...

Sanctions, Incentives, and Corporate Behavior

This article briefly examines a few specific cases where certain corporations...

Market Positioning in High Technology

The article discusses various issues related to market positioning in high te...

High-Technology Exports from Newly Industrializing Countries: The Brazilian Commuter Aircraft Industry

Embraer Aircraft Co., a Brazilian state-owned aerospace company, began export...

Capital Financing Strategies of the Japanese Semiconductor Industry

In 1980, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) published a study prepa...

Assessing the Nestle Boycott: Corporate Accountability and Human Rights

In October 1984, the International Nestlé Boycott Committee announced the ter...

Understanding the Cultural Environment: U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade Negotiations

In spite of the official position of the U.S. government since the Soviet inv...

Putting Technology into Strategic Planning

Technological change can either create or destroy profits, markets and indust...

The Paradox of 'Corporate Culture': Reconciling Ourselves to Socialization

The article focuses on systematic means by which firms bring new members into...

The Ethics of Hardball

At a Sunday picnic, an easy game of softball is a safe bet to make sure that ...

Entrepreneurial Strategies

The article discusses several strategies in connection with business. Being "...

Lessons from the Best Companies to Work For

The article lists some of the wonderful benefits available to employees at th...

Trade Deficits, Industrial Competitiveness, and the Japanese

As nearly every month brings new record deficits in U.S. merchandise trade an...

The Continuing Increase in the Use of Sophisticated Capital Budgeting Techniques

The results of the three surveys clearly show that firms are increasingly usi...

Loyalty and a Sense of Purpose

This article focuses on the industrial efficiency and loyalty of Japanese emp...

Regulation in America: A Historical Overview

This article is excerpted from the concluding chapter of Thomas McCraw's "Pro...

Who Should Control the Corporation?

This article debates over the control of the organization, the major debate r...

BOOK REVIEW: Taking Mayo and MacGregor Seriously

Reviews the book "Managerial Engineering: Techniques for Improving Quality an...

Revitalizing American Industry: Managing in a Competitive World Economy

This article focuses on the need for revitalization of American industries to...

The Industrial Policy Debate Re-examined

This article focuses on the American industrial policy as of September 1984. ...

The Export Trading Co. Act: A Viable International Marketing Tool

No one expects the Export Trading Company (ETC) Act to rapidly spawn export t...

The Misalignment of the U.S. Dollar and the Japanese Yen: The Problem and Its Solution

The article focuses on the misalignment of the U.S. dollar and the Japanese y...

Managerial Communication: The View from Inside

This article focuses on managerial communication. One important day-to-day ta...

Merger Decision Making: An Ethical Analysis and Recommendation

There are three distinct phases in the successful execution of a merger. The ...

Management and Magic

Business decision makers operate in a world where there is a high degree of r...

Golden Parachutes: A Closer Look

This article describes various aspects related to the policy of golden parach...

Reforming Corporate Governance

Over the past one hundred years, the impact and range of the modem corporatio...

Women in International Management

This article focuses on the role of women in international management. The in...

The Decline of the Japanese System of Management

This article focuses on the decline of the Japanese System of Management. Iro...

What Japan Learned from the U.S.--That We Forgot to Remember

A good deal of Japan's recent success has its roots in what the Japanese lear...

The Future of Industrial Relations

Industrial relations also has a long history of rather well-informed individu...

Issues Management in an Uncertain Environment

Issues management may be an unfortunate misnomer. Certainly, no corporate sta...

Difficulties in Overseeing Ethical Policy

This article focuses on the significance of ethical policy in business manage...

How to Negotiate With the Japanese

This article focuses on a study conducted to find successful methods of negot...

Housing Policies for California in the 1980s

This article presents views of the author on housing policies for California ...

Why the Human Resources Management Function Fails

Since the end of the Second World War, the field of human resources managemen...

BOOK REVIEW: Recent Additions to the Social Regulation Literature

Reviews several books on social regulation. "Going by the Book: The Problem o...

Political and Economic Teamwork: The Development of the Microelectronics Industry of Japan

This article focuses on the political and economic development in the microel...

Economic Analysis and Strategic Management

The purpose of this article is to explain why economic analysis has until rec...

Making American Manufacturing Competitive

A great contest is changing the industrial foundations of the world economy a...

How to Select a Business Strategy

A business strategy has two core elements. The first is the product-market in...

Values and the American Manager: An Update

The values of American managers, particularly those of top executives usually...

Perspectives on Strategy: The Real Story Behind Honda's Success

The intent of the strategy model has always been to assess the relationship o...

Five Steps to Strategic Action

The article presents five approaches to developing and implementing strategy ...

Export Strategies for Small American Firms

One important reason for the minor involvement of the U. S. companies in expo...

Designs for Corporate Entrepreneurship in Established Firms

Until recently, the Schumpeterian distinction between entrepreneurial and adm...

Corporate Responsibility in a Changing Legal Environment

The goal of corporate social responsibility models is to understand, evaluate...

The Ecological Analysis of Business Strategy

Considering populations of firms in the context of competitive dynamics can a...

Strategy Follows Structure: Developing Distinctive Skills

Distinctive organizational performance, for good or ill, is almost entirely a...

The Specialist Strategy

The question remains as to whether sociologists should even bother considerin...

Fit, Failure, and the Hall of Fame

There is currently a convergence of attention and concern among managers and ...

Arendt's Action Philosophy and the Manager as Eichmann, Richard III, Faust, or Institution Citizen

Hannah Arendt was a respected and controversial philosopher and political the...

The New Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility

The article presents a discussion on social responsibility of business. The f...

A Keynesian View of the Budget Deficit

The two instruments of macroeconomic management available to the government a...

Industrial Policy and International Competition in High Technology

The U.S. continues to lead in the research and production phases of industry....

BOOK REVIEW: Corporate Social and Political Action

Reviews several volumes of the book "Research in Corporate and Social Perform...

When Business Closes Down: Social Responsibilities and Management Actions

There is no single reason why so many business and plant shutdowns have occur...

Business and Government: The Origins of the Adversary Relationship

Throughout American history, the proper relationship between the public and p...

Public Policy and Price Per KWH

Perhaps no industry better represents a microcosm of industrial society than ...

The Image of Business on Prime Time Television

Television entertainment, beneath its consensus on uplift and the well-appoin...

Venture Capital and the Growth of Silicon Valley

Today, new business formation and venture capital have been enjoying an unpre...

California Transportation: Inventory and Prospects

The article comments on the transportation system of California. California h...

Just-In-Time Purchasing: A Challenge for U.S. Industry

Traditional U.S. purchasing is under assault. Japanese purchasing practices, ...

Regulatory Reform: A Report Card for the Reagan Administration

Reforms of federal regulation since 1981 have been modest. At the statutory l...

BOOK REVIEW: Business Ethics

Reviews several books related to business ethics. "Moral Issues in Business,"...

Environmental Regulation: Some Lessons From British Policy

The adversarial relationship between business and government in the United St...

Marketing to the Hispanic Community

Hispanics make up a consumer market of numerous segments and particular needs...

Revolution and War in the Persian Gulf: The Effect on MNCs

This article analyzes the effects of the recent developments in Iran--namely,...

Assessing OPEC's Pricing Policies

The failure of analysts to understand OPEC behavior is traced in part to the ...

Point of View: The New Management Thinkers

The new management thinkers bring both fresh insights and a revival message t...

The Concerns of the Rich/Poor Consumer

After two decades of the pursuit of consumer rights through regulation, a new...

Evaluating Quality Circles: The American Application

In what represents a reversal in the flow of knowledge between the two countr...

The Public Affairs Function

Corporate public affairs is a relatively young staff function. As such, its m...

Who Should Control Nationalized Companies?

Every large organization must have a system of control, a process for selecti...

Managerial Values and Corporate Codes of Ethics

An analysis of 119 corporation conduct codes suggests that top executives of ...

The Corporate Role in the Not-So-Great Society

Direct federal support and corporate philanthropy are two of the many mechani...

Women on Fortune 500 Boards

Over the past decade, the ranks of female directors in Fortune 500 companies ...

Can Industry Self-Regulation Work?

What has been our experience with industry self-regulation-the setting of sta...

Industrial Policy: A Solution in Search of a Problem

Evidence from the 1970s does not support the view that the United States is "...

How to Conduct a Successful Media Interview

Few issues have caused as much concern among managers over the last decade as...

Why Are Prices for Stock Index Futures So Low?

Stephen Figlewski is an associate professor of finance at New York University...

Business and Society Exchanges: A Framework for Analysis

The authors propose a conceptual framework for the analysis of business-socie...

The 1982 Union Wage Concessions: A Turning Point in Collective Bargaining?

Arguments that 1982 marked a turning point in union wage determination are ov...

The Future of Investment in Real Estate

Real estate is an established investment medium for pension funds and for ind...

BOOK REVIEW: Has Corporate Public Affairs Come of Age?

Reviews three books. "Fighting to Win," by Edward A. Grefe; "The Public Affai...

Commodity and Financial Instrument Options

James W. Hoag is an assistant professor of finance in the Schools of Business...

Looking Back at Topeka: General Foods and the Quality-of-Work-Life Experiment

The Topeka Pet Food Plant has been one of the most highly publicized examples...

American Industry in International Competition: Government Policies and Corporate Strategies

The article focuses on government policies and corporate strategies. The auth...

An Interview with Mark Garman

Mark B. Garman is a professor of finance and management science in the School...

Dealing with Premature Employee Turnover

The article focuses on premature employee turnover. Focusing on the turnover ...

Shareholder Democracy: A Reality or Chimera?

The article focuses on shareholder democracy. Champions of shareholder partic...

Stockholders and Stakeholders: A New Perspective on Corporate Governance

The article shows that the concept of stakeholders in an organization can be ...

David Pyle on Short-Term Interest Rates

David H. Pyle is the Willis H. Booth Professor of Banking and Finance in the ...

Trends in Shareholder Activism: 1970-1982

The article examines the evolution and the effects of politically oriented sh...

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Reagan Era and Beyond

The article focuses on corporate social responsibility in the U.S. One way to...

Intensive Growth Opportunities: An Extended Classification

The article focuses on the intensive growth opportunities open to a firm. Mar...

BOOK REVIEW: Teaching Materials in Business and Society

The article focuses on teaching materials in business and society. Contempora...

The Public Backlash Against PACs

The article focuses on the management of public affairs. The American public ...

The 'Internationalization' of the Japanese Economy

The article focuses on the internationalization of the Japanese Economy. Fore...

Organizing a Strategic Information Scanning System

For a strategic information scanning system to provide useful strategic infor...

Worker Motivation: Unsolved Problem or Untapped Resource?

A new study of almost eleven thousand hourly employees in thirty-seven firms ...

Webb-Pomerene and the Construction Industry

The Webb-Pomerene Act exempts manufacturing associations formed for the purpo...

Spin-Offs and the New Firm Formation Process

Spin-offs-new firms created by individuals breaking off from existing ones to...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Hong Kong

The reputation of business in Hong Kong includes alleged exploitation of labo...

Why Large Corporations Purchase Property/Liability Insurance

The purchase of property/liability insurance by a large, widely held corporat...

FSLIC: A Financial Buffer?

The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation is responsible for insurin...

Productivity: A New Perspective

A major concern in the U.S. today is our low level of productivity increase. ...

Should a Country Move toward International Strategic Market Planning?

`In government-guided country international strategic market planning (CISMP)...

The Theory Z Organization from a Power-Control Perspective

The attractiveness of the Theory Z organization is not due to any inherent im...

Should the Consumer Price Index Determine Wages?

The article focuses on relation between consumer price index (CPI) and wages....

Marketing Information Systems: Uses in the Fortune 500

The article focuses on marketing information systems and their uses in the jo...

Management's Role in Declining Productivity

The article focuses on the management's role in declining productivity. When ...

Selection and Training Procedures of U.S., European, and Japanese Multinationals

The article focuses on selection and training procedures of United States, Gr...

Linking Strategic Planning and Management Manpower Planning

The article focuses on link between strategic planning and manpower planning....

Improving Marketing Productivity: The 80/20 Principle Revisited

The article focuses on improving marketing productivity. A small proportion o...

The Product Portfolio and Man's Best Friend

The article focuses on the BCG Matrix. Most strategic planners are familiar w...

Multinational Capital Budgeting: Foreign Investment Ufnder Subsidy

The article focuses on multinational capital budgeting, foreign investment un...

BOOK REVIEW: Management Implications of Drucker’s Managing in Turbulent Times

Reviews the book "Management Implications of Drucker's Managing in Turbulent ...

The Influence of Sex on Managers in the Service Sector

The article focuses on influence of sex on managers in service sectors. Using...

Leadership in a Declining Work Ethic

The American post-war generation seems to be less motivated toward success, l...

Foreign Investment in LDCs: Egypt

Most Low Developed Countries (LDC) need foreign capital to finance economic d...

Help for Chief Executives: The Outside Consultant

In corporate sector, need for outside help has increased enormously since the...

Business Ethics: A Trojan Horse?

Peter F. Drucker has been acclaimed as the "foremost philosopher of American ...

Four Faces of the Fully Functioning Middle Manager

Since the very beginning, the status of middle managers has been much more de...

Management and the New Egalitarianism: McGuire Revisited

Apologists of capitalism have always argued that the system is more productiv...

Sizing Up New Capital Dividend Reinvestment Plans

A New York stock exchange study reported that inadequate capital investment, ...

No-Fault Criminal Liability for Executives

According to traditional criminal law principles, a person cannot be found gu...

Alternative Approaches to Complying with NEPA: A Cost-Benefit Analysis

On January 1, 1970, the enactment of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)...

Housing Crisis in California

Most people in California enjoy the housing shortage; very few are suffering ...

Planning Executive Dismissals: How to Fire a Friend

While the dismissal of an executive is nearly always traumatic event for the ...

Rationalizing the Unrelated Acquisition

This article argues that unrelated diversification is consistent with a histo...

Strategic Management for Multiprogram Nonprofit Organizations

The task of managing a multiprogram non-profit organization can be arduous. S...

HP-Grenoble: Case Study in Technology Transfer

The transfer of a product or process from one location of an organization to ...

Internal Control of Managerial Integrity: Beyond Accounting Systems

The last decade has witnessed an unprecedented number of public disclosures o...

Selecting Among Alternative Grand Strategies

Grand strategies are typically formulated to promote synergy in operations ov...

Corporate Political Activism

Political involvement can be broadly defined as participation in the formulat...

Executives under Fire: The Burnout Syndrome

Worker burnout is suddenly a major concern in American industry and governmen...

Motivational Segments in the Sales Force

Traditionally, sales management has been neglected by marketing scholars. Rat...

Deceptive Practices in Marketing Research: The Consumer's Viewpoint

Consumers do, in fact differentially react to the ethical stature of various ...

Total Involvement as a Productivity Strategy

Examines the importance of the total involvement of board of directors and em...

The Inflation Audit

Examines the need for an inflation audit among firms to counter the impact of...

Designing a Budgeting System with Planned Confusion

Explores the potential virtues of dual budgeting processes coexisting within ...

Job Enrichment through Symbol Management

Analyzes the job enrichment tools that helps managers to exert a considerable...

Performance Appraisal: Here Comes the Judge

Proposes a modern philosophy of employee performance appraisal for U.S. compa...

Toward an Age of Humility

Examines the impact of stagflation on the economic conditions of the develope...

The SEC’s Pollution Disclosure Requirements: Are They Meaningful?

Analyzes the relevance of the pollution disclosure requirements of the U.S. S...

The Sales Force Management Audit

Describes the areas an auditor should examine when performing a sales force m...

Employee Rights and Corporate Restrictions: A Balancing of Liberties

Examines the issue of employee rights and corporate restrictions in the U.S. ...

Boards of Directors: Adversaries or Advisors

Examines the nature of powers of the board of directors. Importance of the b...

An Executive-Level Perspective on the Strategic Management Process

The article presents an executive level perspective on the strategic manageme...

What Product Benefits To Offer to Whom: An Application of Conjoint Segmentation

The article presents a case of the use of conjoint segmentation by a radio co...

Inside a Soviet Management Institute

The article presents observations of the author about one of the Soviet Union...

Social Character and the New Automobile Industry

The article presents a study of the accurate profile of profile of purchasers...

Sales Force Management: Integrating Research Advances

The article presents a three-stage conceptual model of personal selling and t...

Marketing Dilemma: Change in the Eighties

The article presents the results of survey of four groups of individuals with...

Strategic Portfolio Management in the Multibusiness Firm

The article presents a research on the process by which firms are implementin...

Utility Depreciation: An Inequity

The article critically examines depreciation as a theoretical accounting conc...

Decertification: Is the Current Trend a Threat to Collective Bargaining?

The article focuses threat to labor movement due to increase in decertificati...

Social Responsibility and Portfolio Performance

Examines the use of investment exclusion and investment targeting as social r...

Participative Management: Myth and Reality

Investigates problems in the implementation of participative management in U....

Shareholder Suits: Good News and Bad News for Corporate Executives

Assesses the legal hazards that corporate executives in the U.S. face in conn...

Retirement in Peril: Inflation and the Executive Compensation Program

Looks at how inflation can erode traditional postretirement benefits and offe...

The Uphill Struggle for Job Enrichment

Focuses on obstacles to job enrichment in business organizations. Complexity...

Supporting the Rich

Focuses on government provision of financial aid to rich, modern U.S. corpora...

Matching Technology and the Design of Organization Units

Focuses on technological issues that need to be considered in the unit design...

Productivity: Learning from the Japanese

Analyzes the Japanese productivity system and considers its applicability to ...

A Case for Corporate and Management Ethics

Offers arguments in support of the view that corporate and management ethics ...

Foundations of a Political Strategy for Business

This article describes a conceptual framework for planning corporate politica...

Barriers to Entry: Antitrust’s Search for a New Look

Sociologists believe it is a serious mistake for antitrust to tamper with end...

Private Management and Public Policy

The contention that the responsibility of the corporation for social concerns...

Corporate PACs as Fundraisers

During the 1970s corporate political action committees (PACs) emerged as an i...

Global Competitive Pressures and Host Country Demands: Managing Tensions in MNCs

The article discusses four management approaches for facing global competitiv...

Monte Carlo Simulation for Management

The purpose of this article is to provide a better understanding of the capab...

OD in Cross-Cultural Settings: Latin America

The article discusses organizational development (OD) in cross-cultural setti...

Free Market vs. Social Responsibility: Decision Time at the CED

The posture of business toward society can be a crucial determinant of how we...

The Anti-Export Policy of the U.S.

The objective of this article is to analyze the anti-export policy of the U.S...

Managerial Perceptions of Two Appraisal Systems

This article presents a longitudinal study of employee reactions to two types...

Fighting Regulation: The Regulatory Review

The article evaluates the probable contributions of the proposed regulatory r...

The Channels Manager: Marketing’s Newest Aide?

The article examines the rationale for having a channels manager, organizatio...

Free Enterprise in a Free Society

Most of the private sector has long recognized the significance of the free e...

Ten Questions about MBO

Since the development and popularization of the concept of management by obje...

Are State-Owned Enterprises Unfair Competition?

In recent times there has been a growing concern in the U.S. about the mounti...

Flexible Price Agreements: Purchasing's View

The article examines perceptions about, and the use and strategy of flexible ...

Corporate Codes of Conduct

The article presents a broad survey of corporate executives and a content ana...

Linking Public Affairs with Corporate Planning

In order to cope effectively with the frequently disruptive outside factors, ...

Increasing the Effectiveness of Marketing Research

The article suggests two approaches to marketing research that managers can u...

Internalization Theory and Corporate International Finance

Internalization theory is a recognition of market imperfections that prevent ...

How Managers Cope with Terrorism

Terrorism has caused many firms to adopt separate strategies for particular c...

The Equity Component of the Executive Compensation Program

The article discusses methods of delivering equity to executives, and will ex...

Integration of Intent to Leave and OD Interventions

From an examination of the turnover-related literature and the organizational...

Women Executives in MNC Subsidiaries

The article explores the attitudes of male managers toward women as senior ex...

The Product Manager

This article examines product management from the viewpoint of the marketing ...

Industrial Planning in Japan

The planning process for developing Japan's industrial structure has no paral...

Scanning the Future Environment: Social Indicators

The complexities and interdependencies in modern society accentuate the impac...

A Format for Directors’ Information Systems

The article proposes a format for an information system geared to the needs o...

The Information Seekers: Multinational Strategy Target

The cosmopolitan information seekers constitute a readily identifiable and re...

Response Errors in Survey Research

Indisputably, sample surveys hold a legitimate, perhaps primary, role in the ...

International Competition and U.S. Public Policy

International competition in high-technology industry is beginning to influen...

Organizational Design: Dealing with the Human Constraint

The article tries to integrate diverse approaches to consideration of the hum...

China's Law on Joint Ventures

This article examines the law on joint-ventures adopted by the fifth National...

Beyond EOE and Affirmative Action: Working on the Integration of the Work Place

This article discusses the importance of organizational integration program f...

Unions and Wages: What We've Learned Since the '50s

This article focuses on the issue of union wage determination in the U.S. For...

Variations in Corporate Social Performance

This article focuses on a study which aimed to examine the relationship betwe...

What's Bothering Those Shareholder-Plaintiffs?

This articles focuses on shareholder lawsuits against corporate officials in ...

A Theory of Return for Deposit: Economic and Logistical Implications of Legislation

This article describes business' problem, using Michigan as an example, and d...

What Corporate Ethics Statements Say

This article focuses on a specific set of behavior variables those dealing wi...

The Dimensions of Planning in Large, Industrialized Organizations

The case for current sophistication in planning techniques should not be over...

Marketing Executives' Perceptions of a Salary Increase

This article focuses on research which attempts to answers the nature of perc...

Foreign Acquisition in the U.S.: A Neomercantilist Challenge

Although foreign direct investment is not a new phenomenon in the United Stat...

Personnel Decisions: A Bayesian Approach

Examines the use of Bayesian analysis to evaluate the costs and values of inf...

Foreign Firms in Japan

Examines the problems faced by foreign business enterprises especially from t...

DSS and Strategic Decisions

Analyzes the reasons for sluggish development of decision support systems. C...

Individuals and the Organization

Focuses on the crisis between individuals and organizations. Change in the v...

Putting Information Technology To Work

Examines the effect of the use of programming resources for data processing o...

Real Estate as if Management Mattered

Examines the significance of management in real estate investments. Historic...

Corporate Courtship and Successful Joint Ventures

Focuses on how executives perceive joint ventures in a form to link the speci...

Human Resource Planning in U.S. Corporations

Examines the status of human resource planning in major U.S. corporations. E...

7 Myths About Quality of Working Life

Examines the relationship between quality of working life, organizational per...

Corporate Social Responsibility Revisited, Redefined

Focuses on the social responsibility of corporations. Scope of the definitio...

Styles of Mideastern Managers

Examines the managerial styles and philosophies of Mideastern executives. At...

Scanning the International Environment

There may be many reasons why a firm scans its international environment. Thi...

Motivation and Innovation: Who Are Workers Serving?

The article presents information on motivation and innovation. The proposed s...

Assumptions of Majestic Metals: Strategy through Dialectics

Today's executive is having difficulty sorting out sound from faulty assumpti...

Consumerism and Health Care Marketing

The article presents information on consumerism and health care marketing. On...

New Look at Corporate Goals

Corporate goals are often considered the starting point of effective manageme...

Children's Perceptions of Televised Fiction

The major reason for studying whether or not children perceive televised fict...

New Gold Rush

With the legalization of gold trading for American citizens on January 1975, ...

LDC Governments: Takeovers and Renegotiations of Foreign Investments

Governments of less developed countries have been initiating takeovers of for...

Organizational Control Systems as a Managerial Tool

Defective organizational control systems can be caused by an inadequate under...

The Golfer

In this article, the author discusses managerial activities in relation to ti...

Hidden Cost of Federal Energy Legislation

In this article, the authors discuss several aspects of the energy situation ...

Bit by Bit: Toward Decision Support Systems

This article focuses on the uses of decision support system in business plann...

Regulation and Innovation: U.S. Pharmaceutical Industry

This article discusses effects of governmental legislative amendment for regu...

Organizational Politics: Tactics and Characteristics of Its Actors

This article presents a study report in assessing the existence and role of p...

Apricots for Ammonia: Barter, Clearing, Switching, and Compensation in International Business

In this article, the author discusses several consequences of non-money or fr...

Job Enrichment in Marketing

This article discusses the job enrichment policies in marketing strategic pla...

Naivete: Foreign Payoffs Law

This article describes the enforcement of a new Public Law against foreign pa...

Executives and Activists: Test of Stakeholder Theory

This article discusses issues in stakeholder management in distinguishing it ...

Is There Life After Retirement?

In this article, the author discusses various psychological and sociological ...

Developing the Corporate Energy Plan

This article discusses the need of corporate energy plan for companies to suc...

Health Costs: Saving in the Private Sector

It is not difficult to document that the cost of medical care in the U.S. is ...

BOOK REVIEW: The Organization and the Artist: A Book Review Essay

The article focuses on the book "The Awkward Embrace: The Creative Artist and...

Transfer Pricing and Interdivisional Conflict

A principal source of hostility is the tendency of divisional units to emphas...

Public Consequences of Private Action: The Marketing of Infant Formula in Less Developed Countries

Activities of multinational corporations (MNC) in less developed countries (L...

The Impact of Achievement Motivation Training on Small Businesses

Entrepreneurial training for small businessmen, based on the theory of achiev...

Conflict Resolution: What Works?

The article presents ways to solve conflict. Conflict is due to power struggl...

The Management of Nonrenewable Resources

The article presents information on how to manage nonrenewable resources. If ...

The Confidentiality of the Auditor-Client Relationship

In response to recent domestic and foreign bribery scandals, several governme...

The Line of Business Program--The FTC’s New Tool

Several years ago the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent out the first quest...

Caring and Power

Power is important and is a factor in understanding behavior. By itself, it i...

Managing the Finances of Nonprofit Organizations

The article presents information about management of finances of nonprofit or...

A Methodology for Nurse Staffing

This article describes a protocol aimed at more efficient use of nursing pers...

BOOK REVIEW: U.S. and English Gold

Reviews the book "The Golden Constant: The English and American Experience, 1...

Winning Line Support for New Financial Programs

The dual problems of unsatisfactory earnings and a precarious balance sheet c...

Measurement for Management Decision: A Perspective

Measurement for management decision focuses on the manager as a user of measu...

Host-Country Organizations and Expatriate Managers in Europe

Certain patterns of behavior of expatriate managers, as well as ethnocentrism...

Problem Defining and the Consulting/Intervention Process

The article is an attempt made to highlight a key aspect of the intervention/...

Business and Politics: Toward a Theory Beyond Capitalism, Plato, and Marx

The aim of this article is to try to fill the gap between business and societ...

Organizational Changes of a Japanese Firm in America

This article is a case report of a longitudinal study of M-3's sandwich struc...

The Future of American Capitalism

The article discusses the future of capitalism in the U.S. Before World War I...

Some Normative Issues in Conflict Management

The article addresses several issues related to conflict resolution and confl...

Managing Organizational Conflict: Collaboration, Bargaining, and Power Approaches

The article emphasizes costs and feasibility issues of successful conflict ma...

Development Strategies of Organizational Productivity

The article focuses on developmental strategies of organizational productivit...

Computers, Modeling, and Management Education

The article examines some of the reasons for the lack of success in using com...

'Conflict Management' and 'Conflict Resolution' Are Not Synonymous Terms

The article focuses on difference between conflict management and conflict re...

Sino-American Economic Relations: Constraints, Opportunities, and Prospects

The article identifies and analyzes the major constraints that bear on U.S.-C...

Problems of Human Resource Management in Rapidly Growing Companies

The article identifies common problems of human resource management that seem...

Introduction: Conflict and the Collaborative Ethic

The article presents a survey indicating that managers spend a considerable p...

Conflict and Collaboration: Some Concluding Observations

The article focuses on conflict management and points toward new areas of the...

Multinational Corporations and the Changing World Economic Order

The thrust by developing nations for a New International Economic Order toget...

Power Training: An Alternative Path to Conflict Management

The article explores different meanings of "conflict" and "conflict managemen...

Advocacy Advertising--The American Experience

The article reports on the expansion of advocacy advertising as a systematic ...

Adapting Corporate Structure For Social Responsiveness

The article focuses on the adaptation of corporate structure for social respo...

From More to Better to Different to Less

The article focuses on the changing trends in the development of consumer beh...

New Approach to the Design and Use of Management Information

The article presents an approach to the design and use of management informat...

The Care and Feeding of the Board of Directors

During the last three years big corporations have been targets of the news me...

Reviewing the Policy Process

The article presents a problem-solving model that serves as a comprehensive f...

Concurrency and Disruption in New Product Introduction

The article focuses on a shift of attention of continuing research into new p...

Follow-Up Strategies for Technological Growth

The article explores corporate strategies for technological innovations. It p...

International Financial Planning: The Use of Market-Based Forecasts

The article focuses on the use of market-based forecasts for international fi...

Comparing Corporate Social Performance: Germany, France, Canada, and the U.S.

The article explores foreign studies which reveal significant differences in ...

The Consumer Affairs Office: Essential Element in Corporate Policy and Planning

The article considers the role of the consumer affairs office in business, th...

Training Expatriates for Managerial Assignments in Japan

The article explores the findings of a study on the problems associated with ...

The New Equality: Bureaucracy’s Trojan Horse

The article reflects on the utilization of the redefined concept of equality ...

Executive Search Today

The article explores the practice of executive search in the United States. D...

The Placebo Organization

The author suggests that the most effective way of restructuring an organizat...

Cash Flow Versus Accounting Exposures to Currency Risk

The article focuses on the management of corporate exposure to currency risk ...

Designing Appraisal Systems for Information Yield

The article proposes three systems of performance appraisal that are tailored...

Marketing Quality Control: An Alternative to Consumer Affairs

The author suggests that creation of the consumer affairs department to meet ...

The Rearranged Work Week: Evaluations of Different Work Schedules

The article discusses the findings of a study of employee preferences for wor...

Management Training and Post-Industrial Apologetics

The article explores several research studies on two management training prog...

Family Housing: Dream or Nightmare?

The article discusses problems related to home ownership in California, and r...

Strategy, Annual Reports, and Alchemy

The article uses a large set of annual reports to explain, or at least specul...

The Arab Boycott: Middle East Business Dilemma

The article explores the issue of Arab boycott which had the potential power ...

BOOK REVIEW: MNCs and Transfer Pricing

Reviews the book "Transfer Pricing in International Business," by James S. Sh...

BOOK REVIEW: The Modern Oil Industry

Reviews the book "The Control of Oil," by John M. Blair.

Multinational Corporations: Homebase-Affiliate Relations

To date, research in the management of multi-national corporations (MNCs) has...

Reverse Distribution Channels for Recycling

Recycling and the operation of reverse channels of distribution are appropria...

Corporate Responsiveness and Organizational Learning

The article analyzes the stages through which an organization's management pa...

The Performance of Innovation: Managerial Roles

Research and development (R&D) differs from marketing, and production in an i...

BOOK REVIEW: Advocacy Advertising

Reviews the book "Advocacy Advertising and Large Corporations," by S. Prakash...

Institutional Manpower Planning: Rhetoric Versus Reality

The article discusses a number of critical issues about the current state of ...

Warehouse Retailing: A Revolutionary Force in Distribution?

This article examines the current status of warehouse retailing. Particular a...

Career Planning for Employee Development: A Primer for Managers

This paper examines briefly some behavioral science research and theory beari...

Planned Entry--Planned Exit: A Concept and an Approach

This article suggests that, at the time of entry into a new venture, there sh...

Development Policy and the Interdependence of the Western Hemisphere

This article examines the issue of economic interdependence in Latin America ...

Interdependence and New Responsibilities

This paper points out that a major challenge is to develop the necessary mean...

Interdependence Among Governments: Key to Managing the International Economy

This article examines the need for an interdependence of government and inter...

New International Economic Order: Fact or Fairytale?

This paper discusses the requirements of a new international economic order. ...

Environmental Policy Trends Facing Multinationals

This article examines five major trends of importance to multinational corpor...

The CPA’s Role in Real Estate Projections

This paper reports on a research to determine whether the independent CPA sho...

Limits to the Use of Consultative-Participative Management

This paper discusses the limits to the application of a consultative-particip...

Transition at the Top

This article analyzes the backgrounds of CEOs who are earning $100,000 and mo...

The President and the Board of Directors: A Head-On Collision

This article presents a situation in which the board of directors of the Paci...

Successful Business Innovation: A Survey of Current Professional Views

This article examines current opinion about successful business innovation or...

A View from the United Nations

The article focuses on transnational corporations (TNCs). In the search for w...

ESOPs: Panacea or Placebo?

The article focuses on leveraged employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). The ES...

Economic Interdependence and the International Corporation

The article focuses on economic interdependence and international corporation...

Making MBO Effective

The article focuses on management by objectives (MBO). MBO is rapidly becomin...

Teaching Managers to Do Policy Analysis--The Case of Corporate Bribery

The article focuses on formal training of managers for solving problems. The ...

Market Structure Profile Analysis and Strategic Growth Opportunities

The article focuses on market structure profile analysis and strategic growth...

Innovation and Industrial Product Life Cycles

The article focuses on innovation and industrial product life cycles (PLC). T...

Interdependence: Where You Stand Depends on Where You Sit

The article focuses on interdependence in the context of international relati...

Four Men and a Company: Levi Strauss Since World War I

The article focuses on leadership changes and other strategic changes in time...

Space Program Impacts Revisited

The article examines the major studies of space impacts that have been conduc...

Managing California’s Coast: The Problem of Housing Distribution

The article discusses the problem of housing distribution with reference Cali...

Decision Making--Type I and Type II Error Analysis

The article focuses on Type I and Type II Error analysis in decision making. ...

Multiskilled Work Teams: Productivity Benefits

This article cites that multiskilled work teams can increase productivity and...

The Interdependence of All Peoples

The human race has reached one of those great critical points in its history....

Socialized Railroads in the USA: The Grand Trunk Western

The objective of the Canadian National Railways Co. to use the Grand Trunk We...

Opportunities for Mutual Action: Government and Business Leaders in 1977

The quality of corporate citizenship affects, and will increasingly affect, t...

Learning from Failure: Ten Guidelines for Venture Management

Venture management is not a product manager system with a slight addition in ...

Closing the Gap in an Interdependent World

Extending the benefits of civilization to the whole human race has to do with...

A Return-on-Resources Model of Corporate Performance

This article describes a conceptual framework of corporate performance that i...

The Real World and the Management Classroom

Understanding the basics of how organizational realities get formulated is pr...

Attitudes of Managers Toward Corporate Social Responsibility

In reaction to pressures on all fronts, corporations are being called upon to...

Do Courses in Business Ethics Pay Off?

There is growing interest among schools of business administration in courses...

Between Ideology and Interdependence

Corporations are pragmatic organizations, adjusting their style and structure...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Political Ideology

The purpose of this article is to explore why both conservative and liberal a...

Management Commitment and Manpower Program Success

The article discusses management commitment and manpower program success. Yea...

Environmental Impacts: Conflicts and Trade-offs

The environment versus business represents two sides of ones life, in which o...

Business and the News Media: The Paradox of Informed Misunderstanding

The objective of this article is to examine the nature and sources of this co...

Corporate Social Responsiveness: Management Attitudes and Economic Performance

The principle purpose of this article is to report on an empirical investigat...

The Meaning of Work and the Middle Manager

The purpose of this article is to gain a clearer understanding of the meaning...

Consumer Affairs Audits: Evaluation and Analysis

This article describes the rationale and methodology of a consumer affairs au...

The 'New' Egalitarianism and Managerial Practice

This article attempts to set forth some of the background for the new egalita...

Improved Risk Management: Maximizing the Role of Insurance

To executives of a great many companies, risk management is a challenging and...

Suggestion Systems: Utilization, Evaluation, and Implementation

Today's profit crunch caused by recession, inflation and increasing foreign c...

Theory Y in the People’s Republic of China

The article discusses the application of Theory Y in the People's Republic of...

Theatre Audience Composition, Preferences, and Perceptions

This article summarizes the results of audience surveys conducted at the Penn...

Return on Investment and the Fatal Flaw

Over the past several decades a substantial body of theory has been developed...

Is Adjustment Assistance an Answer?

Support for worker adjustment assistance is a strange tale, which underlines ...

BOOK REVIEW: The Edsel Event

Reviews the book "Selling the People's Cadillac: The Edsel and Corporate Resp...

The Shaky Foundations of Capital Budgeting

Major investments in industry, whether involving technological innovations, c...

Please Note Location of Nearest Exit

There are a series of barriers to exit working against divestment decisions, ...

Early Chinese Management Thought

Effective management has long been a human aspiration. Management thought exp...

Mismanagement Styles

This article describes several styles of mismanagement that can be discerned ...

Director Liability and the Audit Committee

Today's corporate director must be concerned with his or her vulnerability to...

Flexible Compensation Evaluated

Traditional compensation systems provide organizations with economies in payr...

Invent Your Own Future

The article presents conceptual model of individual lifetime planning that ca...

Social Responsibility Is Inevitable

The article focuses on the substantial social responsibility by business, whi...

The Canton Trade Fair, 1976

The article focuses on the spring 1976 Canton Trade Fair and anticipates even...

OSHA: Problems and Prospects

The article focuses on Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). An enlarged...

Issue-Oriented Corporate Advertising

The article focuses on viewpoint of business and its critics on grass roots l...

Organizational Technology and Executive Succession

The article focuses on a study that suggest significant and definite relation...

Measuring Program Output

The article describes a method for developing input and output scales and for...

A Data Base for Your Company?

In recent years a long procession of new management information systems (MIS)...

Standards and Industry Self-Regulation

Private standards-development and certification programs have been studied fr...

Social Impact Strategies

The definition and establishment of consumer rights and remedies has been the...

Electric Energy Forecasting

One of the more welcome consequences of the energy crisis of 1973 has been th...

To Achieve or Not: The Manager’s Choice

This article reports a systematic investigation of the achieving condition co...

The Federal Trade Commission and Consumer Protection

It is frightfully difficult to speak succinctly and persuasively about either...

The Consumer Product Safety Commission

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the newest independent federal...

Financial Motives of U.S. Corporate Investment in Korea

This article combines a questionnaire survey with analytical work on U.S. mul...

Business, Accounting, Law, and Medicine

Business, accounting, and the legal and medical professions are under heavy s...

Empirical Evaluation of Objective Investment Decision Rules

The literature of investment management has dealt effectively with the analys...

Corporate Planning Models

Through direct personal contact authors have identified nearly two thousand f...

The SCHEDULE Model and the Salesman's Effort Allocation

This article focuses upon one important personal selling problem, the salesma...

Career Problems of Young Managers

Drawing on interviews with more than one hundred managers, discussions with s...

Management Development in Ethnocentric Multinational Corporations

Specific organizational problems face Western European subsidiaries of Americ...

Multinational Corporations Versus Organized Labor: Divergent Views on Domestic Unemployment

Over the past several years, considerable controversy has developed as to whe...

Management and the Learning Process

Today's highly successful manager or administrator is distinguished not so mu...

Managing the Best Financial Asset

Home ownership is an excellent investment for most people. The author claims ...

The Factory Without Walls: Industrialization in Residential Construction

This article considers some of the principal efforts made towards the old ide...

BOOK REVIEW: Multinationals and International Investment

A review of International Control of Foreign Investment: The Dusseldorf Confe...

The Sprawling Costs of Urban Containment

In the special language of real estate that which a builder does to land is c...

Changing Economics Imply New Real Property Investment Relationships

This article explores the impacts of the changing economic conditions on fina...

Bank Management and Inflation

Many economists expect that the United States will continue to experience inf...

Central-City Housing Conservation: A Mortgage Insurance Approach

The need for effective national policy to foster housing conservation as well...

The Personnel Function in Transaction

The personnel function is changing rapidly and its responsibilities are being...

Reforming the Residential Mortgage Market

The article presents information about the reformation of the residential mor...

California Real Estate Brokerage--2000

This article looks at how the brokerage business is changing. Drawing upon re...

The Personnel Function in Transition

This article examines some of steps that should be taken for updating knowled...

Dr. Pond and the State of the Literature in Real Estate

This review has been quite critical of the literature and the literature-depe...

Transactions in Management

This article discusses transactional analysis (TA) concepts that are useful i...

The Effect of the Size of Firms on Managerial Attitudes

This article presents a study which examines the influence of several environ...

Getting More Information from Customer Surveys

This article illustrates by means of a case study how the usage of multivaria...

A Strategic Posture Toward Corporate Social Responsibility

This article suggests an approach to formulating a strategic posture toward c...

New York City: A Portrait in Marketing Mania

This article discusses the application of the marketing concept in deriving s...

Managing Strategic Surprise by Response to Weak Signals

This article develops a conceptual framework and a practical procedure by whi...

Business Payoffs Abroad: Rhetoric and Reality

This article discusses the involvement of some U.S. multinational corporation...

BOOK REVIEW: Doing Business with the Future--Profits and Prophecy

Reviews the book "Future Without Shock," by Louis B. Lundborg.

The Political and Economic Impact of Current Criticisms of Business

This article assesses the long-term political and economic consequences of an...

A Responsible Economic Package

This article discusses economic policy decisions that the U.S. needs to make ...

The Unrecognized Industry

The article defines the "unrecognized industry," the venture capital industry...

Results of Final-Offer Arbitration of Bargaining Disputes

The article examines the final-offer-arbitration model and experience with it...

Strategic Considerations in Assembly-Line Selection

In a generic sense, the term "assembly line" refers to progressive assembly l...

RPO's: A Step Toward Global Human Resources Management

This article examines the role of the regional personnel offices (RPOs), and ...

Workers' Perceptions of the Four-Day Week

The article reports an investigation of workers' perceptions and attitudes to...

Consumer Discontent: A Social Perspective

The concept of alienation provides important insights into the propelling for...

BOOK REVIEW: How Much Can Corporations Do?

Reviews the book "The Limits of Corporate Responsibility," by Neil W. Chamber...

Employee Reactions to the Four-Day Week

The four-day work week has been one of the more widely debated topics in busi...

Preventive Health Maintenance for Executives

The value of preventive maintenance for a firm's physical resources has been ...

Historical Accident

The article focuses on the business and governmental organization development...

Corporate Values and the Business School Curriculum

The article discusses the comments by professor Dow Votaw on the views expres...

California's Changed Position in U.S. Residential Building and Mortgage-Lending Activity

California, the "hottest" housing and mortgage market in the 1950s and early ...

Exploding Some Myths About Women Managers

The article focuses on myths about women managers. On the assumption that wom...

National Differences in the Use of Internal Transfer Prices

The article focuses on national differences in the use of internal transfer p...

The Management Information System Is Going to Pieces

The article focuses on management information system. The perceived need to i...

A New Strategy for Job Enrichment

The article focuses on new strategy for job enrichment. Job enrichment, which...

Applying Decision Theory to Improve Corporate Management of Currency-Exchange Risks

The article focuses on application of decision theory to improve corporate ma...

A Strategy for Natural Survival

In this analysis of contemporary issues facing the nation, the author suggest...

U.S. Investments in Middle East Petroleum

The article focuses on the U.S. investments in Middle East Petroleum. One of ...

The Cost of Being an Artist

The article focuses on the factors that hinders the growth of artistic organi...

BOOK REVIEW: The Public’s Expectations of Business

Reviews the book "Environmental Analysis for Management," by James P. Baughma...

Beyond the Analytic Manager, Part II

The article focuses on analytic thinking and analytic thinkers, recent heroes...

Interpretation of Seasonally Adjusted Data

The article focuses on interpretation of seasonally adjusted data. It has bee...

BOOK REVIEW: Investing in Developing Countries

Reviews the book "Finance and Protection of Investments in Developing Countri...

Organizing to Overhaul a Mess

The article focuses on the steps taken by the Human Resources Administration ...

Canadian Foreign Investment Policy

The article examines the factors which affect the trend in foreign investment...

Are Ex-Offenders Successful Employees?

The article describes a research project to measure the job success of a spec...

Management by Objectives: The Team Approach

The article discusses the benefits and merits of a nine-phase strategy for a ...

The MAPS Route to Better Organization Design

The article describes a multivariate analysis, participation, and structure (...

Organization Gap: Implications for Manpower Planning

The article examines the need to establish manpower planning programs to over...

Notes: Analyzing a Marketing Strategy

The article analyzes the marketing strategy of a company, which markets a spe...

BOOK REVIEW: Business and Social Responsibility in Japan

Reviews the book "Japanese Business and Social Conflict," by S. Prakash Sethi.

Beyond the Analytic Manager, Part I

The article is intended to alert managers and to stimulate them to reconsider...

Dimensions of Corporate Social Performance: An Analytical Framework

The article discusses the development of a structural framework to facilitate...

Flexible Working Hours: The Missing Link

The article focuses on the replacement of traditional fixed-hour systems with...

Business Policy and the Scientific Method

The article focuses on the application of business policy and the scientific ...

Marketing to Heterogeneous Black Consumers

Identifies some of the contradictory data concerning black consumers in the U...

Four Days, Forty Hours: A Case Study

Presents a case study on the uncritical acceptance of the four days forty hou...

The Nakodo Negotiator

Suggests the essential qualifications of the preliminary U.S. corporate emiss...

An Introduction to Organizational Design

Defines organizational design as a means for managers to identify the organiz...

The Individualized Organization: Problems and Promise

Analyzes the differential and universal studies of the two dominant approache...

How Reinvestment Rates Affect Realized Return

Discusses the effects of various reinvestment rates on the realized return of...

BOOK REVIEW: A New Look at Budgeting for Education

Reviews the book 'Program Budgeting,' by Stephen J. Knezevich.

Industry Viewpoints in Advertising

Presents views on the uncertainties in advertising practices based on testimo...

BOOK REVIEW: The Leader and the Organization

Reviews the book 'The Human Nature of Organizations,' by J. Douglas Brown.

The Role of Champion in Product Innovation

Discusses the importance of the role of a product champion in product innovat...

Leadership and Organizational Excitement

Elaborates on the requirement of effective organization leadership to plan an...

Energy: Some Unresolved Problems

Analyzes the energy problems existing in the U.S. which call for a change in ...

Business and the Consumer: Whither Goes the Confrontation?

Presents the confusion among consumers and consumer advocates in the U.S. due...

Scientists, Engineers, and the Job Search Process

Discusses the study on the functioning of the U.S. labor market for scientist...

Expropriation Has a Silver Lining

In the past four years, thirty four countries in Latin America, Africa and As...

Employing the Disadvantaged: Lessons from the Past Decade

Knowledge about problems in the recruitment, selection and retention of the d...

Organization by Sequential Responsibility: Transfer Points

Many organizational models appear in literature and most of us are familiar w...

Political Instability and the Foreign Investor

A rational, sophisticated approach to the foreign investment decision process...

An Executive’s Guide to Computer-Based Planning

Computer based planning is definitely not for all firms. In fact, experience ...

Small-Scale Industries and Developing Countries

Development of small-scale industry in emerging economies is almost always as...

Toward the Internationalization of Consumerism

With the closing of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, g...

Conflicts Between Host Countries and the Multinational Enterprise

Host countries differ in the degree of apprehension they display toward direc...

Black-Owned Banks: Issues and Recommendations

A number of suggestions have been made here which could be used to advantage ...

In Defense of Simulation as a Managerial Tool

Simulation is a much maligned and misunderstood methodology. To be sure, not ...

Cost Analysis in Higher Education

This article focuses on the various aspects of cost analysis for the individu...

The Future of American Wage Controls

The U.S. economy is still in the midst of an experiment with wage and price c...

Managerial Development in the Small Firm

Each day of the year, over one thousand firms close their doors and go out of...

Continuing Education and the Experienced Manager

This study has been particularly concerned with one aspect of evaluation of p...

Competition Policy in the United States: Looking Ahead

The article focuses on competition policy in the U.S. Competition policy has ...

Antitrust or Pro-Competition?

The article focuses on antitrust enforcement activities. Antitrust represents...

A Stochastic Model for Human Resources Valuation

The article focuses on a stochastic model for human resource valuation. Accou...

Dimensions of Corporate Power, Pt.2

The article focuses on dimensions of corporate power. Individually and collec...

Canada's New Competition Policy: Status and Outlook

The article focuses on Canada's new competition policy. The Canadian approach...

Implementing Competition Policy in Communist Countries

The article focuses on the implementation of competition policy in communist ...

A Framework for Measuring Human Assets

This article defines the components of human resources and includes dimension...

The Feasibility and Utility of Human Resource Accounting

The article focuses on the feasibility and utility of human resources account...

Is It Time for Industrial Reorganization?

The article focuses on industrial reorganization. Evidence shows that there h...

The Future of Competition Policy: A World View

The article focuses on the future of competition policy. In different countri...

Competitive Impact of the Emerging Energy Company

The article focuses on competitive impact of the emerging energy company. Pub...

Another View of Business Education and Success

The article focuses on performance in business schools and success in managem...

BOOK REVIEW: Current Thoughts on Business and Society

Reviews the book "The Unstable Ground: Corporate Social Policy in a Dynamic S...

Recent Failures in Consumer Protection

Failures of several recent efforts in consumer protection have made the expos...

A Conceptual View of the Regulatory Process

The article provides a concept of the Federal regulation of a business corpor...

Organizational Development in the Future

The enthusiasm with which organizational development (OD) swept through execu...

Making the Board of Directors More Effective

Against a growing background of corporate bankruptcy and mismanagement, much ...

Toward Understanding the Changing Work Ethic

This paper provides a framework for understanding the problem of changing wor...

European Transnational Concentration

During the last decade there has been an increasing interest in the European ...

Dilemmas for the Regulator

The article focuses on the dilemmas for the regulator. There are two determin...

BOOK REVIEW: New Look at Budgeting

Reviews the book "The Budget's New Clothes," by Leonard Merewitz and Stephen ...

Industrywide Cooperation for Consumer Affairs

Consumer interest and consumer welfare are often discussed within the framewo...

Business Impact Upon Regulatory Agencies

The article focuses on the impact of business upon regulatory agencies. A dis...

Self-Regulation by the Advertising Industry

The article focuses on the policy of self regulation adopted by the U.S. adve...

Advertising: Consumer Information and Consumer Deception

The article focuses on issues of consumer information and consumer deception ...

The University and the Corporation: Partially Shared Goals and Separate Identities

That "partially shared goals" of the university and the corporation is the to...

Psychological Considerations in Advertising Regulation

The article focuses on psychological considerations in advertising regulation...

Effective Regulation in the Public Interest

The picture depicted herein is a dreadfully pessimistic one, but one based on...

Building a Better Executive Team

The article presents suggestions on building a better executive team. America...

Dimensions of Corporate Power, Pt.1

The article focuses on the dimensions of corporate power in the U.S. as of 19...

Consumer Reality and Corporate Image

The article focuses on consumer reality and corporate image. The U.S. has exp...

The Computer Manufacturing Industry and the U.S. Balance of Payments

The article focuses on the computer manufacturing industry and the U.S. balan...

Affirmative Action in Housing and Beyond

The article focuses on affirmative action in housing. Affirmative action, a p...

Consumers in the Federal Decision-Making Process

The article focuses on the role of consumers in the federal decision making p...

BOOK REVIEW: A Berkeley View of Business and Society

The article focuses on business and society and the book, "The Corporate Dile...

BOOK REVIEW: Integrating Industry: Past, Present, and Future

The article focuses on the book, "Blacks in the Industrial World," by Theodor...

Share Price Maximization: A Tool for Management Decision-Making

The article focuses on share price maximization as a tool for management deci...

Productivity Is the USA's Problem

The article focuses on productivity in the U.S. as of 1973. Productivity in t...

Strategy-Making in Three Modes

The article presents three modes of strategy making. How do organizations mak...

Forecast: A Business Slowdown But No Recession In 1974

The article presents a business forecast for the year, 1974. The latest revis...

Consumer Behavior: Can Economics and Behavioral Science Converge?

The article focuses on consumer behavior in the U.S. as of 1973. Consumer res...

Reading the Fine Print in the Social Contract

The article focuses on social contract. The rise of consumerism is an outgrow...

Healing the Rift Between the U.S. and Europe

The article focuses on healing the rift between the U.S. and Europe as of 197...

The Corporate Social Audit: Getting on the Learning Curve

The article focuses on the corporate social audit. The concept of a corporate...

The Venture Manager as a Corporate Innovator

The article focuses on the venture manager as a corporate innovator. Corporat...

Price Formation and Decision-Making in Covent Garden Market, London

The article focuses on price formation and decision-making in Covent Garden M...

The Program Management Approach to the Corporate Social Audit

The article presents a program management approach to the corporate social au...

New Product Planning in an Age of Future Consciousness

The article focuses on new product planning in an age of future consciousness...

A Contingency Look at Job Design

The article presents a contingency look at job design. Organization and manag...

Protecting Trade Secrets in the Seventies

The article focuses on protecting trade secrets in the 1970s. Changed conditi...

How Effective Is Your Data Processing Organization?

The article focuses on effective data processing organization. The last decad...

The Problems of Managing Reciprocity

The article focuses on the problems of managing reciprocity. Reciprocal tradi...

Improving Management by Objectives: A Diagnostic Change Program

The article focuses on improving management by objectives. Management by Obje...

The Consumer Interest: The Role of Public Policy

The article focuses on the role of public policy in consumer interest in the ...

Volvo Increases Productivity Through Job Enrichment

The objective of this article is to relate details of some job enrichment pro...

Future-Oriented Business Education

The purpose of this article is to examine some of the assumptions that curren...

Social Responsibility: The Regulator's View

The article presents a brief case history of the introduction and promotion o...

Methodology: One Approach to the Corporate Social Audit

The article presents the author's comments on social responsibility of busine...

Improving New Product Planning with GERT Simulation

The article presents Graphical Evaluation and Review Technique Simulation (GE...

Stretching Your Building Dollar

In the following article, the cost and time implications of several different...

Who Speaks Management?

The article highlights the need for forward-looking companies to develop a lo...

Corporate Social Reform: An Activist's Viewpoint

The article presents the author's comments on the role of activists in enforc...

Cooperative Advertising: An Alternative Interpretation of Price Discrimination

The article asserts that cooperative advertising in the U.S. is the vehicle i...

An Approach to Incorporating Societal Preferences in Developing Corporate Action Strategies

The article says that any social institution and business operates in a socie...

Social Reform: A Young Person’s Viewpoint

The article presents the author's comments on various facets of corporate soc...

Information Sources for Planning Decisions

The article highlights that strategic decisions involve responses to changes ...

Time Horizon: A Concept for Management

Time horizon may be defined as that distance into the future to which a decis...

The Multinational Firm and the Cost of Technology to Developing Countries

The article asserts that multinational firms are criticized for various sorts...

Corporate Social Reform: An Educator’s Viewpoint

The article presents the author's comments on the issue of corporate social r...

Corporate Social Reform: An Executive's Viewpoint

The article presents the author's views on social responsibility of business....

Twenty Questions: Utilizing Job Satisfaction Measures

During the last decade the issue of employee job satisfaction has received co...

Country Typologies for the Multinational Corporation: A New Basic Approach

The multinational corporation must develop a uniform global approach to the c...

New Paths to Corporate Social Responsibility

This article is based on a recent conference entitled "The Corporation and th...

Management and the Multinational Business Environment

The multinational business environment differs from the domestic environment ...

MIS Project Management: Myths, Opinions, and Reality

The article discusses myths, opinions, reality related to Management Informat...

Product Management in High Technology Defense Industry Marketing

It is the purpose of this article to examine whether the product manager appr...

A Quantitative Approach for Policy Analysis

The article discusses a quantitative approach for policy analysis. To know wh...

Genius Becomes Rare: A Comment on the Doctrine of Social Responsibility, Pt. II

Were people to accept the idea that the new social responsibility is little m...

Managerial Career Development and the Generational Confrontation

There is no objective way to assess the amount of human ineffectiveness and w...

Communication Revisited

High on the diagnostic checklist of corporate health is communication; and th...

Overcoming the Perils of Advocacy in Corporate Planning

This article shows that the key to overcoming the perils of advocating change...

The Psychological Contract: Managing the Joining-Up Process

A growing number of organizations in recent years have been reporting problem...

The High Cost of Innovative Employee Benefits

Creativity has not been cornered by Madison Avenue or by the Research and Dev...

Managerial Strategy for the Future: Theory Z Management

If, as sociologist Rensis Likert urges, human organization is a relatively un...

Corporate Directors Under Fire

Analyzes corporate directorship and legislative remedies to problems in stock...

Currency Turmoil: From Chaos to an Interpretable Program in the Financial Environment

Analyzes factors in currency uncertainties and parity changes on business pro...

Theater as a Temporary System

Focuses on the management of the theater in the U.S. Theater project objecti...

Genius Becomes Rare: A Comment on the Doctrine of Social Responsibility, Pt. I

Focuses on overlooked implications of social responsibility of businesses in ...

Labor-Management Relations in the Performing Arts: The Case of Los Angeles

Focuses on the role and importance of labor in the management of performing a...

Profiles of Users and Nonusers of the Los Angeles Music Center

Explores demographic and individual characteristics of attenders and non-atte...

The Needs of Motion Picture Audiences

Examines the size, composition and motivations of the motion picture audience...

Making Managerial Appraisal Effective

Focuses on developments in the concept of managerial appraisal for management...

The Impact of U.S. Regulation of Foreign Investment

Focuses on the impact of U.S. regulation on foreign investment by the U.S. Of...

Pitfalls and Prospects of U.S. Trade with Communist Countries

Examines obstacles and prospects of U.S. trade with Communist countries. Obs...

Social Policies for Business

Suggest policies and actions to corporate social responsibilities in the U.S....

Fine Arts: A Problem in Risk Management

Focuses on problems in risk management over the fine arts in the U.S. Exclus...

Administering for the Arts: Introduction and Overview

Focuses on resolutions for the survival of arts in the United States. Role o...

Boards of Directors in the Performing Arts: A Managerial Analysis

Presents a managerial analysis on the role of boards of directors on performi...

Who Needs an Organization Department?

Focuses on organization departments in the U.S. Purposes of organization dep...

Indirect Compensation: The Years Ahead

Analyzes trends in indirect compensation and forecasts the nature and cost of...

Meeting the Threat of Managerial Obsolescence

Focuses on the effect of technology change on managerial obsolescence and upg...

Multinational Executives Look at the European Economic Community

Examines the attitude of multinational executives in the U.S. toward the Euro...

The Sophisticated Swedish Tax Policy

Focuses on the success of the Swedish social policy in changing the structure...

Assimilating Blacks Into the Organization

Focuses on the problem faced by management to facilitate the assimilation of ...

Making Black Retail Outlets Work

Presents results of a survey concerning shopping patterns, preferences and at...

Toward a Collegial Office of the President

Focuses on operations of the Office of the President (OP) in the U.S. and its...

The Myths of MIS

Examines the myths of management information systems (MIS). Information-proc...

The Corporation and the Church: Institutional Conflict and Social Responsibility

Focuses on the involvement of the church in social reforms, affecting all typ...

A Contingency Model of Organizational Design

Focuses on the understanding of different organizational patterns that may de...

A Look at the Sociotechnical System

Focuses on the importance of socio-technical system variables to organization...

Planning the Executive Development Program

Focuses on the content and design of executive development programs. Reflect...

Does Job Enrichment Really Pay Off?

Analyzes critically the concepts of work motivation, job design and resistanc...

Best Estimate Forecasting--A Better Alternative

Focuses on best estimate sales forecasts, which becomes the planning figure f...

Implementing Job Enrichment

Focuses on the three stages of job enrichment model for the successful implem...

Toward a Y System

Focuses on the mixed systems of units of organizations located on a continuum...

Salesmen and Sales Managers Look at the District Manager

Focuses on the perception toward job qualifications of district manager at fo...

The Reliability of Input/Output Analysis for Marketing

Numerous quantitative and analytical techniques have been developed and appli...

Market Intelligence for Modern Merchants

The article comments market intelligence for modern merchants. Almost every m...

Young Black Workers Speak Their Minds

The article comments on the unemployment and underemployment of black workers...

Put Innovation in the Organization Structure

The article comments on innovation in the techniques of management. Research ...

The Search for Industry: Identifying Regional Manufacturing Opportunities

The article provides a systematic approach to public and private groups to se...

American Private Enterprise in South Africa

The article comments on American private enterprise in South Africa. American...

Program Choice in the Aerospace Industry

In the U.S. the weapons business, unlike most businesses where resource alloc...

Job Performance and the New Credentialism

In recent decades, the U.S. has become increasingly credentials-minded. Educa...

The Measurement of Attributed Image

The purpose of this study is to examine one method of image measurement and t...

Consulting from Within

This article is derived from the case history of an effort at affecting the m...

An Alternative Approach To Auto Emission Control

The article comments on an alternative approach to auto emission control. Air...

French Policy and American Investments in France

The article comments on French policy and American investments in France. Ame...

Organizational Development--Some Issues and Challenges

The field of organizational development promises to make an important contrib...

The Board of Directors: Legalistic Anachronism or Vital Force

Discusses the differences among board of directors and the factors that influ...

Air Pollution Control: The Case of Los Angeles County

Focuses on the activity of the Air Pollution Control District (APCD) of the L...

Managerial Behavior in Upwardly Oriented Organizations

Focuses on the role of democratic and directive leadership approach to achiev...

Management Development Can Be More Effective

Examines the need for managerial resource development to resolve critical iss...

Water Pollution Control: A Task for Technology

Presents a synoptic view of water pollution and the status of water pollution...

Rx for Top Management: A Periodic Checkup of EDP Operations

Emphasizes on a comprehensive, diagnostic review and evaluation of electronic...

Maturing of Business in India

Predicts the growth rate of various sectors of Indian economy between 1970 an...

A New Dimension in Executive Recruiting

Presents a survey that determines the attitudes of affluent wives toward fema...

BOOK REVIEW: Consumerism: Search for the Consumer Interest

Reviews the book 'Consumerism: Search for the Consumer Interest,' by David A....

Managing Solid Waste Disposal

Discusses the management of solid waste disposal in the U.S. Business aspect...

How Multinational Businessmen View Trade Restrictions

Investigates the attitudes of multinational businessmen toward restrictions o...

A Constructive Look at MESBICs

Focuses on the role of the Minority Enterprise Small Business Investment Comp...

Company Presidents Look at the Board of Directors

Presents a study that examines the status of corporate board of directors, ef...

Professional Norms and Organizational Goals: An Illusory Dichotomy

Focuses on alleged divergence between professional norms and organizational g...

Can Conglomerates Survive?

Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines conglomerate as, among other thin...

Textile and Fur Labeling Legislation

The Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, the Fur Products Labeling Act of 1951...

The Unrecognized Social Revolution: The Rise of the New Business Elite in America

Some scholars feel that past studies of the U.S. business leaders were undert...

George Meany and the Wayward

The autonomy of affiliated unions was a bedrock principle of the American Fed...

The Latent Manager: Identifying Him Early

CCCThe dwindling supply of managers is one of the major outcomes of the rapid...

Time, One More Time

The time available to executives and managers has become so critical that man...

Toward Better Management Control Systems

In a full-employment society, where resources are by definition scarce in the...

Organized Labor and Managerial Prerogatives: An Empirical Study

Part of ancient tradition is to dispute the prerogatives of authority. An aut...

Consumerism and Business

Recent talks on consumerism have concentrated on the genuine need for busines...

Management Potential: Early Recognition and Development

Selecting future managers is a serious responsibility, not only for corporati...

Should Your Organization Attempt to Value Its Human Resources

To survive, at minimum, or to grow and develop, all organizations must manage...

The Increasing Stream Hypothesis of Corporate Dividend Policy

The article presents information on corporate dividend policy. Corporate divi...

Consumption Behavior Across Ethnic Categories

The article presents information on consumption behavior. Why are some produc...

The Effect of Social Class on Brand Loyalty

The article presents information on the effects of social class on brand loya...

The C.A.S.E. Approach--A Valuable Aid for Management Development

The article presents information on Computer Assisted Simulation Exercises (C...

Work Measurement Practices

The article presents information on work measurement practices. Work measurem...

Do Products Really Have Life Cycles?

The article presents information on product life cycle. For more than a decad...

The Accounting System as Operating Model

The article presents information on the accounting system as an operation mod...

Corporate Profits and Employee Satisfaction: Must They Be in Conflict?

The article presents information on corporate profits and employee satisfacti...

Product Petrification: A New Stage in the Life Cycle Theory

The article presents information on product petrification. Launching and deve...

New Frontiers for American Business: The Case for Taiwan

One of the most delicate dilemmas confronting the Nixon Administration in the...

Industrial Scientists and Engineers: Motivational Style Differences

The article presents information on the motivational style of industrial scie...

The Human Factor in Management Systems

The article presents information on the human factor in management systems. S...

Negro Market--Fact or Fiction?

The article presents information on Negro markets. Is there a separate and di...

The Interorganizational Link

The article presents information on interorganizational link. This paper pres...

The Management of Creativity

The article presents information on the management of creativity. The creativ...

Readying the Unready: Postindustrial Jobs

Many planners behave as if one way of putting a job together were as good as ...

Status Report on a Profound Revolution

United States business is undergoing revolutionary change in attitude toward,...

Marketing Policies in Multinational Corporations

The growing involvement of American business in international production and ...

Taxation for Economic Growth

New tax policy is needed in the 1970s for economic growth, both nationally an...

Participative Management: Quality vs. Quantity

The continuing research on the purpose and process of participative managemen...

A Simulation Approach to Investment Decision

The suggestion was made that a combination of management science techniques, ...

Latin America: Testing Ground for International Business

The impact of nationalism upon international business in Latin America is not...

The Importance of International Public Relations

International public relations, a relatively new field, barely existed fifty ...

A Supervisory View of Unit Effectiveness

This research suggests that the "man-in-the-middle" supervisor holds prioriti...

Employee Performance and Employee Need Satisfaction--Which Comes First?

The degree of satisfaction at the end of one performance-satisfaction cycle a...

Impact of U.S. Investments on Britain

The value of the U.S. investments abroad has increased rapidly-from $10.7 bil...

The Practical Endowment of Management

The greatest invention of the nineteenth century was the invention of the met...

The Assignment of American Executives Abroad: Systematic, Haphazard or Chaotic?

The U.S. business firms today do not have as free a hand as they once did in ...

Corporate Enterprises in the Emerging Ocean Regime

A supranational government of the deep oceans-an ocean regime-is unquestionab...

Common Questions and Tentative Answers Regarding Organization Development

More people in business and government are searching for more meaningful, mor...

The Application of Psychological Testing to Entrepreneurial Potential

The word Entrepreneur carries a deluge of definitional and operational ambigu...

The Co-Manager Concept

As a beginning, from leadership research, one finds that at least two separat...

Technological Innovation and Public Policy

Distinction between inventory and innovation as far as technology is concerne...

Corporate Strategy: A Point of View

Exploring the concept of corporate strategy and presenting a scheme for class...

Organizational Conflict in Academia

The literature of conflict in organizations has dealt mainly with industry an...

Are Strike Ballots Necessary?

This article evaluates arguments and counterarguments involved in the propose...

The Greatly Exaggerated Death of Bureaucracy

The perspective of all modern scholars on the subject of bureaucracy is proba...

The Creative Challenge of Individualism

In a modern, postindustrial society there can be no question that the managem...

Business Experience with Industrial Aid Bonds as a Source of External Financing: Some Empirical Evidence

This article focuses on the industrial aid bond financing in the U.S. and ass...

Attitude Change, Behavior Change: The Role of the Training Department

This article focuses on the impact of conventional management development pro...

Multinational Oil Companies: A Factor in Middle East International Relations

This article focuses on the role played by multinational oil companies in the...

Management and Motivation

The problem addressed herein is that of managing interdisciplinary groups of ...

Effective Grievance Administration

This article presents information about the grievance procedure followed by t...

Business and Students

This article focuses on the student's attitude toward business. The 1960s are...

Business and the Generation Gap

This article focuses on the propriety of profit as a goal for business in con...

Through the Labyrinth: An Approach to Reading in Behavioral Science

Behavioral science is a relatively new a relatively new artifact. The subject...

Selecting a Defensive Portfolio

After the publication of H.M. Markowitz's article and monograph on portfolio ...

Leadership Without Formal Authority: The Project Department

Leader of a project group is faced with two sets of problems. First, there is...

Some Dilemmas in Newer Concepts of Administration

According to the author, his inquiry is not into what these newer concepts em...

Authority-Flow Theory and the Impact of Chester Barnard

"The decision as to whether an order has authority or not lies with the perso...

BOOK REVIEW: A Review of Virgil Salera’s Multinational Business

Reviews the book "Multinational Business," by Virgil Salera.

Job Performance Comparisons: Mexican-American and Anglo Employees

Unparalleled efforts have been made in recent years to persuade American busi...

Committee Management: Guidelines from Social Science Research

The committee is one of the most maligned, yet most frequently employed forms...

Closing the Supervisor/Superior Gap

Industrial organizations are becoming more deeply concerned with the interper...

The Anatomy of a Corporate Strategy

More and more companies are coming to realize the significance of a suitable ...

Defensive Writing

Good functional writing means being aware of more than syntax and sequence. I...

Policies of the Successful Manager

Personal success and its relationships to policy positions is the topic of th...

Query: Can the Afro-American be an Effective Executive?

The business, industrial, governmental and educational institutions place a g...

A Sociometric Approach to Organizational Analysis

The basic building blocks for any organization depend on the individual and i...

Accounting Controls and the Soviet Economic Reforms

The search for efficient operation of enterprises in the Soviet Union is the ...

The Computer Utility

Recent developments in computer technology have finally made the computer uti...

The Origins and Careers of American Business, Government and Academic Elites

The U.S. greatly needs effective leaders to manage its complex organizations....

BOOK REVIEW: Business Corporations and the Black Man

Reviews the book " Business Corporations and the Black Man," by S. Prakash Se...

Contests Have Side Effects Too

Prize-offering contests often yield impressive results. That contests can hel...

Setting Goals in Management by Objectives

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a process in which members of complex organ...

Length of Product Line

The article develops an approach to the product line selection problem that c...

A Decision Rule for Determining Pension and Endowment Funds’ Portfolio Mix

The view that a large institutional portfolio should contain both bonds and c...

Role Conflict and Multiple Authority in Complex Organizations

Two classical principles of organization deal specifically with authority flo...

The Utilization of Scientific and Engineering Manpower in Industry

Industrial Research Laboratories are organized to make the best use of and to...

Learning and Behavior Without Awareness: Their Implications to Consumer Behavior and Sovereignty

The concept of consumer sovereignty is one of the foundations of the western ...

International Management Selection and Development

Neither importance of international business to the United States, nor of int...

Less-Developed Countries’ Foreign Capital Policies: Are They Irrational?

The encouragement of direct private foreign investment (DPFI) by U.S. citizen...

Investment Centers: Their Role in International Decisions

When an international investment opportunity seizes a potential investor's at...

The Quiet Boom in the Vacation Home Market

`Presently about 5 percent of U.S. households own vacation homes and probably...

Future Trends in the Struggle for Control of International Oil Resources

Struggles for control of oil resources constantly mark world petroleum histor...

How to Evaluate a Company’s Training Efforts

Every month U.S. companies spend millions of dollars for training. This money...

BOOK REVIEW: The Marketing Mode: Pathways to Corporate Growth

Reviews the book "The Marketing Mode: Pathways to Corporate Growth," by Theod...

Managing University Research: Personnel and Organizational Policies

The manifold increase in research and development expenditures since World Wa...

Research Departments Within Large Organizations

The article presents the author's opinion that to ignore the fact that most r...

Latin American Management Education and Recruitment: An Environmental Perspective

All business operates within constraints set by the environment in which it e...

Advanced Management Processes in Developing Countries: Planning in Turkey

As a result of the success of many foreign aid programs dealing almost exclus...

Professional Ethics and Competence in Management Consulting

The 1960s may well become known as the decade when the profession of manageme...

Integration and Integrity

The article focuses on the exercise of leadership within societies which are ...

The New California Blue-Sky Law

The article focuses on a new California Corporate Securities Law which came i...

The Qualifications of a Manager

The article focuses on the qualifications of a manager. Managers who are full...

Behavioral Strategies

The article focuses on behavioral strategies adopted by people at work. Behav...

Beyond Marketing: The Furthering Concept

The article focuses on the concept of marketing. Marketing is an activity tha...

The Outside Salesman: Interorganizational Link

The article focuses on questions concerning the salesman's human relationship...

Organization Development Objectives, Assumptions, and Strategies

The article focuses on organizational development (OD) objectives, assumption...

Behavioral Implications of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

The article focuses on the behavioral implications of generally accepted acco...

National Economic Planning and Business Decision-Making: The French Experience

The article focuses on national economic planning and business decision makin...

Why Does Project Management Fail?

Project management often seems the best approach to tasks which are not effec...

Corporate Legitimacy and Social Responsibility: The Role of Law

Even if one does not wish to admit that the large, contemporary corporation r...

Television--Focus on the Future

Television has become the foremost medium of news and information for a publi...

Financial Structure and Multinational Corporations

The time has come for financial executives of multinational corporations, the...

Do We Need a New Corporate Response To a Changing Social Environment? Part I

The large private corporation has come under considerable attack in recent ye...

Top Management and the Selection of Major Contractors at NASA

At National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the process of evalu...

Do We Need a New Corporate Response To a Changing Social Environment? Part II

The corporations have been slow to recognize certain changes in the structure...

Business Responsibility Toward the Market

In recent years, there has been a rising crescendo of discussions of the soci...

Classification Merchandising: An Overlooked Opportunity for Increasing Merchandising Profitability

The use of Electronic Data Processing (EDP) in business has generally been ju...

Industry-Government Relationships

The challenge that our society faces is, essentially, a managerial challenge....

Urban Unrest-Whose Problem Is It?

It is very well known that business and industry, in the normal conduct of th...

Business and the Black Revolt

The black revolt in the U.S. is a movement that is still strikingly conservat...

Role Analysis Technique in Job Descriptions

The author suggests that job descriptions generally lack the reality of opera...

The Twilight of the Mechanical Technology

During the past twenty years, as of 1969, three notable authors, Jacques Ellu...

The Negro in Aerospace Work

Few industries are working more assiduously than aircraft and related aerospa...


The article presents an interview with James Riddle Hoffa, president of Inter...

The Changing Nature of Compensation Administration

Compensation administration since its inception has been based upon a single-...

Updating Impressions of the Military-Industry Complex

To connote a somewhat sinister relationship, or worse, between the U.S. Depar...

Business and the Urban Scene

The fate of urban dwellers, particularly minorities, has always been uncertai...

Production Planning in a Multiplant System

Multiplant systems have developed in most consumer-oriented industries throug...

A Capital Market Plan for the Urban Areas

One wonders how many more cities will have to go up in flames amid riot and b...

The Universities' Commitment to Contemporary Problems

Now-a-days, the universities of the U.S. and the University of California, Lo...

A Hidden Issue in Minority Employment

Corporations frequently anticipate problems when hiring minority employees du...

Executives' Wives--The Need for a Positive Company-Sponsored Approach

This article examines the executive's wife, her effect on the executive and o...

The Economics of Airport Use, Congestion, and Safety

This article focuses on the economics of airport use, congestion, and safety....

Business and the Mexican-American Community

Business has made a major effort in recent months to meet the challenges pose...

Absolutism in the Realm of Uncertainty

Physical scientists commonly have looked with mild scorn on the "scientific" ...

Industrial Revenue Bonds: A Source of Long-Term Financing

This article focuses on industrial revenue bonds as a source of long-term fin...

Toward A General Theory of Motivation and Performance

Industrial psychologists and management practitioners have long been interest...

Financial Reporting for Conglomerates: An Economic Analysis

Recent indication by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that financ...

The General Manager of the Future

This article focuses on the requirements and qualities of general managers of...

An Executive Looks At--The Corporate Will

All corporations must live with catastrophe, but few do anything to prepare f...

Reorganize the Personnel Department?

This article focuses on organization of personnel department of big companies...

The Characteristics and Work Adjustment of Engineering Technicians

In recent years, technical occupations have been expanding substantially fast...

Financial Myopia

Aggressive firms and conglomerates prosper when short-sighted competitors mis...

The Role of Generalizations in the Marketing of Consumer Goods

Generalization, a principle developed in psychology, appears to have importan...

Stock Repurchase: Financial Issues

Stock repurchase should be viewed rationally as a potentially beneficial use ...

An Executive Looks At--Perspective--31,000 Feet Up

The article presents a distilled dialogue, fictional to be sure, between two ...

The Systems Approach to Business Organization and Decision Making

Systems theory has had a revolutionary effect on business operations. Many an...

Simulating a Cash Budget

The use of simulation as an analytical tool can be of great value to a financ...

Individualism in Management

The traditional American dream is dead for most people. The traditional Ameri...

Who Knows the Corporation President?

The post of top corporate executive is a lonely one. The man filling it can f...

Measuring the Situational Nature of Management

Generalized theories of management have been of little use to managers in the...

A Second Breakthrough in Organization Development

Within the past few years, at least one plant has moved forward in a directio...

Corporate Objective and Marketing Aim: What Is the Relationship?

The article presents a discussion on the relationship between corporate objec...

Evaluation of Trade Show Exhibitions

Keys to effective exhibiting are a clear-cut company goal, complete records, ...

Self-Concealment and Self-Disclosure in Two Group Contexts

The major goal of this study was to gain insights into the reasons why, at ti...

Industrialization in Hong Kong

The recent disturbances in Hong Kong, instigated by a minute portion of the l...

Educating Potential Managers About the Computer

Most schools of business are neglecting education in one of the most importan...

Space Employment in Los Angeles: A Declining Role in the Aerospace Industry?

Federal Procurement has been an important factor in the economic growth of Lo...

Management Models for a Retirement Community

Certain characteristics of aged persons in the contemporary population are ca...

The Origin and History of Program Budgeting

Certain elements of program budgeting are as old as civilization. To a greate...

Innovation in Marketing: An Organizational Behavior Perspective

Innovation and change are important aspects of every marketing manager's job....

An Executive Looks At--Marketing in the Money Card Society

This article provides information about advent of the money card or so-called...

How Effective is Foreign Aid?

The foreign assistance program today is dominated by the overwhelming require...

Manpower Developments and Requirements in Our New Service Economy

The search for solution to problems of employment and manpower utilization wi...

DEMON: A Management Model for Marketing New Products

The function of new product marketing has become of major importance and conc...

The Theory of Financial Leverage and Conglomerate Mergers

In 1965 The Federal trade Commission counted 1,893 sizable mergers, compared ...

Marketing and Management Science--A Marriage on the Rocks?

This article indicates that management sciences, realistically applied, can o...

Readiness for Management Development: An Exploratory Note

This article acknowledges and endorses the designation of management developm...

Use of Corporate Planning Groups in the Analysis of Corporate Acquisitions

This article examines the methods used by six firms to assure that their top ...

Forecasting Employment and Industrial Location in the San Francisco Bay Area

This article examines the results of the Bay Area Simulation Study (BASS) to ...

A System Diagram of the Functions of a Manager

This article discusses the development of a closed loop feedback system for t...

Capital Budgeting and the Multinational Corporation

This article presents a survey of the methods being used by firms to evaluate...

Plant Financing, Accounting, and Divisional Targetry

This article illustrates what can happen if traditional accounting methods ar...

The Dual Distribution Bills: What Are They All About?

This article examines whether dual distribution bills are adequate or desirab...

Organization as a Total System

The article views organization as a set of flows, information, men, material ...

Professor Galbraith's The New Industrial State

The article focuses on the book "The New Industrial State," written by John K...

Real Estate Development Financing

Several levels of financing precede the long-term first mortgage to the ultim...

Clarifying Responsibility Relationships

Organization charts and position guides provide very useful information but, ...

Economic Size of Organizations

The economist's interest in management is primarily focused on the question o...

What Ever Happened to Space Spin-Off?

The notion that space technology could spin-off a host of processes products,...

Manpower--Today's Frontier

The cost of a workforce which revolves from one employer to another is more t...

Advanced Management Know-how in Underdeveloped Countries

In recent years, the subject of industrialization and economic development of...

Toward an Interpersonal Theory of Consumer Behavior

Marketing professionals in their literary works focus upon the consumer which...

Every Employee a Manager

This article provides corroborative evidence of the wastefulness of bureaucra...

Programs as Factors of Production

A technology exists largely in the minds of its labor force and in the future...

A Model of Vertical Integration Strategy

The article deals with decisions which relate to the degree of control that o...

Adjusting Managerial Acts to Behavioral Concepts

The article examines and compiles concrete managerial acts and connect these ...

Consumer Innovators: The Key To New Product Success

The paper reviews the literature on innovators and has empirically tested a m...

California’s Continuing Need for Mortgage Capital

The importance of out-of-state lenders in providing mortgage support for Cali...

An Executive Looks At- Private Enterprise and Public Needs

The article presents a perspective on the business environment with the focus...

Management Uses of Work Physiology

The article discusses uses of work physiology. Work physiology can be viewed ...

A Contrast Between Two Approaches To Total Systems Incentives

The article presents information on two approaches to total systems incentive...

Spin-Offs II

Spin-offs will set the pattern for the technology of the future. An industria...

Programmed Instruction in Industrial Training

Programmed instruction refers to a learning experience in which there is clos...

Business Decision Making: A Phenomenological Approach

The article focuses on a phenomenological approach to business decision makin...

Scientists, Engineers, and Technological Obsolescence

Scientists and engineers keep up to date by engaging in a variety of activiti...

UNIPRODUCT: A Pedagogical Device

Uniproduct was developed as a result of experimentation with the ways in whic...

Management Language and Management Action

This article focuses on the relationship between an organization and its empl...

Fair Trade Revisited

This article discusses some severe judicial and legislative setbacks received...

Satellite TV: India As A Case Study

The first published report on satellite television for mass education in deve...

Demand and Supply of Teachers in California

This article focuses on the shortage of qualified teachers in California whic...

Doctorates in Business Administration: A Demand and Supply Analysis

This article focuses on the demand and supply analysis for doctorates in busi...

Approaches To Long-Range Planning for Small Business

This article presents some new thoughts on long-range planning specifically d...

Heuristic Models: Mapping the Maze for Management

This article focuses on the usefulness of heuristic models. Certain aspects o...

Recent Developments in the Savings and Loan Industry

The underlying trends revealed by the author's hypothetical housing inventory...

Information Flow and Decentralized Decision Making in Marketing

The view that a business firm is an operating or functioning, integrated whol...

Problems of Managing Industrial Research

The article presents an interview with Robert L. Hershey, a recently retired ...

The Soviet Educational and Research Revolution: Implications for Management Development

With growing awareness among Soviet Union leaders, educators, researchers, an...

Defense Systems Management: The 375 Series

Significant changes have recently been instituted in contracting arrangements...

Organizational Personages--Or Is It Really A Square World?

Once it was a hierarchy, an assemblage of choirs arrayed beneath the feet of ...

Methods of Estimating Consumer Preference Distributions

The rapidly increasing use in marketing of the techniques of quantitative ana...

The FTC--Large Quality Store Advertising and the Small Retailer

Although the Robinson-Patman Act was passed some three decades ago, problems ...

Copper Prices: a Case Study of Guidepost Policy

There is no doubt that one of the most important current economic problems is...

The Revolutionary American Businessman

American businessmen at home see them. selves as quite conservative political...

An Analytical Approach To the Concept of Image

This article has presented an analytical approach to the study of images. The...

Problems of Managing Industrial Research: An Interview With Robert L. Hershey

The article presents an interview with Robert L. Hershey, a recently retired ...

The Retail Buyer and The Robinson-Patman Act

The U.S. congress in 1936 executed the Robinson-Patman act, primarily to curb...

The Development of Judicial Arbitration in Labor-Management Disputes

In the U.S. more than twice as many unfair labor practice charges are filed w...

Emerging Trends in Public Labor Policies and Union-Government Relations in Asia and Africa

Union formation and joining is one of the fundamental rights. To enable union...

Arbitrators and Judges--Dispelling the Hays Haze

This article discusses the arbitration process in American industrial managem...

Sixty-Second Man in a Pico-Second World

This article expresses the concern over the growing emphasis on computer spee...

An Econometric Model for Southern California and Forecasts for 1967

In an attempt to study regional economic behavior, this article presents a fo...

The Government Aerospace Industry Interaction

In the U.S. Since the end of World war II, the relationship between the gover...

Patent Monopolies and the Law

The patent laws passed by the U.S. Congress give a successful patent applican...

Shaping the Master Strategy of Your Firm

Every enterprise needs a central purpose, expressed in terms of the services,...

A New Approach To Cyclical Business Analysis

Gross National product (GNP) is one of the most comprehensive single economic...


This article presents behavioristic view of coordination of human enterprises...

Putting in a Management Development Program That Works

One of the greatest challenges facing management today is to increase the ski...

The Human Element in Communications

In this article author discusses on the human element in communications. Esta...

Profile of the American Overseas Executive

This article presents a study on the American overseas executives. A question...

Breaking the Barriers To Executive Growth

Presidents of larger companies would generally agree that one of their hardes...

Strategic Planning's Threat to Small Business

This article determines the potential effect of the accelerating adoption of ...

Computers, Decentralization, and Corporate Control

Any corporation can achieve continuous, efficient monitoring of its decentral...

Contemporary Military Program Management

The purpose of this article is to examine characteristics of military program...

Spin-Offs: A Business Pay-Off

The United States government's vast expenditures for research and development...

Study of A Business Decision

This article presents a research on business operating decision-making. In th...

The Australian Business Climate

This article focuses on the condition Australia in international business. Au...

Product Design, Marketing, and Manufacturing Innovation

This article focuses on the innovation in product design, marketing and manuf...

Changing Competition in British Petrol Distribution: A Case Study

The narrowing of the differential between the prices of independent and major...

Organizational Revitalization

There will be more conflict and contradiction among diverse standards of orga...

Foreign Aid as a Problem of Resource Management: The Case of Free China

This article examines foreign economic aid as a problem of resource managemen...

The Strategy of Corporate Research & Development

The scope and diversity of research and development are vast, including dimen...

The Nature and Scope of Estate Planning

The economic potential of the individual may be expressed as the maximum net ...

Mythology of Management Compensation

The secrecy policies of organizations and the consequent tendency for manager...

Strategies for Economic Development in Southern California

The economic development taking place in the national economy, many of which ...

Management Services and Management Audits by Professional Accountants

The primary function of top managers is to manage resources, particularly hum...

California Urban Transit: Lessons for Management

In recent years, the trend has been a shift in the ownership and operation of...

How Social Science Research Can Help Management

Thoughtful, successful businessman for a good many years have sought help fro...

What Do We Believe About Power?

Ideas and beliefs about power do make a great deal of difference. Whether ide...

A Second Look at Management Goals and Controls

As management techniques, goal setting and self-control are not new in the li...

The Finalité of Business

In recent years, businessmen and business scholars in Europe have been engros...

Higher Education for the Executive Elite

On June 1, 1965, James M. Roche was elected President of General Motors Corpo...

Business Enterprise in a Global Context

World business is in a greater state of flux than ever before. A tri-level pr...

Management Incentive Compensation

Reassessment of incentive compensation for executives is underway in many com...

Planning California's Future Development

How fast will California grow? Will the state continue to attract new busines...

The Mathematical Content of the Business School Curriculum

According to the author, before discussing the place that mathematics should ...

Some Important Relations Between Federal and California Taxes

This article presents an analysis of the combined effect of California and fe...

Behavioral Properties of Variance Controls

Management control designers should focus on increasing total organization co...

Sales Finance Subsidiaries and Their Growth

The recent dramatic growth of subsidiary finance companies has received surpr...

When Human Relations May Succeed and the Company Fail

The concept of human relations in industry, like many other worthwhile moveme...

The New World of Private Brands

Consumer goods manufacturers with heavy financial investments in branded inve...

Major Household Appliances: A Lesson in Distribution

A significant element in marketing costs is the middleman's margin. This pape...

The Canadian Market: A Guide for United States Business

During the past decade, events of paramount importance have taken place in th...

Regional Industry Forecasting

Business planning often requires the development of regional industry forecas...

A Graphic Framework for Growth Stock Selection

A variety of mathematical models for growth stock valuation have been develop...

Two Kinds of Profit

It is not new to point out that in many circles and societies private enterpr...

Determining the Export Potential

The world is now populated by over three billion people in which the gross pr...

Technology and Manpower Utilization in Distribution Agencies

The article discusses ways in which automation has affected manpower utilizat...

Appraisals: Personality, Performance, and Persons

Ten years of discussion in business journals and seminars have established th...

The One Foot Shelf--Insurance

Insurance is a composite of law, economics, sociology, mathematics and so for...

Arbitrability and the Supervisor's Role

Are unions being given enlarged management roles because arbitrators are acce...

Visual Design and the Marketing Manager

The article presents the author's opinion that marketing managers can profit ...

Government-Industry Planning Interrelationships

The article presents an exploration of medium long-range planning in Norway, ...

Dual Distribution and Its Impact on Marketing Organization

The article presents a discussion of the extent and impact of dual distributi...

Evaluating Risky Capital Investments

The crucial importance of capital investment decisions has been stressed in p...

National Interests and Multinational Business

The major premise of this article is that the resolution of the conflict betw...

Managerial Implications of Integrated Business Operations

An old and continuing key problem confronting American business executives is...

The Productified Way of Life

If the central value in a culture reflects its essence, the product is the un...

Marketing Objectives for the Satellite City

Using Oakland, California as a typical satellite city in an intensely competi...

Too Many Management Levels

In this article an optimal structure for organizational hierarchy of strata w...

Cognitive Dissonance and Consumer Behavior: Reactions to the Surgeon General's Report on Smoking and Health

The field of human behavior and its various subsets, especially consumer beha...

Management and the Behavioral Sciences: A Conceptual Scheme

The subject of management and the behavioral sciences covers a vast field. No...

Forecasting Gross Regional Product for Southern California

In November 1952, when the faculty of University of California at Los Angeles...

How to Assure Poor Long-Range Planning for Your Company

The article discusses reasons for faulty long range planning. In working with...

The Future of Nonprofit Research and Development Organizations

The article discusses the future of a non-profit research and development org...

The Foreign Private Investment Climate in India

The article analyzes conditions of investment in India and the viewpoint of f...

The Challenge of Operations Research

The article focuses on important challenges of operation research. This is so...

New Mission for Business Managers

The article presents information on a new mission for business managers, both...

Investment Decisions for Public Pension Funds

The article presents information on investment decisions for public pension f...

Economic Policy Problems Facing the New Administration

The article presents information on the economic policy problems facing the U...

Challenges for Intellectual Leadership in Management

The article presents information on challenges for intellectual leadership in...

Are Traditional Foreign Exchange Translation Methods Obsolete?

The article discusses the traditional foreign exchange translation methods an...

Product Management: Panacea or Pandora's Box?

The article presents information on the practice of product management and th...

Upward Communication: The Subordinate's Viewpoint

This article attempts to view the subordinate as a goal-oriented individual, ...

Wage Administration and Job Rate Ranges

This article focuses on the job rate ranges. The existence of rate ranges, th...

The Competitive Marketing Simulator--a New Management Tool

This article focuses on the competitive marketing simulator as a new manageme...

The Promotion of International Business

This article focuses on some aspects of planning for international business. ...

The Role of the Consumer in Image Building

This article focuses on the role of consumers in image building of a product....

A Commitment Approach To Management Development

This article focuses on various approaches to management development. Today m...

The Quandary of Foreign Manufacturing Affiliates in Less-Developed Countries

This article focuses on the emergence of development programs and the rapid g...

Avoiding Managerial Obsolescence

This article presents a picture of the explosive technological change. The st...

Process Automation Comes Slowly--So Far

This article focuses on the process automation. Process automation is trying ...

Free Men and Free Markets: New Dimensions of An Old Problem

This article focuses on the challenges faced by the businesses in the U.S. Am...

Transformation of New Knowledge for Economic Growth

This article focuses on the organized knowledge transformation which is becom...

The Role of the Financial Vice President in a Growth Company

This article focuses on the role of chief financial vice president in a growt...

Managing the Foreign Teaching Program

The management of teaching of business and other subjects abroad presents a w...

A View of Corporate Planning Today

Corporate management collects and integrates the data, judgments and desired ...

Conflict of Interest

No government can afford the contagion of moral lapses in high places. Confli...

The Impact of Numerically Controlled Equipment on Factory Organization

After a decade of experience most managers, albeit reluctantly, have accepted...

The Long-Range Planning Matrix

Corporate planning is rapidly being recognized as the frontier problem in eff...

A Model for Research in Comparative Management

Corporate management deals with problems of management and managerial efficie...

Business Climate and Industrial Location in California

There has been a good deal of discussion recently concerning the question of ...

The Decision-Making Grid: A Model of Decision-Making Styles

The success of the group decision-making process depends on the combined capa...

The Profitability of a Firm's Purchase of Its Own Common Stock

Funds are generated internally as depreciation and profits after taxes, and e...

The Price Skirmish--A Distinctive Pattern of Competitive Behavior

Much has been written in abstract as well as in actual market terms about pri...

A Dissenting Opinion on 'Trade Union Conflict and Agreement With American Ideology'

The article focuses on trade union conflicts and their agreements with ideolo...

The Ethical Dimension in American Management

The article focuses on ethical dimension in American management. More recent ...

Management Myths and EDP

The article focuses on management myths and electronic data processing (EDP)....

Marketing Effectiveness and Sales Supervision

The article focuses on marketing effectiveness and sales supervision. The inc...

Why Managers Cultivate Social Responsibility

The article focuses on American business and their social responsibilities. A...

Managerial Acceptance of Scientific Recommendations

The article focuses on managerial acceptance of scientific recommendation. On...

The Arbitrator Views the Industrial Engineer

The article focuses on the arbitrator's views on industrial engineers. Accord...

The Office Executive

The article presents an empirical study of functions, responsibilities, and o...

A Survival Test for ECM

The article presents a survival test for European Common Market. It represent...

Strategies for Growth

This article summarizes a study of fifty-three leading growth companies. Thes...

Merchandising in Department Store Chains

With virtually every new regional shopping plaza built throughout the nation,...

The Ethical Dilemma of American Capitalism

It is becoming increasingly clear that the U.S. is moving into an ethical cri...

Management Featherbeds Revisited

In summer 1963 issue the journal, California Management Review served as a fo...

Has Collective Bargaining Degenerated?

Collective bargaining has done a good job in the years since it became genera...

The Cost of Capital

This article discusses some of the issues and approaches to measuring the "Co...

The Social Sciences and Management Practice

The one thing which, more than any other, seems to keep the social sciences f...

Schmidt and Stokhanov: Work Heroes in Two Systems

The worker who achieves a prodigious individual output or who performs some s...

Why and How to Diversify

Diversify or, and diversify by plan, are two managerial imperatives. In the l...

Automation and Morale

Much speculation has been directed toward the psychological response of the w...

Trade Union Conflict and Agreement with American Ideology

Trade unionism is part of the American Way of Life, yet until now little atte...

Implications of the 1962 Trade Expansion Act

President John F. Kennedy, in his acknowledgement of rising free world interd...

Leadership in the 1960's

This article explores some of the more critical of these involvements for lea...

Organization Man--Prospect for the Future

These two issues, decision-making versus analytical skills and individualism ...

The One Foot Shelf--Managing Research

This article focuses on several management literature, in connection with the...

Executives and Sales Aptitude Testing

This article focuses on the use of psychological testing while selecting sale...

The Intelligence Function and Business Competition

This article discusses the importance and general nature of the intelligence ...

Aerospace Industries and the Budgeting Function

As the aerospace industry represents the industry with the most prevalent nee...

Developmental Models and Corporate Growth

This article focuses on the issues, in relation with corporations' growth. Fi...

Postcompletion Audits of Capital Investment Decisions

This article discusses the use of feedback control systems in the postcomplet...

A Test Case in Turkey

This article is based on research related to American business enterprises, f...

A Promising Experiment

The establishment of the Australian Administrative Staff College is a new dep...

Elements of Executive Promotion

No other decisions are more important to the welfare and future growth of the...

Coping With Planning Problems in Defense Industry Business

The U.S. defense industry is confronted with serious planning problems. This ...

Distortions of Behavioral Science

Schools of business administration and in-company training programs are spend...

Management's Stake in Accounting Reform

Management and the public accounting profession are jointly responsible for c...

Planning Objectives

So important is the need to select proper planning objectives that one would ...

Business Entertainment and Its Motivation as a Tax Problem

Current intensified interest in the question of whether business entertainmen...

Management and Accelerating Technology

The survival and future well-being of the U.S. and the free world depend larg...

Managerial Opposition to Product-Innovation in Soviet Union Industry

The current situation of technical progress and product innovation in the Sov...

The One Foot Shelf--Soviet Economy

No other country in the world currently excites so much interest and concern ...

John Richards--California Pioneer of Management Thought

John Richard's, pioneer of management thoughts, writing belong among the writ...

Executive Development in Small Business

For a six-months period from September 1961, to February 1962, a group of 217...

Expectations of Excellence

Recent world events have raised Educators have found themselves exposed to pu...

Capital Budgeting--Theory and Practice

Businessmen have long been aware that there exists a problem of allocating sc...

A Missing Link in Planning

Planning is generally recognized as an inherent aspect of human endeavor. Wit...

The One Foot Shelf--Transportation

Transportation area includes air, rail, motor, pipeline, inland water, freigh...

Changing Aspects of U.S. Economic Growth

The U.S. economy is showing a number of important changes in certain of its b...

Toward Understanding Behavioral Science by Administrators

For nearly a decade executives have been exhorted to make more extensive use ...

Precepts for Managers--Interviews with Chester I. Barnard

The article presents an interview with sociologist Chester I. Barnard. One of...

A Critique of Some Current Idea About Organization

Much of the current teaching in the field of management is based on ideas whi...

Business and Its Managers in Sudan

The Republic of the Sudan is the largest political unit in Africa, being just...

The Right to Compete

An integral part of American folklore is the belief that any American has the...

Some Problems of State Enterprise in Underdeveloped Nations

Economic development in the so-called "underdeveloped countries" is a sort of...

Electronic Computers and Management Organization

Computers are effecting "information handling revolution and now handle a maj...

Business and Its Managers in Africa

A general questioning of the suitability of North American economic and busin...

Thematic Assessment of Executives

The assessment of personnel is a topic that recurrently arouses mixed and tro...

The Quality Gap in Technical Writing

This article focuses on difficulties faced by the industry in finding capable...

The Impact of the Courts on Arbitration and the Right to Manage

Unless management surrenders its authority to the unions, to the courts and t...

An Augean Stable-The Case of Management Featherbeds

Labor-sponsored featherbedding has long been a matter of public concern, but ...

Trucks, Trains and Bureaucrats-The Crisis in Transportation

This article focuses on the difficulties faced by the transportation industry...

Planning Ahead in the Department of Defense

This article describes a new planning and programming process that was initia...

Are Business Schools Really Necessary?

This article focuses on the importance of business schools in giving business...

Demand for Machine Tools

This article focuses on the wide fluctuations in the demand for machine tools...

In Praise of Job Evaluation

For more than a quarter of a century, job evaluation plans based on the point...

Forces Which Undermine Management Development

One of the consistently puzzling phenomena collected with "human relations tr...

California's Dependence in Capital Imports for Mortgage Investment

This article presents, for the first time, estimates of California's dependen...

Problems of Managing in International Institutions

In the life span of one generation-the working life of one man-there has aris...

Planning for Corporate Merger

A brief summary of the factors that have led to the increased use of mergers ...

Three Major Forces in the Stock Market

The primary purpose of this paper is to focus attention on some statistics th...

Two Approaches to University Management Education

Companies across the United States are in the process of selecting those memb...

The Commercial Uses of Communication Satellites

Commercial communications satellites are among the first applications of the ...

The Prismatic Image of the Organization

Recent years have seen considerable discussion of the role of the "image" in ...

Management's Dilemma--The Professional Employee

The composition of the labor force has undergone a dramatic change since 1940...

Managing External Relations

Assembling resources is one of the major divisions of administrative work, al...

International Trade and the Common Market

The introduction of labor-saving devices and other improvements in manufactur...

The Ethics of Competition Revisited

The theme of this distinguished lecture series, the morals of trade, directs ...

Marketing Strategy in Industries with Overcapacity

The article focuses on the problems of the industry whose major product is en...

Defense--How Much Will It Cost?

The article presents information on a new program which allows the U.S. Defen...

Man and His Work

The article presents results of the study conducted by a group at Columbia Un...

Is a Tax Cut Needed to Prevent a Recession in 1963?

The article focuses on the forecast of a minor recession in the year 1963, or...

The Effects of Stabilization Policy on Investment Planning

The article focuses on the effects of economic stabilization policy on invest...

Transportation and Hawaiian Neighbor Island Economic Growth

The article focuses on problems of economic growth of Hawaii, offers estimate...

Depth Analysis of Organizational Life

In this article the author formulates some tentative hypotheses about organiz...

Structuring and Managing An Organization

The article presents information on the book "Exploration in Management," by ...

How to Evaluate a Firm

This article focuses on methods for the evaluation of firms. Financial analys...

A New Way To Manage--Integrated Planning and Control

This article focuses on a new way to manage integrated planning and control. ...

Management of California Pension Funds

This article focuses on the management of the pension fund of California. Thi...

A Look at the Soviet Factory Manager

This article focuses on the study conducted by French teams in Soviet Union t...

Argentina, Economic Barometer of the Alliance for Progress

Despite recent political upheavals, the Argentine: economy is firmly embarked...

Predicting Student Success in Graduate Business Courses

This article presents a study on the relationship between selected psychologi...

Encroachments on the Right To Manage

This article focuses on the effect of the decision of the Supreme court on th...

An Executive Day

This article focuses on the management of time by executives. As the day deve...

Impacts of Scientific Change Upon Business Management

Is science producing a revolution in the functions of the business executive?...

Planned Innovation as a Marketing Tool

In a new industry technology and invention are in the driver's seat, and mark...

The Swap as a Hedge in Foreign Exchange

The lips and downs of foreign exchange are one of the risks which American fi...

A Healthy Organization

Human behavior, which is invariably a mixture of reactionary and forward-movi...

Competition as a Dynamic Process

What is effective competition? Is it an abstract ideal concept, or an actual ...

A More Effective Use of Time

Here is first aid for that paramount problem of the average executive, how to...

Dynamic Control of an Operational Complex

Only machines with built-in memories and automatic computing talents can hope...

Models of Multiple Branch Organization

This mathematical study, based on a linear model of the multiple branch organ...

Managerial Power

The article discusses managerial power and authority in any industrial setup....

Forecasting Sales of Consumers' Durable Goods

In this paper a theoretical framework that has served as a useful guide for f...

The Anatomy of Retail Price Competition: A Study of Advertised Food Prices

This article focuses on the retail price competition and the role of advertis...

The Mythology of Corporations

In this article, the author says that "the corporation today does not live up...

Labor’s Power in American Society

This article focuses on labor power in the U.S. as of March 1962. In recent y...

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

Published at Berkeley Haas for more than sixty years, California Management Review seeks to share knowledge that challenges convention and shows a better way of doing business.

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