
Convergence in Entrepreneurial Leadership Style: Evidence from Russia

Entrepreneurial leadership is crucial for economic growth in all countries, y...

Challenges in Marketing Socially Useful Goods to the Poor

Market-based solutions to alleviate poverty have become increasingly popular ...

Regulatory Pressure and Competitive Dynamics: Carbon Management Strategies of UK Energy-Intensive Companies

Corporate climate strategies are shaped by a complex interplay of various mar...

Unlocking the Performance of the Chief Information Officer (CIO)

Given the crucial role that IT plays in businesses today, the Chief Informati...

The Last Frontier:Market Creation in Conflict Zones, Deep Rural Areas, and Urban Slums

By operating in war zones, urban slums, and deep rural areas, companies could...

Prediction Markets: A New Tool for Strategic Decision Making

Uncertainty is at the center of many of the most important strategic decision...

Fiat: Open Innovation in a Downturn (1993-2003)

One of the key elements of Fiat’s recent resurgence is the superiority of its...

Open Innovation and the Stage-Gate Process: A Revised Model for New Product Development

This article explores how firms can benefit from opening up the new product d...

The Impact of Illegal Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing on the Media Industry

Peer-to-Peer networking technology and related innovations have had a major i...

Building Sustainable High-Growth Startup Companies: Management Systems as an Accelerator

Many startup companies go through the so-called “entrepreneurial crisis” when...

Public Responsibility and Private Enterprise in Developing Countries

In developing countries, firms encounter distinct challenges that place them ...

Ambient Communication: How to Engage Consumers in Urban Touch-Points

This article examines the concept of ambient communication, its evolution, ba...

Williamson’s Impact on the Theory and Practice of Management

Although unknown to most CEOs, at least until his recent recognition by the N...

Williamson’s Contribution and Its Relevance to 21st Century Capitalism

What is the significance of Oliver Williamson's Nobel prize? This short artic...

Regulation: A Transaction Cost Perspective

In this essay I recount, through a brief introduction to how I see the transa...

Antitrust Economics

Oliver Williamson has made fundamental contributions to antitrust economics, ...

Holdup: Implications for Investment and Organization

Holdup, the danger that a party other than the one investing will capture som...

Refining Virtual Co-Creation from a Consumer Perspective

This article refines virtual co-creation from a social exchange theory perspe...

Institutions, Politics, and Non-Market Strategy

Oliver Williamson is best known for his work developing the theory of transac...

So what if remanufacturing cannibalizes my new product sales?

Remanufactured products do not always cannibalize new product sales. To minim...

Global Customer Management Programs: How To Make Them Really Work

Identifying the right business model for addressing global customers and form...

Green Retailing and Its Success Factors

Green retailing, generally viewed as the incorporation of environmental prote...

Tournaments for Ideas

Governments and foundations have successfully harnessed tournaments to spur i...

Merged Datasets: An Analytic Tool for Evidence-Based Management

Many businesses fail to merge and analyze data effectively. When data are mer...

From Volume to Value: Managing the Value-Add Reseller Channel at Cisco

This article provides an in-depth look at a value-based channel management mo...

Automotive Quality Reputation: Hard to Achieve, Hard to Lose, Still Harder to Win Back

This article explores the rise to quality leadership by Japanese automakers, ...

Aesthetics and Ephemerality: Observing and Preserving the Luxury Brand

While luxury brands are one of the most profitable and fastest growing segmen...

Where’s the Fine Print? Advertising and the Mortgage Market Crisis

Current conditions in the U.S. mortgage industry provide a rich context for e...

Customer Rage: Triggers, Tipping Points, and Take-Outs

Road rage, school rage, and customer rage are becoming almost everyday occurr...

The Long Conversation: Learning How to Master Enterprise Systems

Few early enterprise systems (ESs) implementations lived up to expectations. ...

Liberating Leadership: How the Initiative-Freeing Radical Organizational Form Has Been Successfully Adopted

Since the late 1950s, there have always been companies, such as Gore and Toyo...

Introduction to a Symposium on Organizational Design

We are pleased to present a symposium of papers on organizational design. Ray...

Multinational Enterprises and the Promotion of Civil Society: The Challenge for 21st Century Capitalism

Multinational enterprises (MNEs) can contribute to the building of civil soci...

Bottom-of-the-Pyramid: Organizational Barriers to Implementation

A new branch of corporate sustainability, Bottom-of-the-Pyramid (BOP), seeks ...

The Emergence and Evolution of the Multidimensional Organization

The M-form, in which a corporate parent manages relatively freestanding busin...

Organizational Ambidexterity: IBM and Emerging Business Opportunities

The empirical evidence is that only a tiny fraction of organizations live to ...

The I-Form Organization

Every generation of managers experiments with new organizational forms—new bu...

Scaling Social Entrepreneurial Impact

Successful scaling of social impact by a social entrepreneurial organization ...

The Role of Collaboration in Achieving Corporate Social Responsibility Objectives

Managers are encouraged to develop deeper, collaborative relationships with N...

Connecting Up Strategy: Are Senior Strategy Directors a Missing Link?

With companies being exhorted to become more strategically agile and internal...

Executing Strategic Change: Understanding the Critical Management Elements that Lead to Success

Despite the availability of many methodologies, management approaches, and li...

Value Creation Architectures and Competitive Advantage: Lessons from the European Automobile Industry

In many industries, disintegration processes have drastically changed the ove...

Aligning Identity and Strategy: Corporate Branding at British Airways in the Late 20th Century

This article explains the utility of adopting an identity-based view of the c...

Governing Information Technology Risk

Regulatory changes have affected the composition, role, and responsibilities ...

Towards a Comprehensive Understanding of Public Private Partnerships for Infrastructure Development

Public Private Partnerships (PPP) have emerged as one of the major approaches...

Valuing Infrastructure Investment: An Option Games Approach

To understand the recent trend toward privatization of infrastructure assets ...

Innovation in Megaprojects: Systems Integration at London Heathrow Terminal 5

Megaprojects require investment of $1bn or more to build infrastructure, usua...

Delivering Innovation in Hospital Construction: Contracts and Collaboration in the UK’s Private Finance Initiative Hospitals Program

This article discusses the relationship between the system for planning, fina...

Developing Cooperative Project Client-Supplier Relationships: How Much to Expect from Relational Contracts?

In recent years, infrastructure promoters have become interested in translati...

Delusion and Deception in Large Infrastructure Projects: Two Models for Explaining and Preventing Executive Disaster

"Over budget, over time, over and over again" appears to be an appropriate sl...

The Invisible Green Hand: How Individual Decisions and Markets Can Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The cumulative effects of individual purchase decisions are responsible for a...

Infrastructure Meets Business: Building New Bridges, Mending Old Ones -- An Introduction to the Special Issue

Introduction to Special Issue - Infrastructure Meets Business: Building New B...

Closing the Capability Gap: Strategic Planning for the Infrastructure Sector

In order to cope with arising challenges in infrastructure sectors, utility o...

Information Systems Backsourcing: Correcting Problems and Responding to Opportunities

Based on published reports of backsourcing and the authors' own research, thi...

Building Value at the Top and the Bottom of the Global Supply Chain: MNC-NGO Partnerships

The rise of social movements targeting multinational companies on issues of s...

Can You Buy CSR?

Commentary on "Can the virtuous mouse and the wealthy elephant live happily e...

Of Mice and Elephants

Commentary on "Can the virtuous mouse and the wealthy elephant live happily e...

Marketing in a Silo World: The Challenge for Chief Marketing Officers

A silo is a metaphor for an organizational unit that has its own management t...

Mortgage Guarantee Programs and the Subprime Crisis

The implosion of the mortgage market during 2007-2008 raises fundamental ques...

Can the virtuous mouse and the wealthy elephant live happily ever after?

What happens when small iconic socially oriented businesses are acquired by l...

Dancing with Gorillas: How Small Companies Can Partner Effectively with MNCs

A number of small enterprises are affected – often in dramatic ways – by the ...

Breaking Up is Never Easy: Planning for Exit in a Strategic Alliance

This article highlights several important dimensions of planning for exit fro...

Strategy in Industrial Networks: Experiences from IKEA

This article examines how IKEA handles a complex network of business relation...

Managing Collaboration: Improving Team Effectiveness through a Network Perspective

Whether selling products or services, making strategic decisions, delivering ...

Managing in the Talent Economy: The Football Model for Business

Football is indeed the quintessential model for modern-day talent-dependant b...

Managing Proprietary and Shared Platforms

In a platform-mediated network, users rely on a common platform (provided by ...

Ad Lib: When Customers Create the Ad

Consumers are now generating, rather than merely consuming advertising. The c...

Outsourcing: From Cost Management to Innovation and Business Value

As the outsourcing market has matured over the past 20 years, clients and sup...

Service Blueprinting: A Practical Technique for Service Innovation

With the global focus on service-led growth has come increased need for pract...

Service-Logic Innovations: How to Innovate Customers, Not Products

Service innovations reportedly involve innovating intangible products, but th...

Service Innovation Myopia? A New Recipe for Client-Provider Value Creation

Traditional management thinking addresses either the service provider's or th...

Information Services in the U.S. Economy: Values, Jobs, and Management Implications

It is well known that almost all of the largest economies in the world are al...


Cutting the Strategy Diamond in High-Technology Ventures

This article presents the “strategy diamond,” which extends received strategi...

The Future Challenges of Business: Rethinking Management Education

The traditional paradigm of business schools is not well suited to handle the...

The Dynamics of Strategic Agility

This article proposes a framework to address a central conundrum in strategic...

CMR Classics: Corporations, Culture, and Commitment: Motivation and Social Control in Organizations

[Originally published in California Management Review, Volume 31, Number 4, S...

CMR Classics: Organizational Vision and Visionary Organizations

[Originally published in California Management Review, Volume 34, Number 1, F...

Socially Responsible Distribution: Strategies for Reaching the Bottom of the Pyramid

The 2004 amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines state that organizat...

Licensing Strategies of the New "Intellectual Property Vendors"

This article explores the licensing strategies pursued by firms whose busines...

CMR Classics: Speed and Strategic Choice: How Managers Accelerate Decision Making

[Originally published in California Management Review, Volume 32, Number 3, S...

The Ethical Commitment to Compliance: Building Value-Based Cultures

The 2004 amendments to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines state that organizat...

How to Capture Value from Innovation: Shaping Intellectual Property and Industry Architecture

Capturing value from innovation requires innovators to figure out how to blun...

The Innovative Organization: Creating Value Through Outsourcing

Few recent business trends have received as much attention as the practices o...

The 'Non-Globalization' of Innovation in the Semiconductor Industry

The global semiconductor industry is undergoing several forms of structural c...

A Dashboard for Online Pricing

One primary difference between the online marketplace and the high street is ...

Innovation and Leadership Values

U.S. leadership in technological innovation has remained an important source ...

Innovation in Services: Corporate Culture and Investment Banking

Innovation is as important in services as it is in manufacturing. However, co...

Leading through Negotiation: Harnessing the Power of Gender Stereotypes

With the controversy surrounding Larry Summers’s comments about innate differ...

New Product Blockbusters: The Magic and Science of Prediction Markets

New product innovation is a strategic business activity that involves signifi...

Meta-Technologies and Innovation Leadership: Why There May Be Nothing New Under the Sun

As firms strive to lead through innovation, they face the twin challenges of ...

Models of Innovation: Startups and Mature Corporations

The innovation process occurs in two ways, the Corporate Model and the Entrep...

Too Much of a Good Thing? Quality as an Impediment to Innovation

The belief that there is a positive link between quality and innovation is wi...

Open Innovation and Strategy

The increasing adoption of more open approaches to innovation fits uneasily w...

Innovation as a Learning Process: Embedding Design Thinking

There is a generic innovation process, grounded in models of how people learn...

Innovation: Brand It or Lose It

A brand strategy can be critical to the success of an innovation, particularl...

The Organizational Dimensions of Creativity: Motion Picture Production

Internal or contractual production of highly creative products requires manag...

The Drivers of Technology Licensing: An Industry Comparison

In the past, most industrial firms focused on applying technology assets in t...

The Mirage of Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid: How the Private Sector Can Help Alleviate Poverty

The popular “bottom of the pyramid” (BOP) proposition argues that large compa...

The Public’s Trust in Nonprofit Organizations: The Role of Relationship Marketing and Management

This article connects the impairment of the public’s trust in nonprofit organ...

Mainstreaming Corporate Social Responsibility: Developing Markets for Virtue

This article investigates what it means for corporate social responsibility (...

Services Supply Management: The Next Frontier for Improved Organizational Performance

This article explores how the purchase of services is managed within the orga...

Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: Driving Strategy into Action

In the past 15 years, the IBM Company has undergone a remarkable transformati...

Misunderstanding the Nature of Company Performance: The Halo Effect and Other Business Delusions

Much popular thinking in the business world is shaped by delusions—fundamenta...

The Pursuit of Relevance in Management Education

The history of North American management education can be viewed as an extend...

Choosing to Learn and Learning to Choose: Strategies for Client Co-Production and Knowledge Development

Decisions about what types of assignments and clients to prioritize are essen...

Managing Change through Networks and Values

Executives today must implement large-scale organizational change initiatives...

The Market for Innovation: Implications for Corporate Strategy

The strengthening of intellectual property protection in the United States ha...

Today’s Solution and Tomorrow’s Problem: The Business Process Outsourcing Risk Management Puzzle

Despite the boom in IT-enabled business process outsourcing (BPO), clients an...

Defining the Minimum Winning Game in High-Technology Ventures

Based on a combination of exploratory field research and executive experience...

Finding, Forming, and Performing: Creating Networks for Discontinuous Innovation

Most firms struggle to adapt to discontinuous changes in their environment –w...

Architecture and Communication among Product Development Engineers

This article summarizes some quantitative measures and qualitative observatio...

Creating and Testing Workplace Strategy

The growing demand for new approaches to support the changing nature of work ...

Lean Assets: New Language for New Workplaces

The knowledge economy produces wealth through “conversations.” Accordingly, w...

It's More Than a Desk: Working Smarter through Leveraged Office Design

Current trends in telecommuting and non-territorial office design have change...

Workplace Design: A New Managerial Imperative

The nature of work is changing: it is more global, more team-based, and incre...

The Concept of Workplace Performance and Its Value to Managers

Managerial decisions about office design and the performance of work are freq...

Organizational Ecology and Knowledge Networks

Largely missing in the study of knowledge management has been examination of ...

Putting the Organization on Wheels: Workplace Design at SEI

To create an environment to embody a culture of flexibility, egalitarianism, ...

Letters to the Editor: Fall 2006

The Point of View position paper in California Management Review’s Summer 200...

Developing an Effective Customer Loyalty Program

Despite the large number of firms offering loyalty programs and their high le...

Communicating Corporate Reputation through Stories

With the recent loss of public confidence in firms in America, Australia, Bri...

Reputation in Online Auctions: The Market for Trust

Online markets have dramatically altered the retail landscape. By eliminating...

Using Social Network Analysis to Improve Communities of Practice

Although many organizations initiate communities of practice to drive perform...

Too Hot To Handle? How to Manage Relationship Conflict

Conventional wisdom, together with the weight of published management advice,...

Regional Clusters in a Global World: Production Relocation, Innovation, and Industrial Decline

In the wake of globalization, still more regional clusters are globally outso...

Point of View: Expensing Employee Stock Options Is Improper Accounting

In December 2004, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) adopted a n...

Diffusion of Web-Based Product Innovation

Customers have proven to be a precious source of new solutions in various pro...

Logistics Service Providers in Internet Supply Chains

Logistics services and their providers are helping intermediaries add value t...

Realizing the Promise of E-Business: Developing and Leveraging Electronic Partnering Options

The advent of superior connectivity and integration technologies is paving th...

The Economic Impact of Employee Behaviors on Organizational Performance

The behavior of employees has important effects on the operating expenses of ...

Merging Brands after Mergers

This article explores the challenge of merging brands successfully following ...

Managing Creativity in Small Worlds

Greater job mobility among engineers and scientists has caused the extended s...

Medical Errors and Quality of Care: From Control to Commitment

Ongoing efforts to reduce medical errors and enhance quality of patient care ...

Management Half-Truths and Nonsense: How to Practice Evidence-Based Management

The quest for information and research-based insight is an obsession in the c...

The Decline of Emerging Economy Joint Ventures: The Case of India

Emerging economies such as India have become an increasingly important part o...

Business Models for Technology in Developing World: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations

The market at the “bottom of the pyramid” represents an important business op...

Managing in a 'Small World Ecosystem': Lessons from the Software Sector

This article explores the stability of the topological structure of the netwo...

Managing the Strategic Dynamics of Acquisition Integration: Lessons from HP and Compaq

This article presents a conceptual framework that decomposes the overall acqu...

Management Learning Not Management Control: The True Role of Performance Measurement

The true role of performance measurement is to provide a means of management ...

The Value Palette: A Tool for Full Spectrum Strategy

How might we spur new thinking about value creation as markets become more tr...

Breaking Down the Wall of Codes: Evaluating Non-Financial Performance Measurement

In some third-world factories there is a literal “wall of codes.” Posted are ...

Competitive Environmental Strategies: When Does it Pay to be Green?

Proactive corporations have typically invested in increasingly ambitious sust...

The Practitioner's Perspective on Non-Financial Reporting

This article examines current priorities of non-financial reporting among lar...

Stages of Corporate Citizenship

This article identifies stages in the development of corporate citizenship in...

Using Corporate Social Responsibility as Insurance for Financial Performance

This article provides a framework for simultaneously assessing the affirmativ...

Improving the Conditions of Workers? Minimum Wage Legislation and Anti-Sweatshop Activism

Many claim that international labor standards are a remedy to address poor wo...

How to Delight Your Customers

While many researchers have made contributions to the now extensive literatur...

Three Decades of Scenario Planning in Shell

Major shifts in the business environment can make whole investment strategies...

The Well-Timed Strategy: Managing the Business Cycle

To manage the business cycle to gain competitive advantage over rivals, firms...

Unlocking Sustained Business Value from IT Investments

Surveys continue to highlight that most senior business executives are dissat...

Stanford and Silicon Valley: Lessons on Becoming a High-Tech Region

What role should the academic anchor play in the development of a high-tech r...

A Garage and an Idea: What More Does an Entrepreneur Need?

There exists a common belief that entrepreneurs commonly start businesses in ...

Consuming Technology: Why Marketers Sometimes Get it Wrong

Marketing tends to view technology as a means to meeting customer needs and d...

Is There a Market for Virtue? The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility

Is There a Market for Virtue? The Business Case for Corporate Social Responsi...

De-Marketing Obesity

Although catering to our biological interests, food companies have been recen...

Managing Formation Processes in R&D Consortia

The increasing importance of collaborative efforts to corporate strategy make...

Learning Through Alliances: General Motors and NUMMI

Although alliances often create valuable learning opportunities, the exploita...

Modular Strategies: B2B Technology and Architectural Knowledge

Business-to-business information technology systems are becoming increasingly...

Principles for User Design of Customized Products

User design is a particular form of product customization that allows the cus...

Transferring 'Marketing Knowledge' to the Nonprofit Sector

As many nonprofits have grown larger, they are adopting concepts and tools fr...

Climate Change Strategy: The Business Logic Behind Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reductions

To date, the United States has declined to ratify the Kyoto Treaty to reduce ...

Business Responses to Climate Change: Identifying Emergent Strategies

Companies face much uncertainty about the competitive effects of the recently...

Defining Property Rights: The Case of Knowledge-Based Resources

Advances in information technology, together with increasing economic globali...

The Impacts of IT on Firm and Industry Structure: The Personal Computer Industry

The adoption of information technology has had major impacts on firm and indu...

Blue Ocean Strategy: From Theory to Practice

The market universe is composed of two types of oceans: red oceans and blue o...

Shrinking Core, Expanding Periphery: The Relational Architecture of High-Performing Organizations

This article examines how firms find pathways to high performance with a simu...

Organizational DNA for Strategic Innovation

Organizations struggle when trying to manage a mature business and a related ...

Strategy and the Crystal Cycle

In industries characterized by very large capital investment and fast-moving ...

Core Objectives: Clarity in Designing Strategy

Core Objectives: Clarity in Designing Strategy

Cisco Systems: Developing a Human Capital Strategy

Like many technology organizations in the late 1990s, Cisco was booming. It g...

Reflections on (Schumpeterian) Leadership: A Report on a Seminar on Leadership and Management Education

This article is based on the proceedings of a leadership seminar held at Univ...

The Effects of Participation on B2B Exchanges: A Resource-Based View

Many B2B exchanges have failed in recent years, while a few operators survive...

Beyond Valuation: 'Options Thinking' in IT Project Management

Real options can be a powerful tool for quantifying the value of strategic an...

From 'Silicon Island' to 'Biopolis of Asia': Innovation Policy and Shifting Competitive Strategy in Singapore

This article analyzes the multiple innovation trajectories and changes in com...

Socially Responsible Pricing: Lessons from the Pricing of AIDS Drugs in Developing Countries

Corporate social responsibility has major implications for pricing decisions ...

Social Alliances: Company/Nonprofit Collaboration

Companies are increasingly seeing corporate social responsibility as a key to...

Valuing the Cause Marketing Relationship

Cause marketing involves a "cause-linked" promotion of a commercial product, ...

Managing Responsibility: What Can Be Learned from the Quality Movement?

For global companies that are implementing their codes of conduct within long...

Doing Better at Doing Good: When, Why, and How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Initiatives

Although companies are devoting significant resources to corporate social res...

Integrating Social Responsibility and Marketing Strategy: An Introduction

Introduction to Issue on Integrating Social Responsibility and Marketing Stra...

Collaborating with Activists: How Starbucks Works with NGOs

This article analyzes the company's ultimate decision to sell Fair Trade coff...

The Three Faces of Consumer Promotions

Sales promotions targeted at consumers (e.g., coupons, sweepstakes, free offe...

Stealth Marketing: How to Reach Consumers Surreptitiously

As traditional television advertisements continue to lose their effectiveness...

What Matters Most: Corporate Values and Social Responsibility

There are still some who consider the phrase "socially responsible business" ...

Object-Orientation: A Tool for Enterprise Design

Understanding how to exploit networks and gain network effects is critical to...

Turning Around Runaway Information Technology Projects

Information systems projects that experience substantial cost and time overru...

Understanding Customer Choices in E-Financial Services

Given the rapid increase of web-based sales, e-services (both pure-online and...

Adding Value Through Accounting Signals

After reporting a restatement, firms are motivated to improve their market cr...

Advance Selling for Services

Advance selling can be profitable when consumers are uncertain about their fu...

Leveraging the Corporate Brand

A corporate brand, which is based on the characteristics of the firm as well ...

Guidelines for Social Return on Investment

This article presents ten standard guidelines for the calculation of social r...

Why is Property Right Protection Lacking in China? An Institutional Explanation

China is one of the most important foreign investment markets in both volume ...

Choosing Equity Stakes in Technology Sourcing Relationships: An Integrative Framework

Although there has been an explosion in the number of technology sourcing rel...

Pushing Scientists Into the Marketplace: Promoting Science Entrepreneurship

The need to play catch-up in biotechnology has led Germany and Japan to adopt...

Corporate Reputations: Should You Compete on Yours?

While all companies would like a better corporate reputation, many are not su...

Strategic Management of Product Recovery

A growing concern for durable product manufacturers is how to manage the prod...

Thinking Outside 'the Box': Designing a Packaging Take-Back System

This article details the planning, implementation, and assessment of a worldw...

Supply Loops and Their Constraints: The Industrial Ecology of Recycling and Reuse

An increasing number of firms in Asia, Europe, and North America engage in vo...

Meeting the Closed-Loop Challenge: The Case of Remanufacturing

This article examines the experiences of a major European car manufacturer in...

Product Modularity and the Design of Closed-Loop Supply Chains

While companies spend much effort on the design, analysis, and management of ...

Strategic Use of the Secondary Market for Retail Consumer Goods

For years, goods that remained unsold or were returned were sold off, or disp...

Reverse Supply Chains for Commercial Returns

The flow of product returns is becoming a significant concern for manufacture...

E-Enabled Closed-Loop Supply Chains

Information and Communication Technology can help companies realize new innov...

The Strategy of Sustainability: A Systems Perspective

How can a firm most effectively pursue environmental sustainability? This art...

Making Sense of Emerging Market Structures in B2B E-Commerce

Over the last five years, a variety of market mechanisms have emerged to addr...

Regulation and the Internet: Public Choice Insights

Business regulation is greatly shaped by a theory from economics and politica...

Managing Learning Curves in Factories by Creating and Transferring Knowledge

The learning curve phenomenon is widely known. However, factories show consid...

Work Cells with Staying Power: Lessons for Process-Complete Operations

An operating-level concept known as a process-complete architecture, and comm...

The Cycles of Corporate Branding: The Case of the LEGO Company

This article presents a framework for the strategic management of corporate b...

Sources of Corporate Environmental Performance

What motivates business firms to significantly improve their environmental pe...

New Ways of Setting Rewards: The Beyond Budgeting Model

The vast majority of companies today use fixed performance contracts to drive...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Whether or How?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is not a new idea. However, CSR has nev...

The Blended Value Proposition: Integrating Social and Financial Returns

Value is often viewed in either economic or social terms. The Blended Value P...

Ethical Conflicts at Enron: Moral Responsibility in Corporate Capitalism

Sherron Watkins, who was selected as one of Time magazine's "persons of the y...

Developing Productive Customers in Emerging Markets

Most companies believe that successful entry into lower-income, emerging mark...

Leading by Leveraging Culture

Organizational culture can be a powerful force that clarifies what's importan...

The Gift Exchange in the Social Networks of Silicon Valley

Using the analysis of the social networks that underlie the industrial networ...

Unleashing the Power of Yield Management in the Internet Era: Opportunities and Challenges

The profitability of many firms hinges upon their ability to extract the maxi...

The Power of Activism: Assessing the Impact of NGOs on Global Business

Recent decades have witnessed the proliferation of non-governmental organizat...

The Role of Differentiation in Markets Driven by Advertising

Firms put enormous intellectual and financial resources into creating differe...

Technological Leapfrogging: Lessons from the U.S. Video Game Console Industry

In industries characterized by network externalities, the self-reinforcing ef...

The Growing Strategic Importance of End-of-Life Product Management

Requiring manufacturers to manage their products when they become waste is an...

Knowledge-Sharing Hostility in Russian Firms

This article examines knowledge sharing in business environments and cultures...

The Logic of Open Innovation: Managing Intellectual Property

Companies have traditionally managed innovation as an internal process, relyi...

The Rise and Decline of Labor-Management Cooperation: Lessons From Health Care in the Twin Cities

Labor-management cooperation has been regarded for many years as a panacea fo...

Shakeouts in Digital Markets: Lessons from B2B Exchanges

The boom-to-bust cycle for Internet start-ups has been remarkably compressed....

Framing for Learning: Lessons in Successful Technology Implementation

The decision to adopt a new technology in the health care setting is merely t...

Hospitals as Cultures of Entrapment: A Reanalysis of the Bristol Royal Infirmary

High performance is often attributed to an organization's culture. However, c...

Performance Improvement Capability: Keys to Accelerating Performance Improvement in Hospitals

Organizations differ considerably in their rate of performance improvement. S...

Beyond Online Search: The Road To Profitability

The Internet brings three potential benefits to consumers: increased search e...

Why Hospitals Don’t Learn from Failures: Organizational and Psychological Dynamics that Inhibit System Change

The importance of hospitals learning from their failures hardly needs to be s...

University Research and Offices of Technology Transfer

Both universities and firms are engaged in the same overarching dynamic techn...

Lessons from Everest: Cognitive Bias, Psychological Safety, and System Complexity

Many participants and observers have analyzed the 1996 Mount Everest tragedy ...

Internationalization, Globalization, and Capability-Based Strategy

Current trends appear to suggest that globally integrated strategies are the ...

Compliance, Collaboration, and Codes of Labor Practice: The adidas Connection

Comprising networked organizations that span advanced and developing countrie...

Information Security in a Cyber Economy

Information security is not a technical issue; it is a management issue. It r...

Managing the Extended Enterprise: The New Stakeholder View

This article enlarges the "extended enterprise" metaphor from its origins in ...

The Emergence of Emerging Technologies

What is discontinuous about the moment of radical technological change? Disco...

Executive Stock Option Repricing: Retention and Performance Reconsidered

The repricing of stock options—resetting option values when the strike price ...

When Two (or More) Heads are Better than One: The Promise and Pitfalls of Shared Leadership

In both the business press and in academic journals, corporate leadership typ...

Leveraging Internet Technologies in B2B Relationships

Why is it that two firms can use the Internet in the same way (e.g., to reach...

Co-Leadership: Lessons from Republican Rome

The Roman Republic embraced a system of co-leadership that thrived for over f...

Client Co-Production in Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

A common characteristic of knowledge-intensive business service (KIBS) firms ...

Knowledge Management: Philosophy, Processes, and Pitfalls

Based on a survey of 317 firms and in-depth cases on six firms, this article ...

Marketing Financial Services to the African-American Consumer: A Comparative Analysis of Investment Portfolio Composition

This study profiles the changing demographics and unique consumption patterns...

NTT DoCoMo and Its i-mode Success: Origins and Implications

In slightly over two years, NTT DoCoMo, Japan’s leading wireless telecommunic...

Organizational Blueprints for Success in High-Tech Start-Ups: Lessons from the Stanford Project on Emerging Companies

Over the last seven years, the Stanford Project on Emerging Companies has tra...

Aligning Supply Chain Strategies with Product Uncertainties

Today’s supply chain managers have been bombarded with a wide variety of the ...

Managing the Multiple Identities of the Corporation

In the wake of corporate acquisitions, mergers, and spin-offs, considerable s...

Strategy from the Inside Out: Building Capability-Creating Organizations

While popular brands and unique capabilities help sustain a company’s competi...

Customer Relationship Management: In B2C Markets, Often Less Is More

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is premised on the belief that develop...

The Citizen Sector: Becoming as Entrepreneurial and Competitive as Business

William Drayton founded Ashoka in 1980 to use a venture capital model to supp...

The Winner's Curse in IT Outsourcing: Strategies for Avoiding Relational Trauma

Large international corporations commonly engage in IT outsourcing. However, ...

Mastering Balance: How to Meet and Beat a Stronger Opponent

Any company can learn to compete more effectively with stronger rivals by mas...

Making Invisible Work Visible: Using Social Network Analysis to Support Strategic Collaboration

With efforts to de-layer organizations and reduce functional boundaries, coor...

The Individual as Agent of Organizational Learning

This article examines the role of the individual as agent of organizational l...

Convergence and Divergence in Asian Human Resource Management

The globalization of the field of human resource management (HRM) has led to ...

Technology and Organizations: Where’s the Off Button?

Technology must continue to accelerate for at least four reasons: innate huma...

The Next Wave of Corporate Community Involvement: Corporate Social Initiatives

The practice of corporate philanthropy has evolved significantly over the pas...

Detours in the Path toward Strategic Information Systems Alignment

In studying strategic information systems (IS) alignment, it is important to ...

Can Selling Be Globalized? The Pitfalls of Global Account Management

There is a strong current trend towards globalization of the sales function, ...

Delivering Excellent Service: Lessons from the Best Firms

Delivering excellent service is a challenge for most organizations. While man...

Strategies for Managing Internal Competition

Internal competition evokes mixed feelings among senior executives. It is typ...

Why Do Some Strategic Alliances Persist Beyond Their Useful Life?

Strategic alliances continue to be important tools of competitive strategy. H...

Relational Quality: Managing Trust in Corporate Alliances

Management scholars have often argued that "trust" plays a key role in econom...

E-Business: Revolution, Evolution, or Hype?

Will e-business ultimately represent a revolution in the way firms operate or...

A Framework for Customer Relationship Management

The essence of the information technology revolution and, in particular, the ...

Nobody Ever Gets Credit for Fixing Problems that Never Happened: Creating and Sustaining Process Improvement

Today’s managers face a paradox. On the one hand, the number of tools, techni...

Uncovering Patterns in Cybershopping

Academics and practitioners alike have been arguing about whether the Interne...

Tradeoffs in Responses to Work Pressure in the Service Industry

This article explores how service organizations respond to changes in work pr...

The Customer Pyramid: Creating and Serving Profitable Customers

As relationships and service become increasingly pivotal in business, the pro...

System Dynamics Modeling: Tools for Learning in a Complex World

Today’s problems often arise as unintended consequences of yesterday’s soluti...

Past the Tipping Point: The Persistence of Firefighting in Product Development

One of the most common syndromes in product development is firefighting, the ...

Business as a Living System: The Value of Industrial Ecology

This article is a transcript of the Roundtable Discussion that opened "Indust...

Organizational Support for Employees: Encouraging Creative Ideas for Environmental Sustainability

The environmental sustainability of businesses depends largely on employees’ ...

Execution: The Missing Link in Retail Operations

In spite of making substantial investments in information technology planning...

Gaining from Green Management: Environmental Management Systems Inside and Outside the Factory

Environmental Management Systems (EMSs) are relatively new and rather innovat...

Corporations, Communities, and Conservation: The Mountain Institute and Antamina Mining Company

In the late 1990s, The Mountain Institute (a small, nonprofit environmental o...

Learning From Toys: Lessons in Managing Supply Chain Risk from the Toy Industry

The toy industry faces relentless change and an unpredictable buying public, ...

Enabling Customization Using Standardized Operations

This article presents four standardization techniques—product, part, procurem...

A Framework for Analyzing Environmental Voluntary Agreements

In the 1990s, Environmental Voluntary Agreements (VAs) involving regulatory a...

Sustainability at Hewlett-Packard: From Theory to Practice

Sustainability has become a strategic imperative for all businesses in the 21...

Opportunity Recognition and Breakthrough Innovation in Large Established Firms

Within the context of the large established organization, breakthrough ideas ...

Store Choice and Shopping Behavior: How Price Format Works

This article presents a perceived shopping utility framework for analyzing th...

Management Tools and Techniques: A Survey

Management tools such as strategic planning, benchmarking, pay-for-performanc...

Information Privacy and Marketing: What the U.S. Should (and Shouldn't) Learn from Europe

The U.S. and Europe exhibit very different approaches to information privacy—...

Data to Knowledge to Results: Building an Analytic Capability

Data remains one of our most abundant yet under-utilized resources. This arti...

Shopping Online for Freedom, Control, and Fun

Consumers shop online for both goal-oriented and experiential reasons. Howeve...

Technological Mediation and Commercial Development in the Early Internet Access Market

This article interprets the early experience of Internet Service Providers (I...

In Loco Parentis? The Purchaser Role in Managed Care

The role of American corporations as purchasers of health insurance for their...

The President and the Power of the Purchaser: Consumer Protection and Managed Care in the United States

This article highlights the President’s formal and informal capacity to act u...

Structural and Organizational Issues In Patient Safety: A Comparison of Health Care to Other High-Hazard Industries

A recent report from the Institute of Medicine has focused attention anew on ...

Deregulation and Regulatory Backlash in Health Care

The American health care system is undergoing a market and organizational tra...

Managing Organizational Transformations: Lessons from the Veterans Health Administration

Managing an organizational transformation is a risky and difficult endeavor. ...

Structural Problems of Managed Care in California and Some Options for Ameliorating Them

Of the two main types of health maintenance organizations (HMOs), IPA/network...

Business Models for Internet-Based E-Commerce: An Anatomy

The success of Internet-based businesses in the business-to-customer segment ...

Outside Directors with a Stake: The Linchpin in Improving Governance

In recent years, numerous governance experts and activist investors have argu...

Has Germany Finally Fixed its High-Tech Problem? The Recent Boom in German Technology-Based Entrepreneurship

Since 1997, Germany has witnessed an unprecedented boom in high-tech start-up...

The Brand Relationship Spectrum: The Key to the Brand Architecture Challenge

The classic brand manager dealt with simple brand structures in part because ...

Communities of Creation: Managing Distributed Innovation in Turbulent Markets

A new model for managing distributed innovation, the community of creation is...

Moral Person and Moral Manager: How Executives Develop a Reputation for Ethical Leadership

Executives should not take a reputation for ethical leadership for granted. B...

How to Manage Radical Innovation

Most large companies are not radical innovators. They are good at making clos...

In Defense of Strategy as Design

This article proposes that we reconsider the usefulness of the metaphor of de...

E-Retail: Gold Rush or Fool's Gold?

This article examines the current and medium-term future impact of Internet-b...

Why Corporate Demography Matters: Policy Implications of Organizational Diversity

Although several attempts were made in the 1950s and 1960s to develop a demog...

Paradox of Coordination and Control

This article describes the contrasting systems of coordination and control at...

Cross-Border Acquisitions of U.S. Technology Assets

During the 1990s, non-U.S. companies acquired nearly $250 billion worth of te...

Designing Corporate Ventures in the Shadow of Private Venture Capital

Private venture capital casts a long shadow over corporate ventures, in part ...

Strategic Integration: Competing in the Age of Capabilities

To develop and sustain competitve advantage, companies must begin thinking ab...

Identifying Who Matters: Mapping Key Players in Multiple Environments

As Microsoft Corporation's recent antitrust challenges highlight, no company ...

The Race to Build Next-Generation Networks

When Lucent Technologies was launched from AT&T as an independent company nea...

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Emerging Technologies

Despite their superior resources, incumbents have a poor track record in deve...

Strategies of Effective New Product Team Leaders

Most leaders of new product teams are aware of the complexity of the problem ...

Does a Currency Union Boost International Trade?

This article explores the impact of currency unions-the decision by two or mo...

Standard or Smokescreen? Implementation of a Voluntary Environmental Code

In recent years, demands from external stakeholders have created pressures fo...

Common Interest, Common Good: Creating Value through Business and Social Sector Partnerships

Business firms and non-profit organizations are increasingly collaborating. S...

To Serve or Create? Strategic Orientations Toward Customers and Innovation

This article reviews a central tension in management-the relationship between...

Knowing 'What' To Do Is Not Enough: Turning Knowledge into Action

Why, in light of all the substantial resources firms devote to improving thei...

Reply: Premature Reports of a Demise

Sanford M. Jacoby replies to Peter Cappelli's Career Jobs Are Dead.

Are Career Jobs Headed for Extinction?

Despite corporate downsizing and the rise of Silicon Valley, career-type empl...

Beating the Clock: Corporate Responses to Rapid Change in the PC Industry

Competition in the personal computer industry is predicated upon the careful ...

Achieving and Sustaining Business-IT Alignment

This article identifies the major enablers and inhibitors in the achievement ...

Involving Suppliers in New Product Development

Organizations have been quick to realize that involving suppliers in new prod...

Career Jobs Are Dead

After almost two decades of restructuring and downsizing, the expectation of ...

The Impact of U.S. Lobbying Practice on the European Business-Government Relationship

The gradual transfer of regulatory functions from national states to those of...

Market Segmentation Strategies and Service Sector Productivity

Conventional explanations for lagging U.S. service sector productivity focus ...

Localizing in the Global Village: Local Firms Competing in Global Markets

Local firms can compete with transnational firms if their actions are firmly ...

Old Economic Logic in the New Economy

The unusually strong performance of the American economy has prompted a debat...

Why Information Technology Inspired But Cannot Deliver Knowledge Management

Recent developments in information technology have inspired many companies to...

When Ethics Travel: The Promise and Peril of Global Business Ethics

The central challenge in managing business ethics in a global economy is to n...

Private Enterprises and Public Obligations: Achieving Sustainable Development

In March 1989, the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska. ...

Building a Company on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape

The Internet has created new demands on start-up companies: How do you grow a...

Consistent Human Resource Practices

This article explores the role of consistency in human resource practices. It...

Central Dilemmas of Managing Innovation in Large Firms

Based on a multi-year field study of internal ventures in several established...

Managing Brands for the Long Run: Effective Brand Reinforcement and Revitalization Strategies

Effective brand management requires taking a long-term view of marketing deci...

Developing a Knowledge Strategy

Today, knowledge is considered the most strategically important resource and ...

Competition, Strategy, and Business Performance

What drove business profitability during the 1980s and early 1990s? Managemen...

Transforming an Organization: Using Models to Foster a Strategic Conversation

To lead the reinvention of government, many federal agencies are searching fo...

A Silicon Island of the East: Creating a Semiconductor Industry in Singapore

A remarkable semiconductor industry has been created in Singapore, through hi...

Knowledge-Worker Productivity: The Biggest Challenge

The most important contribution of management in the 20th century was to incr...

When Does Restructuring Improve Economic Performance?

Corporate restructuring has been the focus of much debate in the past few yea...

Social Capital and Capital Gains in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is built on social capital, but it is social capital of a fund...

Knowledge Management and Competition in the Consulting Industry

This article analyzes how Knowledge Management (KM) is likely to affect compe...

The Art of Standards Wars

Competition in the information age often takes the form of a standards war: a...

Managing Ethics and Legal Compliance: What Works And What Hurts

This survey of employees at six large American companies asked the question: ...

The Evolving Role of Semiconductor Consortia in the U.S. and Japan

This article examines the interactions between public and private actors as c...

Manufacturing Strategy Regained: Evidence for the Demise of Best-Practice

The long-term trend of manufacturing management to adopt "best practice" has ...

Reversal of Fortune? The Recovery of the U.S. Semiconductor Industry

For most of the semiconductor industry's history, U.S. producers were undispu...

Is There a New Economy?

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan inaugurated the Haas Annual Business ...

Business Leadership Lessons from the Cleveland Turnaround

The rescue and revitalization of Cleveland provides a benchmarking opportunit...

Agile Product Development: Managing Development Flexibility in Uncertain Environments

As product complexity and the rate of market change have dramatically increas...

Learning from the Quality Movement: What Did and Didn't Happen and Why?

There is a striking disjunction between the views of many academics who belie...

Operations-Based Strategy

Although most companies confine their operations organizations to restricted,...

Commitment versus Flexibility?

This article unbundles the relation between commitment and flexibility by dis...

New Product Team Learning: Developing and Profiting from Your Knowledge Capital

This article explores organizational learning for new product development thr...

Can American Management Concepts Work in Russia?

This article examines the main cultural differences and similarities between ...

Technology Management Education: Alternative Models

This article examines alternative educational degree programs as models for d...

Dynamics of Core Competencies in Leading Multinational Companies

This article examines the core competencies of twelve leading multinational c...

Environmental Product Differentiation: Implications for Corporate Strategy

Political demands for environmental improvement create obligations for manage...

Introduction: Special Issue on Knowledge and the Firm

Introduction to Special Issue on Knowledge and the Firm

Toward a Knowledge Context: Report on the First Annual U.C. Berkeley Forum on Knowledge and the Firm

At the U.C. Berkeley Forum on Knowledge and the Firm, leading academics and k...

Some Conceptual and Research Barriers to the Utilization of Knowledge

Whether in high-tech, service, or traditional industries, the role of knowled...

Knowledge Research Issues

If the knowledge field is to move forward, there are-from a business perspect...

Research Directions for Knowledge Management

The emerging interest in knowledge management requires, and will probably rec...

Managing Customer Support Knowledge

The management of customer support knowledge is increasingly important to org...

Capturing Value from Knowledge Assets: The New Economy, Markets for Know-How, and Intangible Assets

The increasing liberalization of markets coupled with the creation of new mar...

The Concept of 'Ba': Building a Foundation for Knowledge Creation

This article introduces the Japanese concept of "Ba" to organizational theory...

If Only We Knew What We Know: Identification and Transfer of Internal Best Practices

One of the most effective avenues toward improvement is the process of intern...

Care in Knowledge Creation

Knowledge creation is the key source of innovation in any company. However, i...

Measuring the Knower: Towards a Theory of Knowledge Equity

If practitioners and researchers are serious about developing a comprehensive...

The State of the Notion: Knowledge Management in Practice

To a growing number of companies, knowledge management is more than just a bu...

The Role of Tacit Knowledge in Group Innovation

The complexity of skills and processes needed in the development of today's p...

The Eleven Deadliest Sins of Knowledge Management

This article draws attention to a number of errors that could potentially cri...

Firms as Knowledge Brokers: Lessons in Pursuing Continuous Innovation

A set of firms exists whose output consists solely of innovative solutions to...

Learning from Collaboration: Knowledge and Networks in the Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries

The biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields are rife with a wide range of col...

Organizing Knowledge

Countering claims that cyberspace will bring the end of organizations in gene...

Organizational Learning and Purchase-Supply Relations in Japan: Hitachi, Matsushita, and Toyota Compared

This article deals with the role of purchase-supply relations in organization...

Attractors: Building Mountains in the Flat Landscape of the World Wide Web

Advocates of the World Wide Web claim it is a great leveler and that particip...

Strategic Supplier Segmentation: The Next 'Best Practice' in Supply Chain Management

This study of 453 supplier-automaker relationships in the U.S., Japan, and Ko...

Seven Practices of Successful Organizations

In this excerpt from his recently published book, The Human Equation: Buildin...

Paradox in Project-Based Enterprise: The Case of Film Making

The creation of temporary enterprises for project-based work has become an in...

Delivering Desired Outcomes Efficiently: The Creative Key to Competitive Strategy

To stay strong in an increasingly competitive climate, firms must think creat...

Political Institutions and Electric Utility Investment: A Cross-Nation Analysis

The likelihood that a government will meet its promises varies with the struc...

The New Meaning of Corporate Social Responsibility

While many contemporary American corporations continue to exemplify high leve...

Creativity as Investment

This article describes an investment theory of creativity. It suggests that a...

Enhancing Creativity: Managing Work Contexts for the High Potential Employee

While traditional approaches to maximizing employee creativity have focused o...

Integrating Business and Medical Values in Health Benefits Management

Contemporary health benefits management is forcing business to join the medic...

Managing Innovation: When Less is More

An analysis of many highly successful and "visionary" companies reveals the e...

Creativity Doesn't Require Isolation: Why Product Designers Bring Visitors 'Backstage'

Most existing writings imply that creative work is best done in physical and ...

Motivating Creativity in Organizations: On Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do

Creativity in all fields, including business, flourishes under intrinsic moti...

The Myth of the Generic Manager: New Personal Competencies for New Management Roles

Today, the most urgent challenge for most companies is to develop the manager...

Multi-Technology Corporations: Why They Have 'Distributed' Rather than 'Distinctive Core' Competencies

The world's largest, technologically active firms are more diversified in the...

Creating Lean Suppliers: Diffusing Lean Production throughout the Supply Chain

Honda of America has developed a comprehensive approach to teaching the princ...

Enterprise Logistics in the Information Era

The emergence of the extended enterprise, a group of strategically aligned co...

When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work

The Time Bind: When Work Becomes Home and Home Becomes Work, from which this ...

Reinventing Workplace Regulation

Workplace regulations are typically rigid and detailed, raising costs for bus...

A Silicon Valley of the East: Creating Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry

A thriving semiconductor industry has been created in Taiwan over the course ...

Risk Mitigation in Large-Scale Systems: Lessons from High Reliability Organizations

This article argues that we should turn our attention from single organizatio...

Green Schemes: Corporate Environmental Strategies and Their Implementation

Many corporations now recognize the importance of establishing a "proactive" ...

Business and International Environmental Treaties: Ozone Depletion and Climate Change

The study of business interests adds an important dimension to our understand...

The New Task of R&D Management: Creating Goal-Directed Communities for Innovation

How do firms manage research and development units to optimize their innovati...

Lawyers Abroad: The Internationalization of Legal Practice

Since the late 1960s, a number of U.S. and British law firms have quietly, an...

The Dynamics of Samsung's Technological Learning in Semiconductors

Samsung leapfrogged from a mere discrete device producer to the most vibrant ...

Has Globalization Gone Too Far?

The process that has come to be called "globalization" is exposing a deep fau...

The Many Faces of Multi-Firm Alliances: Lessons For Managers

One of the most notable business trends in recent years has been the surge in...

Integrated Strategy, Trade Policy, and Global Competition

An integrated strategy captures the synergies between competitive strategies ...

Achieving Success in Information Systems Outsourcing

The conventional wisdom is that companies should never outsource core functio...

Managing Intellectual Capital: Licensing and Cross-Licensing in Semiconductors and Electronics

Innovation and the management of intellectual capital are playing an increasi...

The Trickle-Down Effect: Policy Decisions, Risky Work, and the Challenger Tragedy

The Challenger disaster cannot be accounted for by reductionist explanations ...

Developing Skills and Pay through Career Ladders: Lessons from Japanese and U.S. Companies

U.S. companies' adaptations of Japanese training practices typically have bee...

Conflict and Strategic Choice: How Top Management Teams Disagree

Substantive conflict is natural within top management teams as executives str...

Contingent Workers in High Risk Environments

Contingent workers, particularly independent contractors and temporaries, are...

Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy

The Balanced Scorecard was developed to measure both current operating perfor...

Shareholders as a Strategic Asset

With the increasing concentration of stock holdings among a relatively small ...

Lean and Green: The Move to Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing

This article presents the results of a national survey of environmental manuf...

Shaping Conversations: Making Strategy, Managing Change

The quality of both strategic thinking and action rely, in important ways, on...

Creating Knowledge through Collaboration

Although many firms enter strategic alliances with specific learning objectiv...

International Environmental Standards and Corporate Policies: An Integrative Framework

Corporations engaged in international business face increasingly complex chal...

Crisis in the Arts: The Marketing Response

The nonprofit performing arts industry in America, along with many performing...

The Chinese Family Business Enterprise

The family enterprise is the basic economic unit of the typical overseas Chin...

The Ambidextrous Organization: Managing Evolutionary and Revolutionary Change

Organizations evolve through periods of incremental or evolutionary change pu...

The ‘Honda Effect’ Revisited

Perhaps no other article published in the management literature has had the i...

Competing in the Age of Digital Convergence

The topic of convergence has been around for decades. Forecasters have long p...

Myths about Diversity: What Managers Need to Know About Changes in the U.S. Labor Force

Despite the recent attention to labor force diversity, there are widespread m...

The Integrity of a Catholic Management Education

Lyman Porter and Lawrence McKibbin complain that they have found in many U.S....

The Study of Business and Politics

This article reviews the literature on business-government-society relations ...

Measuring Brand Equity Across Products and Markets

This article presents managers with a framework for measuring the strength of...

Employee Relations Issues for U.S. Companies in Mexico

Low labor costs are a key attraction for companies seeking to establish or ex...

The Reality of Business Reengineering: Pacific Bell's Centrex Provisioning Process

Business process reengineering (BPR), a recently popularized management chang...

Technology and Strategic Advantage

Creating and applying new knowledge and technology has long been a critical k...

Marketing and Discontinuous Innovation: The Probe and Learn Process

Companies that compete effectively over the long run in technology intensive ...

Financial Risk and the Need for Superior Knowledge Management

Three recent failures of risk management--at Barings Bank, Kidder Peabody, an...

Developing Global Strategies for Service Businesses

This article provides a framework for developing global strategies for servic...

Performance Issues in U.S.-China Joint Ventures

Based on an in-depth study of U.S.-China joint ventures, this article offers ...

Information Technology and Accelerated Science: The Case of the Pentium Flaw

This article examines the role that global electronic networks will play in s...

Corporate Restructuring in Russian Privatizations: Implications for U.S. Investors

In a short period of time, the privatization of Russian enterprises has been ...

The Politics of Forecasting: Managing the Truth

Executives think a lot about the future; it drives much of what modern manage...

Strategic Dissonance

Firms in high-technology industries frequently face the dangers and opportuni...

Economics and Organization: A Primer

Economics and organization theory were once alien fields. However, they have ...

Obtaining Industry Control: The Case of the Pharmaceutical Distribution Industry

In most industries, distributors have lost considerable power and position to...

Total Quality Research: Integrating Markets and the Organization

The market research function has to broaden its scope, move out of the functi...

The Value of the Parent Company

Diversified companies consist of a number of businesses under the joint owner...

Shooting the Rapids: Managing Product Development in Turbulent Environments

This article explores the drivers of product development performance in a rap...

Negotiating Trust in the San Francisco Hotel Industry

This article is based on the experience of twelve San Francisco luxury hotels...

Achieving Innovation Through Bureaucracy: Lessons from the Japanese Brewing Industry

During the 1980s, external changes that affected demand for beer in Japan cau...

Frames of Reference and Buyers' Perception of Price and Value

How buyers' perceptions of value are influenced by the purchase environment h...

The Dynamics of Change in Corporate Community Relations

This article examines the evolving role of corporate community relations in t...

Enduring Dilemmas in U.S. Technology Policy

During the 1992 Presidential election campaign, candidates Bill Clinton and A...

The Effects Of Organizational Downsizing On Product Innovation

This article examines the impact of downsizing on product innovation. It comp...

Too Close for Comfort?: The Strategic Implications of Getting Close to the Customer

While getting close to the customer is widely recommended as an obvious way o...

The International Transferability of the Firm's Advantages

The international transfer of advantages by a firm is a necessary condition f...

Relationship Banking and Competitive Advantage: Evidence from the U.S. and Germany

American banks have spent the past decade shifting away from relationship ban...

Is the ‘Skills Gap’ Really About Attitudes?

Contrary to popular opinion, the vast majority of complaints about the poor q...

Keys to Success in Corporate Redesign

Why have some U.S. firms succeeded in redesigning themselves to meet competit...

Flexible Re-Cycling and High-Technology Entrepreneurship

This article explores high-technology entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley-an e...

Disclosure and Litigation

Shareholder lawsuits are currently a hot issue. This article compares the cha...

Fragmentation and the Other Problems CEOs Have with Their Top Management Teams

Deficiencies within a top management team (TMT) can gravely impair a firm's p...

Estimating Environmental Liability: Quantifying the Unknown

This article describes a methodology firms can use to estimate their unknown ...

Creating a Strategic Center to Manage a Web of Partners

Successful networks of partners are typically guided by a strong strategic ce...

Entry Strategies of U.S. Firms to the Newly Independent States, Baltic States, and Eastern European Countries

This article provides baseline information about how U.S. companies entered t...

Business Ethics: A View from the Trenches

This article presents results from a study of how young managers define ethic...

Integrated Strategy: Market and Nonmarket Components

A business strategy must be congruent with the capabilities of a firm as well...

Building a Visionary Company

What distinguishes visionary companies? How can they be created? Contrary t...

Finding the Common Ground in Russian and American Business Ethics

Business ethics in Russia are changing as is the very nature of business itse...

Strategic Issues in Product Recovery Management

This article examines strategic production and operations management issues i...

The Venture Capitalist: A Relationship Investor

Based upon a series of case studies, this article explores the role of the ve...

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993: How Fully Is Business Complying?

This article examines compliance with the federal Family and Medical Leave Ac...

Diversifiction and Diversifact

A spinning top is an apt metaphor for diversification that works. It requires...

California’s Missile Gap

The California economy is not recovering from recession at the same pace as t...

White-Collar Robotics: Levering Managerial Decision Making

This article describes five straightforward approaches to improving managers'...

Organizations...The Smaller They Get

Average organizational size has declined sharply over the last thirty years i...

Rare Mettle: Gold and Silver Strategies to Succeed in Hostile Markets

Hostile markets have low returns due to low market pricing. Most companies wi...

Competitive Advantage: Superior Offer Or Unfair Dominance?

The recent enforcement records of international competition policy authoritie...

Japanese Team-Based Work Systems in North America: Explaining the Diversity

Team-based work systems are emerging as key source of sustained competitive a...

Continuous Learning About Markets

Market-driven firms stand out in their ability to continuously anticipate mar...

An Action Perspective: The Crux of the New Management

Much has been written about the emergence of a new management paradigm in rec...

Business Process Reengineering: Improving In New Strategic Directions

Based on discussions with managers from fifteen different reengineering proje...

Managing Corporate and Brand Identities in the Asia Pacific Region

Building appropriate and attractive identities for their companies and produc...

Human Resource Management Lessons from a Decade of Total Quality Management and Reengineering

TQM and its high-powered sidekick, reengineering, require extensive changes i...

Beyond Free Trade to Fair Trade

The "globalizing" of corporations and economies, the shifts in world trade to...

Examining the Practices of United States and Japanese Market Research Firms

Market research firms offer an essential service to their clients by providin...

The New 'American Challenge': Foreign Multinationals in the United States

In the 1960s, the presence of American firms in Europe was described as "the ...

Strategies for Change in the Service Sector: The Global Telecommunications Industry

Four key forces-technological change, changes in market demand, deregulation,...

Constraints on Capitalism in Russia: The Managerial Psyche, Social Infrastructure, and Ideology

In the wake of failed coups and political challenges by ultra-conservatives, ...

Business Process Reengineering: Charting a Strategic Path for the Information Age

Many organizations are undergoing major restructuring efforts in order to be ...

Business, Corruption, and the Haitian Military

This article argues that corruption in Haiti is an informal system that must ...

Managing Product Definition in High Technology Industries: A Pilot Study

Product definition creation and management are critical aspects of the new pr...

The Small Firms Myth

It is widely believed small firms have replaced large firms as the primary so...

The Management of Manufacturing Flexibility

Manufacturing flexibility has become an issue of critical competitive importa...

Competitive Advantage Through People

Sustainable competitive advantage has proved elusive for companies in the 190...

Crisis Management and Environmentalism: A Natural Fit

This article examines the nature of Crisis Management and Environmentalism It...

Towards the Sustainable Corporation: Win Win Win Business Strategies for Sustainable Development

From the sustainable development policies of far-sighted governments to the i...

Building a Brand: The Saturn Story

Within its first two years, Saturn created one of the strongest automobile br...

Choosing the Right Change Path

There are eight different change paths, or ways in which managers can interve...

Options Thinking and Platform Investment: Investing in Opportunity

There are many factors which bias managers towards a myopic view of the world...

Riding the Russian Roller Coaster: U.S. Firms' Recent Experience and Future Plans in the Former USSR

Dramatic changes in the former Soviet Union leave U. S . firms wondering abou...

An End to French Economic Exceptionalism? The Transformation of Business under Mitterrand

Under Mitterrand's presidency, despite radical swings in government ideology ...

The Pitfalls of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is based on a number of mistaken assumptions. One of thes...

A Pyramid of Decision Approaches

Under increasing pressure to make better decisions in less time, managers oft...

Living With the Organizational Sentencing Guidelines

This article discusses a new federal law that will subject corporations and o...

Profitability and Competitiveness: Lessons from Japanese and American Firms in the 1980s

This article has two main objectives: to assess and compare the profitability...

The Green Fee: Internalizing and Operationalizing Environmental Issues

Two of the major challenges facing business with respect to environmental iss...

Strategic Challenges and Proposed Responses to Competitiveness through Public-Sector Technology

An important priority of contemporary public policy is to strengthen U.S. ind...

Integrating Manufacturing into the Strategic Phases of New Product Development

Some companies are beginning to integrate the manufacturing function with pro...

Get Closer to Your Customers by Understanding How They Make Choices

The development of customer-driven strategies requires companies first to ide...

SEMATECH after Five Years: High-Technology Consortia and U.S. Competitiveness

This article reports the initial results of SEMATECH, a joint experiment in s...

Comparative Capitalism: The Japanese Difference

The Japanese are becoming much more explicit about how their form of capitali...

Manufacturing Strategic Planning

This article reviews the existing literature on manufacturing strategy, explo...

Trade-Offs? What Trade-Offs? Competence and Competitiveness in Manufacturing Strategy

Manufacturing strategy is increasingly recognized by academics as essential t...

Quality, Participation, and Competitiveness

American managers have been slow to embrace employee involvement, because the...

Total Quality Management in a Small, High-Technology Company

The adoption of Total Quality Management has produced many success stories, b...

A Perspective on Quality Activities in American Firms

Dr. Kano reviews the progress of the American quality movement as seen throug...

Quality, Strategy, and Competitiveness

Increased competition has been the impetus for many of the modifications taki...

The 1993 State of U.S. Total Quality Management: A Baldrige Examiner's Perspective

This article assesses the current state of U.S. total quality management base...

Continuous Quality Improvement as a Survival Strategy: The Southern Pacific Experience

Can Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) be used to turn around a company in ...

Vision, Values, and Milestones: Paul O'Neill Starts Total Quality at Alcoa

Shortly after becoming the Aluminum Company of America's first outside Chairm...

Why Improving Quality Doesn't Improve Quality (Or Whatever Happened to Marketing?)

Too often, quality programs fail to improve quality because they concentrate ...

Training, Continuous Improvement, and Human Relations: The U.S. TWI Programs and the Japanese Management Style

W. Edwards Deming, Joseph Juran, and other American experts have rightfully e...

Building Competitive Advantage Through a Global Network of Capabilities

Facility location decisions made by many U.S. manufacturers during the past d...

Japan’s Growing Capabilities in Industrial Technology

This article surveys the transformation in Japanese technological capabilitie...

The European Community, International Trade, and World Unity

This article examines the evolution of European economic unity from the forma...

Achieving Dynamic Stability through Information Technology

The dynamically stable organization serves the widest range of customers and ...

Government Business Relations in the European Community

This article explores the dynamics of business participation in policy making...

Health Care Costs: A Moral and Economic Problem

Health care costs are rising because of the incentive effects of insurance. T...

Rethinking Scale

The competitive advantage associated with large firms needs to be carefully a...

United States Direct Investment in Japan: Trends and Prospects

Virtually every relevant measure, both macroeconomic and microeconomic, revea...

The Learning Alliance Between Business and Business Schools: Executive Education as a Platform for Partnership

Business and business schools, at least in the United States, have tended to ...

Global Strategy, Competence-Building and Strategic Alliances

This article examines the growing phenomenon of firms that rely on a global s...

The Globalization of Business Ethics: Why America Remains Distinctive

During the last decade, highly publicized incidents of business misconduct ha...

A Declaration on Open Regionalism in the Pacific

As the focus for its Ninth General Meeting-the first ever in the U.S.-the Pac...

Launching a Viable Joint Venture

In turbulent economic settings, joint ventures are an appealing way for compa...

Information Disclosure Strategy

Information disclosure activities of most companies are largely limited to co...

The Emerging Flexible Organization: Perspectives from Silicon Valley

Many enterprises, public and private alike, are in the midst of fundamental o...

Our Federalist Future: The Leadership Imperative

Is it better to be big or small? Are large organizations inherently superior ...

Managing Risk in Advanced Manufacturing Technology

Most advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) projects fail to live up to expe...

Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Organizational Choice: A Sociotechnical System Approach

A major cause of the slow adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies by ...

Takeover or Makeover? Japanese Investment in America

President Bush's trip to Japan in search of "jobs, jobs, jobs," the travails ...

Causes of Failure in Network Organizations

This article forecasts the problems that the emerging network form of organiz...

Values and the American Manager: An Update Updated

"The direction and vitality of corporate America and its managers cannot be f...

Systems of Employee Voice: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives

The mechanisms by which voice is provided to employees vary widely. Mandated ...

Employee Voice: A Human Resource Management Perspective

This article considers two dimensions of employee voice in nonunion businesse...

Business Ethics: Four Spheres of Executive Responsibility

Many people believe that there is some single, overarching approach to busine...

Employee Voice: A Legal Perspective

The steady decline in the number of employees who belong to unions has given ...

Work and Leisure in Japan

Recently, there has been intense debate in Japan about whether Japanese worke...

How Sustainable Is Your Competitive Advantage?

Through strategy, a company seeks to sustain its competitive advantage. Yet o...

Organizing and Leading 'Heavyweight' Development Teams

Creating a distinctive advantage in the speed, efficiency, and quality of pro...

The World Economy after the Cold War

The entire foundation of the world economy has been dramatically altered in t...

Global or Stateless Corporations Are National Firms with International Operations

Are "multinational," "transnational," or "global" corporations truly stateles...

Recent Writings on Competitiveness: Boxing the Compass

Recent writings on competitiveness fall into three almost disjointed clusters...

Understanding Power in Organizations

Managers devote too much of their time and energy to making the "right" decis...

Managing the Effects of Layoffs on Survivors

The productivity and morale of employees who survive layoffs are likely to ha...

Japanese Management Philosophies: From the Vacuous to the Brilliant

Japanese management philosophies emerge both out of ancient traditions of tho...

Foreign Investment and Technological Development in Silicon Valley

This article examines foreign investment in high-technology industries in Sil...

Organizational Vision and Visionary Organizations

This article presents a framework for understanding organizational vision. "V...

The ASEAN Economies in the 1990s and Singapore's Regional Role

Four recently emerged trends have accounted for the rapid economic expansion ...

Trading Stock Around the Clock: The Future Growth of Global Electronic Markets

People-intensive physical floors for trading listed stocks are on their way o...

Managing Trade by Rules and Outcomes

Case Studies of the efforts of the Motorola and Cray Supercomputer to sell th...

Why Is Business Talking About Ethics? Reflections on Foreign Conversations

History tells us that business ethics is a subject that comes and goes. So th...

Beyond Flexibility: Building and Managing the Dynamically Stable Organization

A historic change is occurring in today's competitive environment, one that d...

Why CEO Compensation Is So High

Executive compensation in the United States has gotten out of control. There...

Strategies for Managing Suppliers of Professional Services

Professional services-advertising, financial services, legal services, manage...

Business Ethics: New Perspectives on Old Problems

This article traces the historical roots of some of our current preoccupation...

Socializing Our MBAs: Total Immersion? Managed Cultures? Brainwashing?

This article examines an extremely important but too often neglected dimensio...

Enfranchisement of Service Workers

Enfranchisement is achieved through an integration of empowerment with method...

Cost of Capital: The Managerial Perspective

This article examines the impact of the cost of capital on managerial decisio...

Western Business Should Approach Eastern Europe Mindful of Experience in East Asia

As Eastern Europe emerges from communism and seeks to develop democracy and a...

The Open Corporation

This article describes a corporate structure for fostering and marketing high...

The Case of Workgroups in Manufacturing Operations

After many years of controversy and uncertainty, participative management and...

East Europe's Troubles Open a New Route for Japanese Expansion

Faced with the mounting problems of Eastern Europe's sick economies and their...

The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Strategy Formulation

Recent contributions to strategic management and the theory of the firm colle...

Ethics and Working with the Japanese: The Entrepreneur and the 'Elite Course'

Ethical differences between U.S. and Japanese corporations and individuals of...

Preaching the Gospel: The Evangelists of New Technology

This article reports on ten field studies of the implementation of CAD/CAM in...

Do Good, Do Well: The Business Enterprise Trust Awards

In March 1991, the Business Enterprise Trust presented its first annual award...

Partnering as a Focused Market Strategy

Partnership-building efforts, even when sought by a customer firm, may not be...

Nobody's Grandfather Was a Merchant: Understanding the Soviet Commercial Negotiation Process and Style

In their eagerness to capitalize on the tremendous opportunities there, Ameri...

There Is More to Trade than Trade: An Analysis of the U.S./Canada Trade Agreement 1988

The U.S. and Canada purportedly signed a Free Trade Agreement on October 4, 1...

Success Under Fire: Policies to Prosper in Turbulent Times

The decade of the 1980s saw many industries encounter very hostile markets, w...

Black Monday in New York, Blue Tuesday in Tokyo: The October 1987 Crash in Japan

This article summarizes the events around the October 19, 1987, Japanese stoc...

Global Players, Western, Tactics, Japanese Outcomes: The New Japanese Market for Corporate Control

This article, drawn from the recently published book Japanese Takeovers: The ...

Soviet-U.S. Joint Ventures: Pioneers on a New Frontier

The Soviet Union's recent embrace of joint ventures as a form of private inte...

Get Innovative or Get Dead (Part II)

The corporate renewal agenda for the nineties is staggering, from quality and...

Coming of Middle Age in Business and Society

When it was a new, lively field of study, Business and Society quickly gained...

The Future of The Computer Industry

The computer industry isn't maturing, it's molting. Standardization of hardwa...

Why Silicon Valley and Route 128 Won't Save Us

Many Americans regard Silicon Valley and Route 128 as symbols of America's ec...

Agendas, Incubators, and Marketing Organization

Because of its boundary-spanning role in the firm, the marketing organization...

Get Innovative or Get Dead (Part I)

The corporate renewal agenda for the nineties is staggering, from quality and...

Has Business 'Captured' the California Initiative Agenda

This article addresses the concern that the California initiative agenda has ...

Regional Networks and the Resurgence of Silicon Valley

When Japanese competition forced the U.S. semiconductor industry into crisis ...

How Will the Japanese Compete in Retail Services?

California, where many Japanese firms operate in the retail service sector, p...

Employee Benefits and the New Economy: A Proposal for Reform

Employer-provided benefits such as pensions and health insurance are commonpl...

The International Competitiveness of Japanese Service Industries: A Cause for Concern?

This article offers an assessment of the international competitiveness of Jap...

The Bridgestone/Firestone Story

Beginning in the late 1960s, the widespread acceptance of a new manufacturing...

Transferring Core Manufacturing Technologies in High-Technology Firms

This article examines the successes and failures of thirty-two different high...

Managing High Reliability Organizations

On a worldwide basis, a growing number of organizations operate in ways that ...

Transition Shock: Can the East Get There from Here?

After sudden political liberalization, Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union se...

U.S. Quality Improvement in the Auto Industry: Close but No Cigar

There has been a great deal of recent discussion and strong advertising claim...

Participation, Productivity, and the Firm's Environment

While increasing worker participation in decision making can often increase p...

Managing Suppliers: Incentive Systems In Japanese and United States Industries

U.S. industry is changing. More work is being subcontracted; longer-tern rela...

Does Venture Capital Foster the Most Promising Entrepreneurial Firms?

Venture capital seed investments seem not to foster the most promising entrep...

The Chief Technology Officer

This article explores the role of the chief technical officer (CTO) in orches...

Innovation, Industry Specialization, and Shareholder Wealth

A main interest among strategists has focused on the character of an economic...

Strategies for Innovation: An Overview

This special issue of the California Management Review contains a selection o...

What We Know about the Strategic Management of Technology

The key challenges for the strategic management of technology depend on a com...

Redundant, Overlapping Organization: A Japanese Approach to Managing the Innovation Process

Innovation is not simply accepting a given problem or task and solving it in ...

Strategic Challenges in Commercializing Biotechnology

The internal strategic challenges facing biotechnology companies are formidab...

Speed and Strategic Choice: How Managers Accelerate Decision Making

Strategy making has changed. No longer is the carefully conducted industry an...

Patterns of Strategic Choice in Emerging Firms: Positioning for Innovation in Biotechnology

This study examines the strategic choices of emerging firms seeking to capita...

Beyond the Charismatic Leader: Leadership and Organizational Change

In ever more turbulent environments, executive leadership matters as never be...

Research to Product: A Major U.S. Challenge

Much of the problem with regard to U.S. competitiveness in world markets resi...

After Tiananmen: What Is the Future for Foreign Business in China?

The recent events in China's Tiananmen Square sent a deep shudder throughout ...

The Neglect of Engineering Design

To regain competitiveness in many discrete product markets, it is essential t...

Productivity Planning and Strategy in Retailing

This article examines the management of productivity among high-performing re...

Strategic Issues in Managing Change: The Turnaround at BankAmerica Corporation

BankAmerica Chairman and CEO A.W. Clausen outlines the key strategies behind ...

Accelerating the Development of Technology-Based New Products

The difficulties and uncertainties associated with new product development ar...

Why the Japanese Don’t Export More Pharmaceuticals: Health Policy as Industrial Policy

Japan has the second largest single-county market for pharmaceutical products...

New Developments in U.S. Technology Policy: Implications for Competitiveness and International Trade Policy

Recently, the science and technology policies of the U. S . government have c...

The Case for LBOs: The Safeway Experience

In early 1986, Safeway was reporting record results in sales and net income f...

LBOs and Taxes: No One To Blame But Ourselves

Corporate tax savings explain more the 80% of the "value" created by the typi...

The Moral Muteness of Managers

This article examines the pervasive reluctance of managers to talk about mora...

Multinational Corporate Restructuring and International Competitiveness

This article addresses an important facet of corporate restructuring: namely,...

Adam Smith on Business Ethics

Most current discussions of business ethics confuse truly ethical issues with...

Employee Work Attitudes and Management Practice in the U.S. and Japan: Evidence from a Large Comparative Survey

This article provides a broad overview of findings from a survey of 106 Japan...

The Impact of LBOs on Strategic Direction

This article examines the leveraged buyout as a tool for corporate restructur...

Selling American Medical Equipment in Japan

The medical equipment industry, once a source of American trade strength, is ...

Swimming in Newstreams: Mastering Innovation Dilemmas

Pressures to innovate confront businesses with a demanding balancing act. Wh...

Strategic Use of Technology

Within any given industry, some firms build competitive advantage on the basi...

Outstanding Manufacturing in the Coming Decade

The topic of manufacturing competitiveness has become a major concern of gove...

When Does Union-Management Cooperation Work? A Look at NUMMI and GM-Van Nuys

Spurred by the Japanese model, the U.S. automobile industry has been restruct...

Corporations, Culture, and Commitment: Motivation and Social Control in Organizations

The notion of "corporate culture" has received widespread attention in the pa...

An Alternative to Free Trade or Protectionism: Why Corporations Seek Strategic Trade Policy

Conventional theories of the political economy of trade argue that industries...

Responding to the Challenge of HDTV

The United States must regain a foothold in consumer electronics if it is to ...

Educating Our MBAs: On Teaching What We Haven't Taught

This article asserts that we have generally failed to include "front end,'' p...

Competition and Cooperation: Striking the Right Balance

Increased international competition, particularly from Japan, along with subt...

When Change and Continuity Collide: Capitalizing on Strategic Gridlock in Financial Services

There is a crisis in financial intermediation in the United States. Tradition...

Implementing a Manufacturing Planning and Control System

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP...

Telecommunications Policy in Japan: Lessons for the U.S.

The U. S . has a great deal to learn from Japanese telecommunications policy ...

The Interplay of Industrial Policy and International Strategy: Japan's Machine Tool Industry

Japanese firms obtained a dominant share of the U.S. numerical control (NC) m...

The American Corporation and Its New Relationships

The pressures of global competition are forcing radical changes on American c...

How Small to Mid-Sized Firms Can Profit from Perestroika

From the viewpoint of a Western practitioner of Soviet trade, this article is...

Computerization in Domestic and International Manufacturing

This article examines the potential benefits and limitations of computerizati...

The Other Drug War: U.S.-Japan Trade in Pharmaceuticals

The Japanese pharmaceutical market is the second largest in the world, worth ...

Managing Assets and Skills: The Key to a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Long-term success involves creating, managing, and exploiting assets and skil...

The Changing Face of Employees and Employment Regulation

In the coming years, the regulation of personnel decisions will be affected b...

Adapting to Technology and Competition: A New Industrial Relations System for the 21st Century

Increasing international competition and rapid technological change are deman...

Strategy Making in High-Technology Firms: The Empiricist Mode

High-technology firms operate in uncertain and volatile settings in which tec...

Continuity and Change in Japanese Management

The system of manpower management developed in the 1960s and 1970s that has s...

Europe 1992--Opportunity or Threat for U.S. Business: The Case of Telecommunications

The European Community's effort to achieve an integrated economy by 1992 has ...

Racial Factors in Site Location and Employment Patterns of Japanese Auto Firms in America

The auto industry has traditionally been a major source of jobs and income fo...

Organizing for Worldwide Effectiveness: The Transnational Solution

To be competitive in an increasingly complex international environment, compa...

Channel Management Is General Management

Distribution strategy has become an increasingly visible and important aspect...

Evaluating Employee Compensation

The continually rising costs of pay and benefits is always a matter of seriou...

Altering Corporate Strategic Criteria to Reflect the Changing Environment: The Role of Life Satisfaction and the Growing Senior Market

The marketing discipline has traditionally focused on product and service sat...

A Typology of Joint Ventures: Japanese Strategies in the United States

The last decade has seen an upsurge in Japanese foreign direct investment in ...

The Business of Law

This article elaborates on links between managerial problems and legal method...

Lessons from Labor-Management Cooperation

A growing number of unions and employers during the 1980s have implemented va...

Recapturing America's Manufacturing Heritage

Americans who visit factories in other countries are often impressed by the n...

Chip Wars: Can the U.S. Regain Its Advantage in Micro-electronics?

Over the last decade, the United States has lost its once dominant position i...

Portfolio Insurance and October 19th

Portfolio insurance is a hedging technique that allows the maximum exposure t...

Insider Trading: How Well Do You Understand the Current Status of the Law?

While still a major topic of discussion, insider trading has not been formall...

Japanese-Style Management in America

This article defines what is meant by Japanese-style management and explores ...

Religion and Business: The Catholic Church and the American Economy

In 1986, the American Catholic Bishops wrote a letter on the American economy...

The Construction Market: Japan Slams the Door

America has been fighting a bitter diplomatic and trade battle against blatan...

Improving the Performance of the Stock Market

To develop improvements in the stock market mechanism which would help preven...

Managing Flexible Automation

New programmable forms of automation open up the possibility of greatly enhan...

Hiring Women Managers in Japan: An Alternative for Foreign Employers

Japanese universities now educate an increasing number of women students who ...

Competitiveness and Human Resources

While the U.S. economy is plagued by some very basic problems, there is cause...

The Logic of Joint Research and Development

Recently, joint R&D involving horizontal collaboration among three or more co...

Pension Plans vs. Mutual Funds: Is the Client Victim or Culprit?

This article compares the investment performance of corporate pension plans t...

Creating Organizational Order Out of Chaos: Self-Renewal in Japanese Firms

Based on the experiences of leading Japanese companies, this article attempts...

Off-Site Workers: At Home and Abroad

Two new types of workers are rapidly emerging in the global economy. The firs...

The Self-Destructive Corporation

Many theories have been put forth to explain the current ills of the U.S. eco...

Facing Up to the Need for a Management Revolution

We are at the end of the era of sustainable excellence. Too much is changing...

Statecraft, Strategy, and Corporate Leadership

"Statecraft"-the use of persuasion and informal authority to mobilize coaliti...

Management Buyouts and Managerial Ethics

Management buyouts, which have played an important role in the recent wave of...

The Debt Problem: Not Only a Financial Problem

This article discusses the global debt problem from the debtor's perspective-...

Market and Institutional Factors in Corporate Contributions

Corporate gifts to nonprofit organizations are determined by both market and ...

Bilateral Protectionism: Lessons from a Cause Célèbre

Bilateral protectionism is the curious form of trade relations that Canada an...

Patterns of Entry: Pathways to New Markets

During the past 40 years, non-domestic manufacturers have made significant in...

Ethical and Legal Aspects of Managing Corporate Cultures

This article evaluates managers' attempts to shape their corporate cultures i...

Stratocracy in High-Technology Firms

Historically, major organizational innovations have been associated with the ...

The Strategic Use of Corporate Board Committees

Much recent attention has been focused on committees of corporate boards of d...

Managing Through Networks in Investment Banking

Investment bankers have developed management practices that are appropriate f...

Information Technology, Organization, and Response to Strategic Challenges

Dynamic product demand, competitor innovations, and competitive pressures on ...

New Venture Strategies in the Minicomputer Industry

Despite considerable recent interest in the processes and problems of entrepr...

The Top Management Team: Key to Strategic Success

The top executive who seeks strategic success will work first and foremost at...

The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps For Strategy.

Strategy requires multiple definitions to fully appreciate its implications. ...

Hybrid Organizational Arrangements

Nonmarket, nonbureaucratic organizational arrangements-"hybrids"-are signific...

The Strategy Concept II: Another Look at Why Organizations Need Strategies

This article reconsiders the question of why organizations really do need str...

Strategic Decision Processes in Silicon Valley: The Anatomy of a ‘Living Dead’

Ventures hanging in the limbo between clear success and abject failure are kn...

Business Alliances and the Strategy of the Japanese Firm

With the transformation of global capital markets. it has become essential fo...

Organizational Approaches to Strategy: An Introduction and Overview

Introduction to Organizational Approaches to Strategy

Investing in Retrenchment: Avoiding the Hidden Costs

Closing businesses and laying off excess personnel has long been regarded as ...

Takeovers and Stockholders: Winners and Losers

The evidence that takeovers do not benefit shareholders of acquiring firms is...

Creating and Managing Joint Ventures in China

Joint ventures promise to be a critical vehicle for commercial interaction be...

Matrix Management: Contradictions and Insights

Does matrix management stifle or foster the development of new products? The ...

Technological Pioneering and Competitive Advantage: The Birth of the VCR Industry

This article examines a significant example of "technological pioneering"-the...

Divestment and Disinvestment from South Africa: A Reappraisal

Based on the authors' two-year research project in South Africa, this article...

Management Style and Practice of Korean Chaebols

Korea has achieved remarkable economic growth over the last twenty-five years...

BOOK REVIEW: Regulation and Deregulation

Book Review Essay: Regulation and Deregulation by Isaac Cohen. This article ...

Middle East Response to the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Critics of the U. S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) have claimed that t...

Implementing ‘Growth’ and ‘Harvest’ Product Strategies

Most researchers have contended that designing a firm's formal organization t...

The Strategic Advantages of the Factory of the Future

In spite of the significant potential competitive advantages of the automated...

Codetermination and Industry Policy: The Special Case of the German Steel Industry

German employee codetermination has been greatly affected by the economic and...

Japan's Role in the World Economy: A New Appraisal

Ohmae, President of McKinsey & Company of Japan, provides a critical appraisa...

Why Manufacturing Matters: The Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy

What will happen to the wealth and power of the United States if we really do...

Codetermination and Industrial Adjustment in February 1987: A Few Comments on Ms. Thelen’s ‘A Comparative Interpretation’

Alfred L. Thimm comments on Kathleen Thelen’s, 'Codetermination and Industria...

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You: The Case for ‘Special Counsel’ Investigations

Numerous episodes of corporate misconduct in recent years have intensified lo...

The Emergence of the Free Market Retailing in the People's Republic of China: Promises and Consequences

There has long been a debate as to whether economic development is best accom...

Codetermination and Industrial Adjustment in the German Steel Industry: A Comparative Interpretation

Industrial adjustment can ultimately be evaluated only in comparative perspec...

The Corporate Social Policy Process: Beyond Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Corporate Social Responsiveness

This article examines three concepts-business ethics, corporate social respon...

The Future of Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is a unique phenomenon, a success story that has spawned numer...

Pension Funds and Contests for Corporate Control

This article examines the role that pension funds play in contests for corpor...

Organizational Culture as a Source of High Reliability

Organizations in which reliable performance is a more pressing issue than eff...

WPPSS: Some Basic Lessons for Public Enterprise Managers

In the summer of 1983, the Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS) defa...

Facade and Self-Deception in the Deteriorating Financial Firm

Financial executives and financial regulators sometimes agree to ignore facts...

Corporate Philanthropy: A Strategic Approach to the Bottom-Line

This article examines the rapidly expanding movement to professionalize the c...

Corporate Saints and Sinners: The Effects of Philanthropic and Illegal Activity on Organizational Performance

This article utilizes a two-dimensional view of corporate social responsibili...

Cross-Investment: A Second Front of Economic Rivalry

Everyone knows that Japan has profited for more than a decade from a continuo...

U.S.-Japan Trade Friction: Creating a New Relationship

U. S. -Japan trade frictions, which began as minor irritants in an otherwise ...

The Fitful Career of Advocacy Advertising: Political Protection, Client Cultivation, and Corporate Morale

Advocacy advertising-as well as corporate image advertising in general-has re...

New Technologies, New Skills

While managers tend to assume that the introduction of new technologies will ...

The Case for Divisional Long-Term Incentives

Incentives have long been a sizable portion of executive compensation. These ...

Integrating Public Affairs and Strategic Planning

Many of the most crucial problems facing management today arise from fundamen...

A Comprehensive Incentive Approach to Employee Health Care Cost Containment

Consumer and provider incentives have been advocated as a method of creating ...

Issues Management: Corporate Fad or Corporate Function?

This article examines the history of issues management and assesses its curre...

Competition and Cooperation: New Trends in Public Issue Identification and Resolution

Issue management is now being harnessed to assist corporations in the pursuit...

Trends in Chinese Business Practice: Changes in the Beijing Wind

This article reports the results of a survey of foreign business executives i...

Alternative Explanations of Union Wage Concessions

A common explanation for the wave of union wage concessions and the shrinkage...

Convergence and Upheaval: Managing the Unsteady Pace of Organizational Evolution

What distinguishes between success and failure as organizations respond to tu...

Negotiating Venture Capital Financing

An entrepreneur who needs to finance a venture must be well prepared before a...

Is There a New Collective Bargaining?

In recent years, there have been significant increases in union concessions i...

BOOK REVIEW: Through the Employee Ownership Maze

Book Review: Through the Employee Ownership Maze by Will Mitchell & Judith Ke...

Foreign Policy Exports Controls and American Multinational Corporations

The increasing utilization of foreign policy export controls by the U.S. Gove...

Organizational Psychology and the Pursuit of the Happy/Productive Worker

The issue of how to manage an organization so that employees are both happy a...

Management Imperatives for the Year 2000

Traditional management styles and organizational structures must change radic...

Growth Market Forecasting Revisited: A Look Back at a Look Forward

This study examines the accuracy of growth market forecasts published in the ...

Competition and Compassion

U.S. industry is under full-scale attack by foreign competitors, but the resp...

Auditing in the 1990s: Implications for Education and Research

The auditing profession will change dramatically in the 1990s. Economic force...

Why Is It Difficult to Implement Industrial Policies: Lessons from the Synfuels Experience

An example of a recent effort to initiate and sustain a strongly intervention...

Japanese Telecommunications: Reforms and Trade Implications

A major transformation in the telecommunications industry is currently underw...

A Guide to Japanese Business Practices

When engaging in business with the Japanese, it is important to be aware of t...

Organizing for Innovation

In today's business environment, there is no executive task more vital and de...

Whither Corporate Social Reporting: Is It Time to Legislate?

This article reviews the development of corporate social reporting-its theore...

Corporate Community Involvement in the San Francisco Bay Area

This article summarizes a study of corporate community involvement in the San...

Organizations: New Concepts for New Forms

Following a decade of declining productivity and failed organizations, many U...

The Japanese Corporation as Competitor

In an excerpt from their new book, Kaisha: The Japanese Corporation, the auth...

Specialization and the MBA: Is the Broad MBA Passé?

In order to determine whether MBA programs should continue in the "broad" tra...

Public Entrepreneurs: Who They Are and How They Operate

Most studies of entrepreneurship look at private entrepreneurs. This article ...

Marketing Strategy in a Slow Growth Economy

The markets of the 1980s require an entirely different perspective, a new set...

California Management Review

Berkeley-Haas's Premier Management Journal

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