
Research and Economic Growth: The Role of Public Policy

One cardinal way to speed up America's economic growth is for government to u...

Making Long-Range Company Planning Pay Off

Here are five steps which will help make your firm's long-range plans pay off...

How Much Business Expansion in 62?--A Joint Forecast of the Business Outlook by 23 Experts

The economy of the U.S. will continue to expand throughout the year and 1962 ...

Organizing the Marketing Function in a Growth Industry

Even a production-oriented new industry must soon become market-minded and or...

Local Taxes--Business Burden or Subsidy?

Can the business community afford lower taxes, particularly state and local t...

The Management Side of Pert

Brain child of management consultants called in to integrate the Polaris prog...

Legal Reserve Requirements for Deposit Institutions

Would uniform reserve requirements for all deposit institutions significantly...

Is Inflation Inevitable?

There is no such thing as a little or "controlled" inflation and those who ad...

Decentralization in a Wider Context

What happens when the Organization Man meets decentralization? Experiences of...

Framework for Marketing Strategy

It's up to the marketing staff to maximize a firm's total revenue net of sell...

Service Center Data Processing for the Business Community

Electronic Data Processing (EDP), born of military necessity, is now controll...

Industrial Challenge in Southern Italy--The Case of the R-T Factory

While the situation at the R-T factory may not be typical of the state of ind...

Forecasting Metropolitan Growth

There is a pattern to urban growth which makes it possible to forecast booms ...

Some Implications of the Newer Analytic Approaches to Management

The liaison between science and management, which has made terms such as line...

Capital Requirements for Economic Growth

The article presents information on capital requirement for economic growth. ...

Businessmen’s Concepts of "Injury To Competition"

Injury to a competitor is not always the equivalent of injury to competition....

Combating Discrimination in Employment

Merit employment is not only the law of the land, but good business and good ...

The Mythical Personnel Manager

Everyone thinks of him as a staff man who serves management in an advisory ca...

The Concept of the Firm

Sociologists, psychologists, economists, mathematicians, all view the firm in...

Problems of Economic Growth and Automation

Call it displacement, technological unemployment, or what you will, automatio...

Labor Relations in France

Never underrate the power of French unions. Don't be fooled by their apparent...

Experiences With a Complex Management Game

Games designed for teaching can also be used as diagnostic devices to spot we...

Is the Supply of Urban Land Running Out?

Urban land shortages are likely to be self-imposed, more imaginary than real,...

The Politics of a Changing Corporate Society

As society grows more complex, the big corporation thrives and amasses politi...

A Simplified Capital Budgeting Approach to Merchandise Management

The rationalization of decision-making in the manufacturing sector of the eco...

An Approach To Computer-Base Management Control Systems

In an era of automated information technology, the ability to formulate decis...

Labor Relations in Britain

A vast number of strange and different way of doing the same things he has be...

Managing a Publicly Owned Corporation Is a Public Trust

When a corporation "goes public" and seeks capital through sales of stock, ma...

Rhochrematics and Organizational Adjustments

Rhochrematics, which is the new science of material and information flow, has...

Setting Sales Quotas

Sales quotas need not be set intuitively or by hit or miss "we've got to beat...

International Intelligence for the International Enterprise

Today international intelligence is as essential to international businesses ...

Population Explosion--Its Implications for Business

Don't let the burmper baby crop fool you. There are undercurrents in the popu...

Stock Dividends are Lemons, Not Melons

While stock dividends sound glamorous and warm the hearts of uninformed inves...

How Management Can Use the Improvement Phenomenon

This powerful and popular mathematical business tool can often be built info ...

The Future of the Corporate Planner

Breakthroughs in technology and the often overpowering complexity of the corp...

The Japanese Worker

Finns planning branch operations in the Orient should know that the skilled J...

Recession or Expansion in 1961?--A Joint Forecast of the Business Outlook as Seen by 23 Experts

Prediction for 61: The recession is on its way out. Recovery should occur bef...

Management Ideology: Myth and Reality

When there is strain on the management role, ideology serves as a "reduction ...

What the Landrum-Griffin-Kennedy Bill Really Means to Labor and Management

The Landrum-Griffin-Kennedy bill was the climax of two years of effort to mak...

Is Technology Degrading Research?

After a long period of observation, during which author have been a researche...

The Proper Administration of Scientific Research

To the general public, a research scientist is an awesome fellow dressed in a...

Management and the Creative Scientist

The creative scientist views management in a manner which author believes is ...

Capital Budget Formulae

Evaluation of the profitability of any investment rests on many factors the b...

LRP for International Operations

This article has outlined three major areas in which major policy and organiz...

The Development of Personnel Administration in Western Europe

European management faces many serious problems in making the most of manpowe...

A Longer Look at the Sixties

The decade of the nineteen sixties has been ushered in with an unprecedented ...

Tax Allocation and Investment Decisions

Basic difficulties exist in accounting for income taxes because the Revenue C...

The Outlook for Canadian Growth in the Early 1960’s

The article presents an outlook for Canadian growth in the early 1960s. Betwe...

Why the British Shelved Compulsory Arbitration

The article focuses on why the Great Britain shelved compulsory arbitration. ...

How to Forecast Defense Expenditures

The article focuses on forecasting defense expenditures. Economic forecasting...

The Growing Concern Over Business Responsibility

The article focuses on the growing concern over business responsibility. Conc...

How Aspiring Managers Promote Their Own Careers

The article presents tips on how aspiring managers can promote their own care...

The Staggering Problems in Managing National Defense

The article focuses on the staggering problems in managing U.S. National Defe...

Methods for Forecasting Consumer Demand for Specific Products

The article focuses on the methods for forecasting consumer demand for specif...

Quantitative Methods in R&D Management

The article focuses on quantitative methods in research and development (R&D)...

What Every Businessman Should Know About the Antitrust Laws

The article presents tips on what every businessman should know about the ant...

Can Business Afford To Ignore Social Responsibilities?

This article discusses social responsibility of business decisions. Social re...

A Struggle To Reward Good Executives

This article focuses on incentive planning on the part of companies in order ...

Stock Market Warning: Danger Ahead!

This article focuses on stock market run throughout the decade of the 1950s, ...

Collective Bargaining and Inflation

This article discusses measures to curb inflation. The author is of the views...

The Problem of Management Semantics

Students of management in other countries are profoundly grateful to the Unit...

What Do We Mean by Research and Development?

This article examines the current confusion in R&D classification, the availa...

The Role of the Assistant: A Modern Business Enigma

This article focuses on a logical differentiation between the staff, line ass...

Checkpoints for Administering Capital Expenditures

The evaluation of capital expenditure projects in terms of financial return o...

Wage-Productivity-Price Issue

This article clarifies the relationship between productivity, wages, and pric...

A Groundrule for Foreign Business Operations: Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket!

This article discusses risk factors involved in getting setup a company outsi...

When Should a Company Manufacture Abroad?

The article presents a comparison of the U. S. and European wages, costs and ...

Industry's Role in Metropolitan Growth: A Public Management Problem

This article explains how industrial growth is related to expanding metropoli...

The Causes of Management Conflict

The article discusses causes of management conflict. Some sources of conflict...

Internationalism: A New Concept for U.S. Business

The article presents information about Internationalism, a new concept for th...

Market Measurement in a Free Society

A discussion of methods by which consumer wants and buying patterns, variable...

Understanding Lease Financing

This paper seeks to provide a foundation for understanding leasing. It center...

The Effects of Inflation on Life Insurance

This paper discusses effects of inflation on life insurance. The purpose of t...

Selecting the Research Program: A Top Management Function

The article cites nine practical steps to follow if one wants his company's r...

A System for Measuring Office Work Performance

The article discusses a system for measuring office work performance. The sco...

How to Evaluate Investment Proposals

The article presents a practical demonstration of how capital budgeting can b...

Accounting Reconsidered

This article presents a discussion on the present state of accounting in the ...

The Changing Market for Tax-Exempt Bonds

The most important factor that has been affecting both the size and nature of...

What is Appropriate Public Policy for Profit Renegotiation?

It has come to he assumed that some form of renegotiation is inevitable durin...

Some Foundations of Organization Theory

The article focuses on various aspects of organizations and its structure. Th...

Some Current Issues in Human Relations

Human relations today has its iconoclasts and believers, critics and supporte...

What Do We Know About Using Long-Range Plans?

Despite the recent increase in the popularity of the term "long-range plannin...

A Political Role for Business

The influence of "political climate" on business decisions is profound and fa...

The Battle Over Proprietary Interests in Defense Contracts

Recent changes in the U.S. Armed Services Procurement Regulations have done m...

Unions, Anti-Trust Laws and Inflation

The article presents a critical look at some popular beliefs about the powers...

The Strategy of Interdependent Decisions

The article is related to the strategy of interdependent decisions. It presen...

Inflation and Public Utility Regulation

This study shows that returns to utility stockholders have generally kept pac...

Trend Toward More Equal Distribution of Income

There is ample evidence that the distribution of income among low, moderate a...

The Decline of Collective Bargaining on General Wage Increases

During the past decade, certain developments in wage bargaining have brought ...

The Corporate Image in Public Relations

The purpose of this article is to examine certain problems which the public r...

From Poor Richard To the Man in the Gray Flannel Suit: A Literary Portrait of the Businessman

The article presents a literary portrait of a businessmen characterized as Po...

EDP and the Disenchanted

Electronic data processing (EDP) has been evaluated through rumor and gossip,...

Managerial Strategy Through Classification and Coding

Many of the advantages to be gained through automation are nullified by an un...

Planning for Diversification through Merger

The major purpose of this article is to describe a method for developing spec...

Ernest Tener Weir: Iconoclast of Management

Ernest Tener Weir was born in 1875, and began his business career in 1890 whe...

Towards a Liberal Education for Business

Professional education for business is surely in ferment. Never before in its...

Some Uses of Model Prototypes in an Operations Research Study

Management planning problems are often so huge and unwieldy that it is necess...

Output Decisions Under a Guaranteed Annual Wage Plan

The problem of work scheduling and the control of labor hours occurs at two d...

How to Stop Inflation

Among the salient economic problems confronting the society it is believed th...

Planning for Profits: A Four-Stage Method

This article is a report on some current practices in long-range profit plann...

Lessons from the Old World for America's City Builders

This article proposes basic changes in urban planning, municipal financing, a...

Reducing the Risks of Labor Arbitration

One of the basic issues which management faces in the administration of the g...

Management Development in 'Unstructured' Groups

The unstructured group, as it is currently being used for management developm...

Galbraith’s 'Affluent Society'

J.K. Galbraith's service mainly lies in exposing the inadequacy of much conve...

Empathy Revisited

This article focuses on the role of social perception in people's lives. Form...

Profits from the Decision Laboratory

This article focuses on the efforts of scientists to help corporate managemen...

Linear Organization Charts

This article describes the method of successfully dealing with authority rela...

Psychology and the Invisible Sell

This article focuses on the new psychological technique called "subliminal pe...

Industrial Revolution, 1650-2250

Discusses the dynamic and vital process of industrial revolution from 1650 to...

Industrial Democracy, Worker Status, and Economic Efficiency

This article focuses on the industrial democracy. Since the triumph of busine...

Management Problems and Practices of Real Estate Firms

This article discusses the role of management in real estate business. Busine...

Learning from Experience in Business Decision Games

This article focuses on the role of business decision games in learning busin...

Organization for Industrial Development in California

This article focuses on the upcoming of various organizations to meet urban a...

Regional Business Forecasting

This article focuses on ways and means of preparing regional business forecas...

Management Control: A Suggested Formulation of Principles

This article focuses on formulating a conceptual framework for improving mana...

How Good Are Long-Range Projections of GNP for Business Planning?

This article focuses on the role of long range planning in making a business ...

Human Relations in Industry: Research and Concepts

Presents the results of a survey concerning human relations in industry. Goa...

Corporate Giving: Theory and Policy

Presents investment principles to guide corporate giving. Proposition that t...

Reporting to Top Management at Ford

Discusses the significance of developing a reporting system to organizations ...

Weapons Systems Management

Discusses the issues faced by both the government and private industry in wea...

Economic Power Centers and Credit Policy

Attempts to relate the main power centers of contemporary economic life, gove...

Elementary Conditions of Business Morals

Describes the classes of business morality, the kinds of conflicts they invol...

Electronic Data Processing: Promise and Problems

Discusses the data processing prospects and problems from 1968 to 1973 and ex...

Some Current Issues in Business Education

Presents some of the ideas that have emerged from a study of collegiate busin...

Reducing the Barriers to Private Foreign Investment in Underdeveloped Countries

Discusses how underdeveloped countries can attract private foreign capital wi...

What Do Stockholders Like?

Examines the effect of dividend payout policy on stock price by comparing the...

California Management Review

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